

 奥林国际英语 2019-04-04



1. I have no idea 我不知道(了解)。如:

AWhere does he live? 他住在哪里?

BI’ve no idea. 我不知道。

I’ve no idea of his address. 我不知道他的住址。

I had no idea (that) he was a thief. 我不知道他是个贼。

You have no idea (of) how worried I was. 你不知道当时我有多急。

2an (theidea that-clause ……的想法(看法)。如:

I have an idea that he doesn’t like our coming. 我认为他希望我们来。

I don’t like the idea that money is everything. 我不喜欢金钱万能的看法。

注:该结构中的 that-clause 为同位语从句,其中的 that不宜改为 which。当然若为定语从句,则可用 which。如:

He told us his idea which is imorportant to us. 他告诉了我们他的想法,而这个想法对我们是很重要的。

3the idea about sth 关于某事的想法(看法)。如:

That’s my idea about friendship. 那就是我对友谊的看法。

He’ll have his own ideas about it. 对那件事他会有他自己的想法。

4the idea of doing sth 做某事的想法。如:

I hate the idea of moving. 我讨厌搬家。

She has the idea of becoming a scientist. 她想当科学家。


1if it hadnt been for 若不是……,要不是……。如:

If it hadn’t been for the doctor, he would have died. 要不是医生救了他,他就会死了。

If it hadn’t been for your help, I really don’t what I’d have done. 要不是你的帮助,我真不知会弄成什么样子。


2if it werent [wasntfor 若不是……,要不是……。如:

If it weren’t for water, no plant could grow. 要是没有水植物就无法生长。

If it were not for his wife’s money, he’d never be a director. 如果不是他妻子有钱,他永远不会成为一个董事。


If it wasn’t for me you’d have married her two years ago. 要不是因为我的原因,你两年前就会同她结婚了。

If it were not for their help, we couldn’t have got over the difficulties. 要不是他们帮助,这些困难我们不克服不了的。

3if not 如果不是那样的话。如:

Go to bed. If not, I’ll tell Mother. 去睡吧,要不我就要告诉妈妈了。

If the weather is fine, we’ll go. If not, not. 要是天气好,我们就去;要是天气不好,我们就不去。

4if so 如果是那样的。如:

He may be busy. If so, I’ll call later. If not, can I seehim now? 他可能很忙,要是这样,我以后再来拜访。要是不忙,我现在可以见他吗?

5if only

(1) 只要。如:

I’m sure you will succeed if only you try hard. 我确信,只要你努力,你就一定会成功。


(2) 但愿,要是……就好了。如:

If only he were [was] alive. 要是他还活着就好了。

If only he could arrive in time. 要是他能及时赶来就好了!


If only he comes. 要是他能来就好了。

If only he gets the job, it will make a great deal ofdifference. 他只要能得到这份工作,情况就大不相同了。


1be ill with 患……病。如:

He is ill with a bad cold. 他患重感冒。

2be taken ill 生病。如:

He was suddenly taken ill at school. 他在学校突然病倒了。

My mother was taken ill last night and we called doctorimmediately. 我母亲昨晚病倒了,我们马上去请了医生来。

注:be taken ill  fall ill 同义,常可互换。

3fall ill 生病。如:

He fell ill last week. 他上周病倒了。

He doesn’t often fall ill. 他不常生病。


1imagine doing sth 想象做某事。如:

Can you imagine living without electricity? 你能想象没有电的生活吗?

I can’t imagine working with such people. 我无法想象与那样一些人在一起工作。

注:imagine 后不能直接接不定式。

2imagine sb [sbsdoing sth 想象某人做某事。如:

I can’t imagine him [his] marrying such a girl. 我无法想象他与那样的女孩结婚。

Can you imagine John cooking the dinner? 你能想象约翰做饭的情形吗?

注:imagine 后通常不用于 imagine sb to do sth

3imagine oneself to be [as认为(想象)某人自己是……。如:

He imagined himself as a film star. 他自认为自己是电影明星。

Don’t imagine yourself to be always correct. 不要认为你总是对的。

注:有时其中的 to be, as 可以省略。

4imagine sb (sthto be [as认为(想象)某人(某事物)是……。如:

I always imagine her as [to be] a kind person. 我总是认为她是一位善良的人。

Can you imagine this to be true? 你能想象这是真的吗?

5. (Justimagine……想想看……。如:

Just imagine it. 你想想看。

(Just) imagine how happy he was! 你想想看他是多么幸福!


1of importance 重要。如:

What he said was of great importance. 他说的话很重要。

That’s a matter of great (no) importance. 那是件重要(无关紧要)的事。

He thought what I said of no importance. 他认为我说的话不重要。


1be important to [forsb (sth对某人(某事物)重要。如:

The book is important to [for] me. 这本书我很重要。

What he said at the meeting is very important to [for] us. 他在会上说的话对我们很重要。

2. Its important (for sbto do sth 做某事对某人来说很重要。如:

It is important for us to remember this. 记住这一点对我们很重要。

It is important (for us) to learn English well. 学好英语(对我们)很重要。

3. Its important that-clause 做某事是很重要的。如:

It is important that we (should) help each other. 我们要互相帮助,这是很重要的。

It is important that he (should) go with her. 他应同她一起去,这点很重要。

注:这类句型的 that-clause 通常用“should+动词原形这样的虚拟语气形式(should 可以省略),偶尔也有用陈述语气的,但很少见。


1. Its impossible (for sbto do sth做某事(对某人来说)是不可能的。如:

It’s impossible for me to answer the question. 我没法回答这个问题。

It’s impossible (for us) to finish the work in week. (我们)在一周之内完成此工作是不可能的。

2. Sth (Sbis impossible to do ……是不可能的。如:

The work is impossilbe to finish in a week. 这工作不可能在一周之内完成。

The boy is impossible to teach. 这孩子不可教。


:It’s impossible (for you) to catch the bird. 你要抓住这只鸟是不可能的。(it作形式主语)

:The bird is impossible (for you) to catch. 这只鸟是不能给你抓住的。(其后的不定式与主语有动宾关系)

:The bird is impossible (for you) to be caught. (因不定式为被动语态)

:You are impossible to catch the bird. (主语与其后不定式没有动宾关系)

3. Its impossible that-clause做某事是不可能的。如:

It is impossible that he (should) go home. 他不可能会回家去。

It is impossible that he should have gone home. 他不可能回家去了。

注:这类句型的从句谓语通常要用“should+动词原形这样的虚拟语气(其中的 should 有时可省略)


1impress sb as… 给某人的印象是……。如:

He impressed me as an honest man. 他给我的印象是很老实。

She impressed me as a woman of great kindness. 在我的印象中,她是一位非常仁慈的女性。

注:该句型中 as后的情况指的通常是句子主语,而不是impress后的宾语。如:

She impressed me as being very rude.



2impress sb with sth

(1) 某事给某人留下深刻印象。如:

He impressed me with his courage. 他的勇敢给我留下了很深的印象。

They impressed us with their performance. 他们的精彩表演给我们留下了很深的印象。

注:有时用 sb is impressed with [by, at] sth 这样的被动结构。如以下各句也可说成:

I was impressed with [by, at] his courage.

We were impressed with [by, at] their performance.

(2) 使某人铭记某事物,向某人强调某事物。如:

I will impress you with one thing. 我向你强调一件事。

He impressed me with the importance of work. 他要我铭记工作的重要性。

注:该结构也可用 impress sth on sb / impress on sb sth表示。如以上两句也可说成:

I will impress one thing on you.

He impressed the importance of work on me. / He impressed

on me the importance of work.

3impress sth on [uponsth 把某物印在某物上。如:

He impressed his name on the box. 他把自己的名字印在盒子上。

His words are strongly impressed on my memory. 他的话深深印在我的记忆里。


1be under the impression 认为,以为。如:

We were under the impression that they were brothers. 我们认为他们是兄弟。

He was under the impression that she liked him. 他以为她喜欢他。

注:不要类似于 in one’s opinion 而说 in one’s impression这样的短语,后者不合英语习惯。

2give sb an impression 给某人留下印象。如:

He gave her a good impression. 他给她留下了很好的印象。

She gave me the impression of a nice girl. 她给我印象的印象是,她是个不错的女孩。

3have [getthe impression 有……的印象,记得,认为。如:

I have [get] the impression that he doesn’t smoke. 我记得他不抽烟。

Everyone had the [an] impression that she was a goodmatch for the young man. 每个人都认为她和那个年轻人是天造地设的一对。

4make an impression on sb (sth给某人留下印象,对某人(某事物)起作用。如:

He made a good (bad) impression on the teacher. 他给老师留下了很好(很坏)的印象。

The rain made little impression on the dry fields. 这场雨对干旱的田地没起什么作用。

注:有时用动词 leave。如:

The book left [made] a deep impression on him. 这本书给他留下了深刻的印象。

5. What are you impressions about [of]……你对……的看法如何? 如:

What are you impressions about [of] Shanghai? 我觉得上海如何?

What are you first impressions about [of] our school? 我对我们学校的第一印象是什么?


1improve in sth 在某一方面有所改进。如:

He is improving in health. 他的健康状况正在好转。

比较:His health is improving.

2improve on [upon对……改进,比……更好。如:

I’m unable to improve on his suggestion. 我提不出比他更好的建议了。

He has never improved on his first book. 他再也没有写出他的处女作更好的书来。


He has improved her poem. 他已经修改了她的诗。

He has improved on her poem. 他写的一首诗比她的诗更好。

The poem cannot be improved. 这首诗没有什么可改的地方。

This poem cannot be improved on. 这首诗已经够好了,再也写不出比这更好的了。


2in doing sth 在……时,在做……的过程中。如:

In doing this, we can improve our English. 我们这样做时,可以提高我们的英语水平。

You should be very careful in listening to the teacher. 你在听老师讲课时,应当很仔细。

2in that 因为,既然。如:

He didn’t come in that he was ill. 他因病未来。

In that he killed the man, he was a murderer. 他既然杀了这个人,他就是凶手。


1include doing sth 包括做某事。如:

My job doesn’t include making coffee for the boss. 我的工作不包括给老板冲咖啡。

Your duties will include putting the children to bed. 你的职责包括照顾孩子就寝。

2including sth (sb包括某人(事物)在内。如:

We all went including me. 所有人都去了,包括我在内。

Price $10,including postage. 定价10美元,包括邮资。

注:该表达也可说成 sth (sth) included, 所以以上两句也可说成:

We all went me included.

Price $10, postage included.


1increase by 增加(了多少)。如:

The number increased by 1000. 数目增加了1000

The population of the city has increased by 20 per cent. 这个城市的人口增加了百分之二十。

注:该结构中的 increase 是动词,若是用作名词,一般与介词of 连用。所以以上各句也可说成:

The number had an increase of 1000.

The population of the city shows an increase of20 percent.

2increase in sth 在某一方面增长。如:

Studnests have increased in number. 学生人数增加了。

There has been a big increase in road accidents. 交通事故增加了很多。

注:该表达中的 increase 可用作动词和名词。

3increase to 增加到……。如:

His salary has increased to $3000. 他的工资已增加到3000 美元。

The number of the students increased to 2000. 学生人数增加到了2000人。

4on theincrease在不断增加。如:

World population is on the increase. 世界人口正在增加。

Crime in some big cities is on the increase. 一些大城市的犯罪率在不断增加。


1insist on [upon] (doingsth

(1) 坚持主张某事,坚持要做某事,坚决要求()某事。如:

He insisted onthis point. 他坚持这一点。

He insisted on seeing us home. 他一定要送我们回家。

I insist on your [you] take immediate action. 我坚决要求你立即采取行动。

(2) 坚持说某情况,坚持认为某情况。如:

I insisted on my correctness. 我坚持认为我是正确的。

She kept insisting on her innocence. 她坚持说她是清白的。

注:suggest 后不直接动名词(即其中的 on, upon 不能省略),也不能直接不定式或不定式的复合结构。所以不说:

误:I insist (him) going.

误:I insist (him) to go.

2insist that-clause

(1) 坚持要做某事。如:


I insisted that he (should) go. 我一定要他去。

She insisted that I (should) stay for supper. 他一定要我留下吃晚饭。

(2) 坚持认为()某情况。如:

I insisted (that) he was wrong. 我坚持认为他错了。

He still insisted he wasn’t there at the time. 他仍然坚持说他当时不在那儿。



1do sth instead 取而代之去做某事。如:

It will takes days by car, so let’s fly instead. 开车去要好几天,咱们还是坐飞机去吧。

I couldn’t go, so he went instead. 我不能去,所以他替我去了。

2instead of 代替,而不。如:

Will you go to the party instead of me? 你替我赴宴好吗?

Let’s play cards instead of watching TV. 咱们打牌吧,别看电视了。

We’ll go there on foot instead of by bus. 我们将步行去那儿而不乘车去。

The situation is better instead of worse. 形势是更好了,而不是更坏了。

That increased instead of decreased our courage. 那不但没有减弱反而增强了我们的勇气。


1follow the instructions 按说明,按指示。如:

Follow the instructions on the back of the box. 请看瓶子背后的说明。

Failure is impossible if the instructions are carefullyfollowed. 如果用心按照指示办,就不可能失败。

注:该表达中的 instruction 要用复数;另外有时也用其它动词。如:

Read the instructions on the bottle before you take the medicine. 吃药前先看药瓶上的说明。

See instructions on the reverse side. 见背面的说明。

2on sbs instructions 按照某人的指示(命令)。如:

It is done on his instructions. 这是按他指示办的。

On his instruction the baggage had been sent on. 按照他的指示行李已预先送去。

3under (sb’) instruction (某人的)指导下。如:

He is not yet trained, but still under instruction. 他的培训还未结束,还在接受指导。

Under his instruction I slowly mastered the art of glassblowing. 在他的指导下,我慢慢地掌握了吹玻璃的技术。

There are about 500 students under instruction. 大约有五百学生上课。


1have (take) (aninterest in 对……有(产生)兴趣。如:

They have a great (much) interest in poetry. 他们对诗歌很感兴趣。

Babies soon begin to take an interest in the world around them. 婴儿很快就会对他们周围的世界感兴趣。

2lose interest in 失去对……的兴趣。如:

He lost interest in is work. 他对工作失去了兴趣。

The older ones soon lost interest in the game. 年纪较大的人很快就对这个游戏失去了兴趣。

3of interest 有兴趣,使人感兴趣的。如:

The question is of no interest to us. 我们对这个问题不感兴趣。

It is a question of interest to us. 这是一个我们感兴趣的问题。

He has been to many places of interest. 他去过许多名胜。

4show [expressan interest in 对……表现出兴趣。如:

He has shown an interest in learning French. 他已表现出对学法语有兴趣。

No one has expressed an interest in this so far. 到目前为止还没有人对此表示有兴趣。

5be interested in (doingsth ()某事感兴趣。如:

I’m not interested in politics. 我对政治不感兴趣。

They are interested in learning drawing. 他们对学绘画感兴趣。

6be interested to do sth 很想做某事。如:

I’d be interested to hear your opinion about this. 我很想听听你对这事的意见。

I shall be interested to know what happens. 我很想知道情况会怎样。


1introduce oneself 自我介绍。如:

Let me introduce myself: my name is (John) Simpson. 请让我自我介绍一下:我名叫(约翰·)辛普森。

He introduced himself at first. 他先作了自我介绍。

2introduce sb to sb向某人介绍某人。如:

May I introduce you to Miss Brown? 让我介绍你与布朗小姐认识好吗?

The teacher introduced a new student to us. 老师为我们介绍了一位新同学。

注:introduce 通常不带双宾语。如:


正:Let me introduce my friend to you.

误:Let me introduce you my friend.

3introduce sb to sth 使某人了解(认识、体验)某事物。如:

The teacher introduced the students to thepleasure ofreading. 老师让学生们尝到了读书的乐趣。

He introduced us to a new method of work. 他使我们了解了一种了新的工作方法。

4introduce sb (sthinto 把某人(某物)引入(引进)……。如:

He introduced a guest into the parlour. 他把客人引进会客室。

Potatoes were introduced into Europe from America. 马铃署是从美洲引进欧洲的。

Many new designs have been introduced. 已经采用了许多新设计。


1invite sb to (forsth 邀请某人(参加)做某事。如:

He invited me to dinner (a party, a wedding). 他邀请我参加宴会(晚会,婚礼)

Why don’t you invite him for a drink (a meal, coffee)? 你为什么不邀请他喝一杯(吃餐饭,喝咖啡)?

2invite sb to do sth 邀请某人一起做某事。如:

They invited her to go for a walk. 他们请她一起去散步。

We invited him to take part in the celebration. 我们邀请他一起参加庆祝会。


He didn’t invite us (to come) in. 他没有请我们进屋。

He invited us (to come) to a party. 他邀请我们参加聚会。


We were then invited to sit down. 然后他们请我们坐下。

He was invited to speak at the meeting. 他被邀请在会上发言。

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