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现代统计学奠基人Sir罗纳德·艾尔默·费舍尔(Ronald AylmerFisher)爵士简历(57k)


A 现代统计学奠基人Sir罗纳德·艾尔默·费舍尔(RonaldAylmer Fisher)爵士简历(27k)


B 罗纳德·艾尔默·费舍尔(RonaldAylmer Fisher)简历(中英对照版) (28k)

费舍尔, 罗纳德·艾尔默Fisher, RonaldAylmer


A  现代统计学奠基人Sir罗纳德·艾尔默·费舍尔(Ronald Aylmer Fisher)爵士简历(27k)

现代统计学奠基人Sir罗纳德·艾尔默·费舍尔(Ronald Aylmer Fisher)爵士简历


Ronald Aylmer Fisher(18900217-19620729)

罗纳德·艾尔默·费舍尔(Ronald Aylmer Fisher)是名英国统计学家演化生物学家遗传学家。他是现代统计学现代演化论的奠基者之一。安德斯·哈尔德称他是一位几乎独自建立现代统计科学的天才理查德·道金斯则认为他是达尔文最伟大的继承者费舍尔建立了以生物统计为基础的遗传学和著名的方差分析(analysis of variance, ANOVA)。他还发明出最大似然估计,并发展出充分性(sufficiency)辅助统计Fisher's线性判别(Fisher's lineardiscriminator)Fisher's资讯(Fisher information)等统计概念。[1]

罗纳德·艾尔默·费舍尔(Ronald AylmerFisher)爵士

Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher



Born: 17 February 1890 in London, England

Died: 29 July 1962 in Adelaide, Australia


Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher (17February 1890 – 29 July 1962) was an English statistician, evolutionarybiologist, eugenicist and geneticist. He was described by Anders Hald as 'agenius who almost single-handedly created the foundations for modernstatistical science,' and Richard Dawkins described him as 'thegreatest of Darwin's successors'.


费舍尔R.A.Fisher(18901962),全名罗纳德·艾尔默·费舍尔(Ronald Aylmer Fisher),英国国籍,1890217日出生于英国伦敦的东芬奇利(EastFinchley),是七个孩子中最小的一个。父亲乔治·费舍尔,是一位事业有成的艺术品商人,这使得他的童年生活相当顺遂,受到其母亲、三位姐姐与一位哥哥的溺爱。卒于澳洲港口城市阿德莱德Adelaide(澳洲)。他是英国统计遗传学家,现代统计科学的奠基人之一;对达尔文进化论作了基础澄清的工作。[3]


1906年,罗纳德16岁,正在哈罗公学就读时,在一场称为尼尔德奖章”(Neeld Medal)的论文竞赛中胜出,赢得Neeld奖章。他是一位早成的学生。由于费舍尔的视力很差,当他学习数学的时候,并不使用纸笔等需要动用视觉的方法。例如面对几何学问题的时候,并不将其视觉化,而是以代数操作方式处理。除了数学以外,他也对生物学很感兴趣,尤其是演化论。


费舍尔感受到生物统计与发展中的各种统计方法具有一种潜力,能够结合不连续的孟德尔定律(例如ABO血型)连续的多基因遗传(例如人类的肤色),以及渐进式的达尔文演化论。此外,由于对统计学的兴趣,费舍尔研读了当时两位著名的统计学家,卡尔·皮尔森(Karl Pearson)威廉姆·戈塞(William Gosset,笔名“Student”)所发表的论文。当时流行的优生学思想也是费舍尔所关注的议题。他将社会人口问题视为包含遗传学与统计学在内的科学。

1911年,费舍尔与当时的一些名人,如经济学家凯恩斯、遗传学家庞尼特(R. C. Punnett),以及工程师霍勒斯·达尔文(Horace Darwin查尔斯·达尔文之子),一起建立了剑桥大学优生学学会(Eugenics Society)[4]这是一个活跃的团体,他们每个月开一次会,并在其他主流优生学组织发表演说。例如法兰西斯·高尔登(Francis Galton)1909年建立的优生学教育学会(Eugenics EducationSociety)



毕业后几年,他曾到加拿大务农,工作于投资公司投资办工厂,到加拿大某农场管理杂务,还当过私立中学教员。此外,他曾经搭上英国海军的教学舰艇渥彻斯特号”(HMSWorcester)。在英军里担任少校的里奥纳德·达尔文(Leonard Darwin查尔斯·达尔文另一子)与另一位被费舍尔称做古德鲁那(Gudruna)的朋友,是他在这个时期的重要支柱,他们的支持使他得以度过困境。古德鲁那的姊妹艾琳·盖尼斯(Eileen Guinness),经由古德鲁那的介绍与费舍尔相识。


第一次世界大战期间,费舍尔开始为期刊《优生学评论》(Eugenic Review)撰写一些复审文章,并在写作期间逐渐加强对遗传学与统计学研究的兴趣。之后他自愿为此期刊进行所有复审工作。除此之外,费舍尔也在里奥纳德·达尔文的雇用下,从事暂时性工作。同时在这段期间,他也发表了许多与生物统计相关的论文,包括《孟德尔遗传假定下的亲戚之间的相关性》(The Correlation Between Relatives on the Supposition ofMendelian Inheritance)。这篇论文在1916年完成,并在1918年发表,它同时建立了以生物统计为基础的遗传学,以及著名的统计学方差分析(analysis of varianceANOVA)。除了建立统计方法,这篇论文也显示一些具有连续性变异的遗传特征,可以符合孟德尔遗传定律。在此以前,两者被科学家认为是互相违抗。


1919年,费舍尔拒绝在皮尔逊(K. Pearson)手下工作,选择进入一所名为罗萨姆斯泰德试验站(RothamstedExperimental Station)的农业试验所,在那里任职工作了14。这间农业试验所位于英格兰赫特福德郡(Hertfordshire)的哈平登(Harpenden)。费舍尔除了在其中担任一名统计员之外,所长约翰·罗素(John Russell)也让他设立了一个统计实验室。


1923年,费舍尔陆续发表了关于在农业实验中控制误差的论文,首次提出了方差分析、随机区组、拉丁方等控制、分解和测定实验误差的方法,并且将成果写成一系列题为《收成变异之研究》(Studies in CropVariation)的论文。他的全盛时期也在这时候开始。接下来几年,费舍尔开始构想新的统计方法,如实验设计法(design of experiments)

1925年,他的第一本书出版,书名为《研究者的统计方法》(Statistical Methods for Research Workers)


1935年,费舍尔完成了在科学实验理论和方法上具有划时代意义的一本书《实验设计》(The Design of Experiments),并出版。这本书被认为开创了科学发展的新时代,因为此前的科学实验对方法设计讨论甚少,实验的过程随机,结果自然就存在很大偶然性。要是实验结果只是一堆杂乱无章的数据,那就无法得出可靠结论,真正对增长知识做出贡献。这本书的结论在今天看来已经成了常识:科学家的实验工作应从建立有效的数学模型开始。

《实验设计》(The Design of Experiments)第二章,费舍尔提到剑桥午后的品茶和那位美丽的女士,也是统计学里一个相当著名的实验——女士品茶实验”(the lady tasting tea test)



女士品茶实验”(the lady tasting tea test)当时在场的另一位统计学教授·史密斯(Hugh Smith)在另一本书里说了:她全部分辨对了!

《研究者的统计方法》《实验设计》这两本书为实验设计法奠定了基础,并被多次翻译与再版。除了新的统计方法,费舍尔也将先前的方差分析研究进行补强与修饰,因而发明出最大似然估计,并发展出充分性(sufficiency)辅助统计费舍尔线性判别(Fisher's linear discriminator)费舍尔资讯(Fisher information)等统计概念。






费舍尔(R AFisher)的父母是律师的女儿凯蒂·希思(KatieHeath)和伦敦圣詹姆斯国王街的拍卖商罗宾逊和费舍尔之乔治·费舍尔(GeorgeFisher)。凯蒂和乔治有七个孩子,四个男孩和三个女孩。在1876杰弗里(GeorgeFisher)出生和1877伊夫林(GeorgeFisher)出生后,他们给随后一年出生的第三个孩子起名艾伦(Alan)。但艾伦在很小的时候就去世了,凯蒂便迷信了,决定从那时起他们所有孩子的名字里都会有一个“y”罗纳德·艾尔默·费舍尔(RonaldAylmer Fisher)是双胞胎中的第二个,但年长的双胞胎也出生了(still-born,注:水平有限,此处翻译不准,原文如下)[7]

R A Fisher's parents were KatieHeath, the daughter of a solicitor, and George Fisher, of Robinson and Fisher afirm of auctioneers in King Street, St James, London. Katie and George hadseven children, four boys and three girls. After the birth of Geoffrey in 1876and Evelyn in 1877, they named their third child, who was born the followingyear, Alan. He died at a very young age and Katie, being superstitious, decidedthat all their children from that time on would have a 'y' in theirname. Ronald Aylmer Fisher was the second of twins, but the older twin wasstill-born.





In 1904 Ronald entered Harrow, but thiswas a difficult time for the fourteen year old boy, for his mother died in thatyear of acute peritonitis. Despite this, he excelled at Harrow winning theNeeld Medal in 1906 in a mathematical essay competition open to the wholeschool. Fisher was awarded a £80 scholarship from Caius and Gonville College,Cambridge, which was necessary to finance his studies since his father had losthis fortune. In October 1909 he matriculated at Cambridge.

Although he studied mathematics andastronomy at Cambridge, he was also interested in biology. In his second yearas an undergraduate he began consulting senior members of the university aboutthe possibility of forming a Cambridge University Eugenics Society. Hegraduated with distinction in the mathematical tripos of 1912. His tutor,however, believed he could have done better, writing [3]:-

...if he had stuck to the ropes he would have made a first class mathematician,but he would not.

Awardeda Wollaston studentship, he continued his studies at Cambridge under Strattonon the theory of errors reading Airy'smanual the Theory of Errors. It was Fisher's interest in the theory oferrors that eventually led him to investigate statistical problems.

离开剑桥后,费舍尔无法获得经济支持,并在加拿大的一个农场工作了几个月。他回到伦敦,担任商业和通用投资公司(Mercantileand General Investment Company)统计员。1914年战争爆发时,他热情地试图入伍,已经在剑桥训练军官训练团。他的医学测试显示他在所有方面都是A1,除了他的视力,被评为C5,所以他被拒绝了。1915年至1919年间,他成为数学和物理教师,在橄榄球和其他类似学校任教。

After leaving Cambridge, Fisher had nomeans of financial support and worked for a few months on a farm in Canada. Hereturned to London, taking up a post as a statistician in the Mercantile andGeneral Investment Company. When war broke out in 1914 he enthusiasticallytried to enlist in the army, having already trained in the Officers' TrainingCorps while at Cambridge. His medical test showed him A1 on all aspects excepthis eyesight, which was rated C5, so he was rejected. He became a teacher ofmathematics and physics, teaching at Rugby and other similar schools between1915 and 1919.

对优生学的兴趣以及他在加拿大农场工作的经历使费舍尔有兴趣创建自己的农场。在这些计划中,他受到了大学朋友的妻子Gudruna的鼓励,这导致他遇到了Gudruna的妹妹RuthEileen Gratton GuinnessRuthEileenGudruna的父亲HenryGratton Guinness博士在他们年轻时去世了,只有十六岁的RuthEileen知道她的母亲不会赞成她这么年轻的结婚。结果,费舍尔于1917426日,在露丝艾琳17岁生日后的几天,在秘密的婚礼仪式上与露丝艾琳结婚。他们有两个儿子和七个女儿,其中一个在婴儿期死亡。



The interest in eugenics, and hisexperiences working on the Canadian farm, made Fisher interested in starting afarm of his own. In these plans he was encouraged by Gudruna, the wife of acollege friend, and this led to him meeting Ruth Eileen Gratton Guinness,Gudruna's younger sister. Ruth Eileen and Gudruna's father, Dr Henry GrattonGuinness, had died when they were young and Ruth Eileen, only sixteen years ofage, knew that her mother would not approve of her marrying so young. As aresult Fisher married Ruth Eileen at a secret wedding ceremony without hermother's knowledge, on 26 April 1917, only days after Ruth Eileen's 17thbirthday. They had two sons and seven daughters, one of whom died in infancy.

Fisher gave up being a mathematics teacherin 1919 when he was offered two posts simultaneously. KarlPearson offered him the post of chiefstatistician at the Galtonlaboratories and he was also offered the post of statistician at the RothamstedAgricultural Experiment Station. This was the oldest agricultural researchinstitute in the United Kingdom, established in 1837 to study the effects ofnutrition and soil types on plant fertility, and it appealed to Fisher'sinterest in farming. He accepted the post at Rothamsted where he made manycontributions both to statistics, in particular the design and analysis ofexperiments, and to genetics.

There he studied the design of experimentsby introducing the concept of randomisation and the analysis of variance,procedures now used throughout the world. Fisher's idea was to arrange anexperiment as a set of partitioned sub-experiments that differ from each otherin having one or several factors or treatments applied to them. The sub-experimentswere designed in such a way as to permit differences in their outcome to beattributed to the different factors or combinations of factors by means ofstatistical analysis. This was a notable advance over the existing approach ofvarying only one factor at a time in an experiment, which was a relativelyinefficient procedure.


1) 数据来源的人口类型的规范;

2) 估计;和

3) 分配。

In 1921 he introduced the concept oflikelihood. The likelihood of a parameter is proportional to the probability ofthe data and it gives a function which usually has a single maximum value,which he called the maximum likelihood. In 1922 he gave a new definition ofstatistics. Its purpose was, he claimed, the reduction of data, and he identifiedthree fundamental problems. These are:

i.          specification of the kind of populationthat the data came from;

ii.        estimation; and

iii.       distribution.



Fisher published anumber of important texts; in particular Statistical Methods for ResearchWorkers (1925) ran to many editions which he extended throughout his life.It was a handbook for the methods for the design and analysis of experimentswhich he had developed at Rothamsted. The contributions Fisher made includedthe development of methods suitable for small samples, like those of Gosset, and the discovery ofthe precise distributions of many sample statistics. Fisher published Thedesign of experiments (1935) and Statistical tables (1947). Hisbooks [3]:-

... revolutionizedagricultural research; for they described the methods, now used the world over,for evaluating the results of small sample experiments and for so laying ourexperimental trials as to minimise the disturbances due to heterogeneity ofsoils and the unavoidable irregularity of biological material.



Whileat the Agricultural Experiment Station he had conducted breeding experimentswith mice, snails and poultry, and the results he obtained led to theoriesabout gene dominance and fitness which he published in The Genetical Theoryof Natural Selection (1930).

This work on natural selection led Fisherto question the way that in civilised societies weak and relatively infertilepeople obtained advantages over strong healthy individuals. He felt that thenatural survival of the fittest method of improving the human race was beingartificially changed by factors that specifically benefited the less welladapted. A strong advocate of measures to counter this trend, he proposed thatfamily allowances should be proportional to income to support the well-adaptedhealthy members of society. As one might expect, this policy was very unpopularand he found few supporters.



In 1933 KarlPearson retired as GaltonProfessor of eugenics at University College and Fisher was appointed to thechair as his successor. In fact the post was split in two, with KarlPearson's son EgonPearson also being appointed to a chair. Fisherheld this post for ten years, being appointed as Arthur Balfour professor ofgenetics at the University of Cambridge in 1943. Before this, however, he hadmoved away from London when war broke out in 1939, finding temporaryaccommodation at Harpenden. He retired from his Cambridge chair in 1957 butcontinued to carry out his duties there for another two years until hissuccessor could be appointed. He then moved to the University of Adelaide wherehe continued his research for the final three years of his life.

There was a certain irony in the fact thatFisher succeeded Pearson in1933 for the two had a long running dispute. The dispute began in 1917 when Pearson publisheda paper claiming that Fisher had failed to distinguish likelihood from inverseprobability in a paper he wrote in 1915. Although at this stage Fisher was onlystarting out on his career, he felt angry that Pearson hadpublished an article which was critical of his results without telling him thathe was about to do so. Moreover, he did not accept Pearson'scriticism, feeling that he was correct.

事实上,争斗的原因并不像通常给出的那样简单。标准的解释是费舍尔变得痛苦,因为他的论文遭到了严重的不公正,他的论文被那些不懂生物学的数学家和不懂数学的生物学家所拒绝。让我们举一个例子来说明实际上这是一种过度简化。1918年,费舍尔提交了他非常重要的论文关于孟德尔遗传假设的亲属与皇家学会之间的相互关系。两名裁判,R CPunnettPearson被任命并在报纸上报道。然而,两位裁判都没有拒绝该文件,他们都只是表达了保留意见,并明确表示该文件的某些方面是他们无权判断的。如果费舍尔撤回了这份文件并将其提交给了爱丁堡皇家学会的交易,并被接受。费舍尔的小说创意需要时间才能被接受,这并不奇怪。


In fact the reasons for the feud were notnearly as simple as those usually given. The standard explanation is thatFisher became bitter because he suffered serious injustice having his papersrejected by mathematicians who did not understand biology and biologists whodid not understand mathematics. Let us take an example to show that in factthis is an over-simplification. In 1918 Fisher submitted his very importantpaper On the correlation between relatives on the supposition of Mendelianinheritance to the Royal Society. Two referees, RC Punnett and Pearson, wereappointed and reported on the paper. Neither referee rejected the paper,however, they both merely expressed reservations and stated clearly that therewere aspects of the paper that they were not competent to judge. In the eventFisher withdrew the paper and submitted it to the Transactions of the RoyalSociety of Edinburgh where it was accepted. It is not surprising thatFisher's novel ideas took time to become accepted.

The feud became bitter, however, when Pearson usedhis position as editor of Biometrika to attack Fisher's use of thechi-squared test in a 1922 paper. Pearson wentmuch further, however, and claimed that Fisher had done a disservice tostatistics by widely publishing erroneous results. The Royal Statistical Society thenrefused to publish Fisher's papers and he resigned from the Society in protest.Of course Fisher also took every opportunity to attack Pearson, andit would be fair to say that each showed hatred towards the other. Even after Pearson diedin 1936, Fisher continued his attack on him, which made the atmosphere inUniversity College a very difficult one with Pearson's son EgonPearson also holding a chair there.

费舍尔于1929年当选为皇家学会会员,1938年获得该协会皇家奖章,并于1948年获得该协会的达尔文奖章: -


然后,在1955年,他被授予皇家学会的科普利奖章: -



Fisherwas elected a Fellow of the RoyalSocietyin 1929, was awarded the Royal Medal of the Society in 1938, and was awardedthe Darwin Medal of the Society in 1948:-

... in recognition ofhis distinguished contributions to the theory of natural selection, the conceptof its gene complex and the evolution of dominance.

Then, in 1955, he wasawarded the Copley Medal of the RoyalSociety:-

... in recognition ofhis numerous and distinguished contributions to developing the theory andapplication of statistics for making quantitative a vast field of biology.

He was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1934, the AmericanPhilosophical Society in 1941, the International Society of Haematology in1948, the National Academy of Sciences of the United States in 1948, and the Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina in 1960. Variousinstitutions awarded him an honorary degree including Harvard University(1936), University of Calcutta (1938), University of London (1946), Universityof Glasgow (1947), University of Adelaide (1959), University of Leeds (1961), andthe Indian Statistical Institute (1962). He was knighted in 1952.

Fisher的特征在[3]中描述如下: -


他也有其他优点和缺点[3] -


Fisher'scharacter is described in [3] as follows:-

He was capable oftremendous charm, and warmth in friendship. But he also was the victim, as he himselfrecognised, of an uncontrollable temper; and his devotion to scientific truth ashe saw it being literally passionate, he was an implacable enemy of those whomhe judged guilty of propagating error.

He had other strengthsand weaknesses too [3]:-

As a penetrating thinkerFisher was outstanding; but his writings are difficult for many readers.Indeed, some of his teachings have been most effectively conveyed by the booksof others who have been able to simplify their expression. As a lecturer also,Fisher was too difficult for the average student; his classes would rapidlyfall away until only two or three students who could stand the pace remained asfascinated disciples. Nor was he particularly successful as an administrator;he perhaps failed to appreciate the limitations of the ordinary man. But withhis wide interests and penetrating mind he was a most stimulating and sympatheticconversationalist.


3.1 主要贡献


3.2 主要成就


研究工作者统计方法Statistical Methods for ResearchWorkers(SMRW)

作者:Sir Ronald A.Fisher,出版社: Oliver & Boyd,出版年:1970-06,定价: GBP 2.00,装帧:PaperbackISBN: 9780050021705。内容简介:“统计方法研究工作者是统计学家R.A.费舍尔在1925年写的统计学经典着作。有些人认为它是20世纪最具影响力的统计方法之一。

Statistical Methods for ResearchWorkers is a classic 1925 book on statistics by the statistician R.A. Fisher.It is considered by some to be one of the 20th century's most influential bookson statistical methods.






3.适合度,独立性和同质性的测试;用表χ2Tests of Goodness of Fit, Independence and Homogeneity; with table of χ2

4.均值,均值差和回归系数的重要性检验Tests of Significance of Means,Difference of Means, and Regression Coefficients

5.相关系数The Correlation Coefficient

6.组内相关性和方差分析Intraclass Correlations and theAnalysis of Variance

7.方差分析的进一步应用Furthern Applications of theAnalysis of Variance


1928年第二版增加第9章:统计估计原则。Inthe second edition of 1928 a chapter 9 was added: The Principles of StatisticalEstimation.




4.1 著作列表

费舍尔一生发表的学术论文有300多篇,其中294篇代表作收集在《费舍尔论文集》Fisher's CollectedPapers (Bennett, 1971 - 1974)中。他还发表了许多经典著作。

《研究人员用的统计方法》(Statistical Methods for ResearchWorkers)1925

《实验设计》(The Design ofExperiments)1935


《统计方法与科学推断》(Statistical Methods andScientific Inference)1956




《自然选择的遗传理论》(The Genetical Theory ofNatural Selection)1930





4.2 参考文献清单(13本书/文章)


R Fisher的海报



1.R Fisher的序言:科学家的生活


3.R A Fisher:统计史



Listof References (13 books/articles)

SomeQuotations (3)

A Poster of R A Fisherhttp://www-history.mcs./Posters2/Fisher.html

Mathematiciansborn in the same country http://www-history.mcs./Countries/England.html

Additional Materialin MacTutor

1.       Prefaceto R A Fisher: the life of a scientisthttp://www-history.mcs./Extras/Fisher_Life.html

2.       RA Fisher's Introduction to Statistical Methodshttp://www-history.mcs./Extras/Fisher_Statistical_Methods.html

3.       RA Fisher: History of Statisticshttp://www-history.mcs./Extras/Fisher_Statistics_History.html

4.       Obituary:The Timeshttp://www-history.mcs./Obits/Fisher.html

5.       Multiple entries in TheMathematical Gazetteer of the British Isleshttp://www-history.mcs./Gaz/Fisher.html

R A  Fisher荣获的荣誉

Honours  awarded to R A Fisher


(Click below for those honoured in  this way)



Fellow  of the Royal Society





Royal  Society Royal Medal





RSS  Guy Medal in Gold





Royal  Society Copley Medal





Popular  biographies list

Number 85




Cross-references in MacTutor

1. Chronology: 1920 to 1930 http://www-history.mcs./Chronology/1920_1930.html#1921

4.3 其他网站






6.Lloyd Allison






Other Websites

1.        Dictionary of ScientificBiography http://www-history.mcs./Biographies/%3ca

2.        Dictionary of NationalBiography http://www-history.mcs./Biographies/%3ca

3.        Encyclopaedia Britannica http://www./biography/Ronald-Aylmer-Fisher

4.        JAldrich http://www.economics./staff/aldrich/fisherguide/rafreader.htm

5.        Universityof Minnesota http://www.mrs./~sungurea/introstat/history/w98/RAFisher.html

6.        LloydAllison http://www.csse./~lloyd/tildeImages/People/Fisher.RA/

7.        HKohler http://www./quant/kohler/stat/biographical_sketches/bio13.1.html

8.        NNDB http://www./people/763/000196175/

9.        Mathematical GenealogyProject http://www.genealogy.math.ndsu./id.php?id=46924

10.    MathSciNet Authorprofile http://www./mathscinet/MRAuthorID/243354

11.    zbMATH entry https:///authors/?q=ai:fisher.ronald-aylmer

主要指数Main Index


传记索引Biographies index



JOC/EFR © October 2003

版权信息Copyright information





School of Mathematics and Statistics

University of St Andrews, Scotland


国内外著名统计学家Jacob BernoulliLaplacePierre-SimonmarquisdeThomas Robert MalthusCarl Friedrich GaussSiméon Denis PoissonFrancis GaltonKarl PearsonWilliam Sealey GossetRonald Aylmer FisherFrank WilcoxonCharles Edward SpearmanMaurice George KendallMilton FriedmanPaul MeierPrasanta Chandra MahalanobisHenry Berthold MannMartin Bradbury WilkC.R.RaoAndrey Nikolaevich KolmogorovEgon Sharpe PearsonHarold HotellingJ.Frank YatesSmirnoveJerzy NeymanWilliam Feller薛仲三郭祖超陈希孺方开泰田口玄一马寅初等,都对统计学做出了巨大贡献[9] (9. R.A.Fisher. [EB/OL],baidubaike, https://baike.baidu.com/item/R.A.Fisher, 2018-08-11, visit date:2019-05-08.)

B  罗纳德·艾尔默·费舍尔(RonaldAylmer Fisher)简历(中英对照版) (28k)



1. Fisher, Ronald Aylmer. Encyclopedia ofMathematics. URL:http://www./index.php?title=Fisher,_Ronald_Aylmer&oldid=39201

2,8,10. Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher. [EB/OL],http://www-history.mcs./Biographies/Fisher.html

3. 原网页无法访问. Ronald Fisher——现代统计科学的奠基人之一. [EB/OL], 西北农林科技大学, http://eol./eol/homepage/common/opencourse/onlinepreview.jsp?countadd=1&lid=12622&resid=4026,visit date: 2019-05-08.

4,5,7. 丁鹏. 因果推断简介之三:R. A. Fisher J. Neyman 的分歧. [EB/OL], 统计之都, http:///2012/03/causality3-fisher-and-neyman/,2012-03-30, 引用日期: 2016-12-01, visit date: 2019-05-08.

6. lovepooh. Statistical Methods for Research Workers. [EB/OL], douban,https://book.douban.com/subject/5039828/, 2011-03-14, visit date: 2019-05-08.

8. J J O'Connor, E F Robertson. R.A.Fisher.[EB/OL], wikipedia, http://zh./wiki/%E7%BE%85%E7%B4%8D%E5%BE%B7%C2%B7%E8%B2%BB%E9%9B%AA, visit date: 2019-05-08.

9. R.A.Fisher. [EB/OL], baidubaike, https://baike.baidu.com/item/R.A.Fisher,visit date: 2019-05-08.

11. https://en./wiki/Ronald_Fisher,https://en./wiki/Ronald_Aylmer_Fisher

12. 课程概况>统计学家的故事>Ronald Aylmer Fisher, 中医研究设计及统计学. Ronald Aylmer Fisher. [EB/OL], 上海中医药大学. http://cc./G2S/Template/View.aspx?courseId=112&topMenuId=113414&action=view&type=&name=&menuType=1&curfolid=119268,, visit date: 2019-05-08.

简介:现代统计学奠基人Sir罗纳德·艾尔默·费舍尔(Ronald AylmerFisher)爵士简历。作者:秦陇纪。素材:数学/维基/百度/百科/豆瓣/数据简化社区NC非商业授权/秦陇纪微信群聊公众号,参考文献附引文出处。下载:本文58k3319PDF资料,公号输入栏发送RA费舍尔或文末阅读原文获取链接;关注数据简化DataSimp菜单栏文章分类。版权:公开资料©版权归原作者,科普文章仅供学习研究,请勿用于商业非法目的。数据简化社区保留对应权利,若有投稿合作、转载授权/侵权/版权、原文/引文/译注/出处不明或遗漏等问题,请给公号留言或邮件咨询QinDragon2010@qq.com转载:请写明并保留作者、出处、时间等信息:如此文出自:©数据简化DataSimp,作者:秦陇纪,时间:20190508Wed©2010-2019数据简化DataSimp等字样。

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