
Five potentially lucrative stock market opportunities that all investors can watch for

 兰亭文艺 2019-05-23

Most investors are always looking for a ‘tip’ or a ‘big score.’ Of course, it is natural to want to make as much money as fast as possible. Well, at least it is if you are a capitalist. But, if you have invested for any length of time, you know the market is never quite that simple. It takes hard work and a lot of time to achieve investment success. Still, there are some things one can watch out for, in order to perhaps make things a little easier. Like always, none of the following ideas offers any guarantee whatsoever, but we have noticed that, more often than not, they tend to work.

Dividend increase followed by market drop

There have been a lot of dividend increases this year. Just this week Cineplex, Sunlife, Hydro One, Finning and others bumped up their payments to investors. Most investors know that a high yield on a stock generally implies higher risks. However, sometimes the market overall declines a lot (as it did this week) and brings down the share prices of almost all companies. Thus, dividend yields across the board rise, and, for those companies that just raised their dividends, yields look even better. Thus, you sometimes get a situation where dividend yields rise, but risks have actually decreased. For example, a company has just indicated that business is solid and has raised its dividend, yet its stock has declined with the market, setting up potentially greater returns going forward. Looking at Methanex, for example: it raised its dividend two weeks ago, and prior to the increase the yield was 1.6 per cent. Mid-Thursday, though, with the short-term stock decline and a nine per cent dividend increase, the new yield was three per cent, almost twice what it was in late April.

Dividend bump by more than earnings gains

As indicated above, a company raising its dividend is often a good sign of confidence from management that business prospects at the company are pretty good, if not great. One thing to look for is when a company raises its dividend by more than its earnings growth. For example, Canadian Pacific (CP on TSX) raised its dividend by 27.5 per cent this week. Its profit did rise 25 per cent, so it is not a big difference, but you have to wonder why the board did not raise the dividend 20 per cent to be conservative, instead of nearly 30 per cent. This is just this week’s example. Often, you will see a company report earnings growth of 10 per cent and a dividend hike of 25 per cent or 30 per cent. These are positive signs. CP shares are up 21 per cent this year.

Short panics

There have been a lot of ‘short attacks’ on Canadian companies over the past few years. Individual investors, unfortunately, seem to take the bait on these negative reports and sell in a panic. Stock prices decline, and this ‘scares’ even more investors into selling. But wise investors will often go the other way. It is not perfect, of course, as some short themes play out and companies can see devastating stock declines, such as Maxar Tech (MAXR on TSX), down 85 per cent in the past year due partly — but not completely — to a short attack. But, big contrarian gains can be made by betting against the shorts as well: Shopify (SHOP on TSX) got a lot of attention as a short candidate in October 2017 with seller Citron Research calling it a ‘get-rich-quick scheme’. Panicked sellers took the stock down 11 per cent in two days when the report came out, and shares hit $123. About a year and a half later, shares are $346.

Intra-day reversal

We will not use an example here because they literally can happen any day, at any time. A positive intra-day stock reversal is when a stock falls sharply on news, rumours, or earnings and is down for most of the day. Then, buyers step in and bid up the price, eliminating all losses and seeing the stock close higher than the day before. We view this typically as a very positive sign. It, generally, means that sellers have been exhausted and a new floor price might be being set. Long term buyers come in at a certain level, and confidently step in to buy from sellers acting on short-term price alone. Not a perfect sign, as always, but if trading volume picks up along with the reversal then it is usually a very solid short-term indicator of future stock price gains.

Growth in uncertain markets

When investors get nervous, as they did this week, companies that can continue to deliver growth tend to be rewarded. Fund managers tend to sell their loser stocks, and instead buy companies whose earnings may not be dependent on economic direction. Case in point: Roku Inc. Revenue at the company is expected to double from 2018 levels to 2020 estimates. Despite a weak market backdrop, this week the stock surged as it reported revenue growth in the first quarter of 51 per cent. The stock is up 160 per cent this year. With your own portfolio, take a look at your companies. Who is growing? Who is not? Then ask yourself why do you still own the ‘not growers?’

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