

 龙云769 2019-06-07

研究发现,正念训练可以很好地适用于各类人群,包括癌症患者 (Kieviet-Stijnen et al., 2008)、焦虑障碍患者(Miller, Fletcher, & Kabat-zinn, 1995)、心境障碍患者(Morgan, 2003)等,对于普通人群也具有缓解压力、调节情绪的干预效果(徐慰, 王玉正, & 刘兴华, 2015)。 


01. 注意

单次正念练习能够帮助个体将注意集中在当下任务目标 上,减少了无关因素的干扰,提高了注意控制能力(Kuo & Yeh. 2015)。

单次正念练习降低了默认网络 (defult mode network, DMN)的激活,这可能意味着注意转移、注意控制、注意警觉等多种注意能力广泛增强(Dickenson et al., 2013; Froeliger et al., 2012)。


02. 情绪

单次正念练习可以提高情绪耐受性,经过单次正念练习的个体能够忍受观看更多的负性图片(Arch & Craske, 2006)。

单次正念练习可以改善情绪调节能力。可以减弱负性刺激引发的消极情绪,增强正性刺激引发的积极情绪 (Arch & Craske, 2006; Erisman & Roemer, 2010; Brown et al., 2016) ,知觉负性刺激时,参与情绪加工的脑区激活(杏仁核、海马旁回)程度降低(Lutz et al., 2014)。


03. 其他

单次正念练习能够提高情景记忆能力,这可能是通过增强内在动机所实现的(Brown et al., 2016)。

单次正念练习通过提高去中心化水平,降低了心境诱发程序所导致的焦虑和负性情绪(McClintock & Anderson, 2015)。

单次正念练习改善了内隐功能不良态度,提高了自我一致性。单次正念练习后,个体的内隐功能 不良态度显著降低,即对自我的内隐评价偏差得以改善,且内隐与外显功能不良态度的相关性增强,提高了自我一致性(Keng et al., 2016) 。

单次正念练习能够改善休息水平,睡前7分钟的单次正念练习即能降低睡前唤起,提高整体睡眠质量和休息水平 ,但不能改变睡眠时长(Li et al., 2018) 。

单次正念练习对多项生理指标均有改善作用。对慢性肾脏病人的研究发现,单次正念练习对舒张压、收缩压、平均动脉压、心率和肌肉交感神经活性均有显著降低作用(Park, Lyles, & Bauer- Wu, 2014)。单次正念练习也能提高心率变异性,促进心率的有效调节,帮助个体更好地适应环境(Azam et al., 2016)。 




Froeliger, B. , Garland, E. L. , Kozink, R. V. , Modlin, L. A. , Chen, N. K. , & Mcclernon, F. J. , et al. (2012). Meditation-state functional connectivity (msfc): strengthening of the dorsal attention network and beyond. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2012, 1-9. 

Kabat-Zin, J. (2014). Full catastrophe living (revised edition): using the wisdom of your body and mind to face stress, pain, and illness. Delta Trade Paperback. 

Lee, T. M. C. , Mei-Kei, L. , Wai-Kai, H. , Tang, J. C. Y. , Jing, Y. , & Kwok-Fai, S. , et al. (2012). Distinct neural activity associated with focused-attention meditation and loving-kindness meditation. PLoS ONE, 7(8), e40054.

Li, C. X., Kee. Y. H., & Lam, L. S. . (2018). Effect of brief mindfulness induction on university athletes’ sleep quality following night training. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 508-518.

Mcclintock, A. S. . (2015). The application of mindfulness for interpersonal dependency: effects of a brief intervention. Mindfulness, 6(2), 243-252. 

Park, J. , Lyles, R. H. , & Bauer-Wu, S. . (2014). Mindfulness meditation lowers muscle sympathetic nerve activity and blood pressure in african-american males with chronic kidney disease. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol, 307(1), R93.

Paz, R. , Zvielli, A. , Goldstein, P. , & Bernstein, A. . (2017). Brief mindfulness training de-couples the anxiogenic effects of distress intolerance on reactivity to and recovery from stress among deprived smokers. Behaviour Research and Therapy, S0005796717301171. 

Teasdale, J. D. , Segal, Z. V. , Williams, J. M. G. , Ridgeway, V. A. , Soulsby, J. M. , & Lau, M. A. . (2000). Prevention of relapse/recurrence in major depression by mindfulness-based cognitive therapy. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 68(4), 615-623. 

作者 | 贺梦瑶

编辑 | 巨鹿鸣

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