
初一英语:I’m watching TV练习题

 zd山笑 2019-06-17


一、单词填空( 15分)

1.Is Tom w_______ TV? No, he is reading a newspaper.

2.Look! Here is a p_______ of my family.

3.The students are c________ the classroom now.

4.My brother is w________ a letter now.

5.We can borrow books from the school l________.

6.That ________(听起来) good. 7.He is ________(看) newspapers.

8.Tom and his father _________(swim) now.

9.Look! They __________ (run) along the road.

10.Listen! The children _________(sing) now.

11.The boy ________(put) on his uniform now.

12.One of us ________(take) photos for them now.

13.Mary _________(sleep), she is reading.

14.Let’s ________(have) a talk about the movie.

15.Are the kids _______(skate) on the lake?


1.What are they doing? ______________________________________

2.Is he playing football? ______________________________________

3.Where do you think he is? ______________________________________

4.Is she playing basketball? ______________________________________

5.What’s the time? ______________________________________

三, 选择填空(20分)

( )1. Thanks _____ your letter and the photos.

A. to B. of C. for D. with

( )2.____ you ____ the story book now?

A. Do, read B. Are, read C. Is, reading D. Are, reading

( )3.Who is he waiting _____? Jenny.

A. for B. with C. out D. on

( )4._____ is your father? He is at school.

A. what B. How C. When D. Where

( )5.Your idea ______ good.

A. see B. sound C. hears D. sounds

( )6.I’m talking _____ him ____ the English contest.

B. about, with C. with, to D. to, below

( )7.Here ____ some books on the desk.

A. are B. is C. have D. has

( )8._____ the third photo, I____ at a mall.

A. On, shop B. On, shopping C. In, am shopping D. In, am shoping

( )9.We are doing ______ . will you join us?

A. we homework B. our homework C. us homework D. our homeworks

( )10. It’s five o’clock. My children ______.

A. sleep B. sleeps C. are sleeping D. is sleeping


1.They are flying kites over there.(对画线提问)

________ ______ they ______ over there?

2.I’m doing my homework.(改为一般疑问句)

______ _____ ______ your homework?

3.Nancy wants to go to the movies.(改为否定句)

Nancy ______ ______ to go to the movies.

4.Ann plays the piano in the room.(用now 改写)

Ann ______ _______ the piano in the room now.


1.-你妹妹正在做什么? -她正在做她的家庭作业。

-What _______your sister _______?-She _______ _______ _______ homework.


This TV show _______ _______,_______ _______ _______ _______ movie.


Here is _______ _______ of _______ _______.


That _______ _______.


Who _______ you _______ _______?

( )9.Do you want to go shopping with me? I. No, she is at school.

( )10.Who are you talking to? J. A TV show.        

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