
足的应用解剖2(Applied Surgical Anatomy of the Foot)-双语

 西安国康马YH 2019-07-17

Skin 皮肤

The skin of the sole of the foot is highly specialized, tough, and resilient. It responds to abnormal stresses by hypertrophying in the keratinized layer, forming callosities. In cases of severe metatarsalgia, the skin over the protruding metatarsal heads becomes thin and attenuated. In Fowler procedure (a transverse incision), the lips of pathologic skin are removed, and the thicker, normal skin is sutured back into its correct position. The skin also may atrophy in patients with ischemic or neuropathic conditions.


Deep Fascia  深筋膜

The deep fascia of the sole is similar to the deep palmar fascia of the hand; it also may suffer Dupuytren contracture. The fascia is much thicker in its central parts and thinner where it covers the intrinsic muscles of the hallux and little toe. Its central part, the plantar aponeurosis, originates from the medial tubercle of the calcaneus and runs forward to attach to the proximal phalanges of each of the toes.

鞋底的深筋膜类似于手掌的深掌筋膜; 它也可能遭受Dupuytren挛缩。筋膜中央部分较厚,覆盖拇趾和小趾的内在肌肉处较薄。中心部分的足底腱膜,起源于跟骨的内侧结节,向前延伸以附着于每个足趾的近节趾骨。

The attachment of the plantar aponeurosis to the medial tubercle of the calcaneus often is a site for the inflammatory degeneration that produces a painful heel. The point of maximal tenderness in this condition corresponds to the anatomic insertion of the plantar aponeurosis. On rare occasions, this condition, which is known as plantar fasciitis (“policeman’s heel”), may necessitate surgical detachment of the origin of the fascia.


Medial and lateral fibrous septa originate from the medial and lateral borders of the plantar fascia to attach to the first and fifth metatarsal bones. These septa divide the foot into three compartments, much as the septa do in the hand. The compartments may limit areas of infection within the foot.


First Layer of Muscles  第一层肌肉

The superficial layer consists of three muscles: The flexor digitorum brevis, abductor hallucis, and abductor digiti minimi.


The flexor digitorum brevis arises mainly from the plantar aponeurosis and partly from the medial calcaneal tubercle. It divides into four tendons that insert into the middle phalanx of the lateral four toes and flexes the toes independent of the position of the ankle.


The abductor hallucis takes origin from the medial tubercle of the calcaneus, inserts into the medial side of the proximal phalanx of the great toe, and abducts the great toe. It is the only muscle whose action tends to oppose the deformity of hallux valgus .


Superficial Nerves and Vessels  浅层神经和血管

The medial and lateral plantar arteries and nerves lie between the first and second layers of muscle. They are relatively superficial, but, as in the hand, rarely are injured, because of the toughness of the overlying plantar fascia.


Second Layer of Muscles  第二层肌肉

The second layer of muscles consists of the long flexor tendons (the flexor hallucis longus, flexor digitorum longus, and flexor accessorius), which are critical in maintaining the longitudinal arch of the foot . Helping these muscles are the lumbricals, which arise from the tendons of the flexor digitorum longus. As they do in the hand, the lumbricals flex the metatarsophalangeal joints while they keep the interphalangeal joint extended. Weakness results in clawing of the toes, producing the equivalent in the foot of the intrinsic minus hand. A persistent extension deformity of the metatarsophalangeal joint eventually causes this joint to undergo subluxation, and the metatarsal head has to bear weight that no longer is distributed to the displaced toe during toe-off in walking. Pain (metatarsalgia) is the result.


Third Layer of Muscles 第三层肌肉

The third layer of muscles consists of the flexor hallucis brevis, adductor hallucis, and flexor digiti minimi brevis.


The flexor hallucis brevis inserts into the base of the proximal phalanx of the great toe via medial and lateral sesamoid bones. The medial sesamoid also receives slips from the abductor hallucis, and the lateral sesamoid from the adductor hallucis. The sesamoid bones may be displaced in cases of hallux valgus, with the lateral sesamoid moving to a position between the first and second metatarsal bones. If that happens, the lateral sesamoid can block mechanically the realignment of the first ray. The joint between the sesamoid bones and the metatarsal head may degenerate and become painful.


The adductor hallucis, which inserts into the proximal phalanx via the lateral sesamoid bone, is the most important deforming force in hallux valgus. Many operations for this condition involve detaching the muscle from its insertion and reinserting it into the head of the metatarsal so that it can act as a dynamic corrector of metatarsus varus.


Fourth Layer of Muscles  第四层肌肉

The fourth and deepest layer of muscles consists of the interosseous muscles attached to the metatarsal bones, and two tendons, those of the peroneus longus and tibialis posterior muscles, which are major supports of the longitudinal arch of the foot.



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