
看电影学英语口语 English @ the Movies: Time Bomb

 月下飛舞 2019-08-02

Welcome to English @ the Movies, where we teach you American English heard at the movies.


Today's phrase is "time bomb," from the movie The Big Short. It is about a financial crisis that led to huge losses in banks and housing. Let's take a look. Watch for the phrase "time bomb."

今天的词组是time bomb,出自电影《大空头》,电影讲述导致银行和房地产业损失巨大的一次金融危机。看电影选段,找出词组time bomb。

So what does that mean? Is a "time bomb" A) a bomb that will go off at a set time or B) a kind of clock? Listen again and see if you are correct.

那么,这个词组是什么意思呢?time bomb是指A)在设定好的时间会爆炸的炸弹还是B)某类时钟?再听一遍,看你的理解是否正确。

A "time bomb" is one that explodes on a timer. The movie talks a crisis that will explode, not in actual bomb. A time bomb ticks or makes a clicking sound, building tension. People can be time bombs too. Worry builds up and they can explode by yelling or using bad language.

Time bomb意指定时爆炸的炸弹。这部电影讲述了随时可能爆发的危机,并非指真正的定时炸弹,定时炸弹发出嘀嗒或嗒嗒的声响,会营造一种紧张的分为。人也可能是定时炸弹,烦恼堆积,可能通过大喊大叫或者讲脏话来发泄。

And that is English @ the Movies. I'm Ambor.


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