

 当以读书通世事 2019-08-06

1. not only…but (also)…(too/as well) 不但/不仅…而且

(也有很多变体,比如省略also, too, as well, 甚至省略but;only改为merely, just等)

2. have no (other) alternative/choice/option but to do


have no choice but to do sth别无选择做/只好做/不得不做…

I had no choice but to resign. 我不得不辞职。

3. not…but… 不是…而是…;不在于…而在于…(中高考出现频率较高的知识点)如:

He is not a writer, but a painter.

It is not how much you read but what you read that counts.


4. I’m sorry, but… 对不起,(but可以理解为“但是/因为”的含义,或不译出)…

Excuse me, but… 对不起/不好意思,…(同上)

同类结构还有:Forgive me/my…, but…. I apologize for …, but…


5. can but do

相当于can only do(口语多用后者):(文)惟有/只好;充其量不过

6. do nothing but do只顾…(不做他事);只是在做…,只做…

She did nothing but grumble. 她只顾发牢骚。

She does nothing but listen to records. 她除了听唱片什么也不做。


7. cannot but(很正式的用语)

= can’t help/choose but do

= cannot help but do(美语更为常见)

= cannot help doing(更为口语化)


8. all but:

1)相当于 all except除了…外;除了…都

in all but name除了没有名分其他全是

the thirty-two delegates (all but four of them women) 32位代表(除4人外均为女性)


all but perfect是“几乎完美的”,

She is all but ready. 她几乎准备好了。

She all but failed to pass the test. 她几乎通过不了那项测验。

The shelf was all but empty. 架上几乎全空了。

The film is all but three hours long. 这部影片差不多放了3小时。

He was all but drowned. 他差一点淹死。

That night, her heart all but stopped. 那晚,她的心脏差点儿停止跳动。

3)all but几乎完全的

all but freedom几近彻底的自由

9. anything but(加强语气,高考英语必会内容)

1)相当于definitely not或not at all决不/根本不/一点也不;远非。

如anything but polite毫无礼貌


anything but perfect是“极不完美的”,anything but that那以外的任何事

10. nothing but只/只是/只有;仅仅;不过,不外

= nothing else than/but

= nothing other than

= nothing except

= only

Nothing but a miracle can save the child now. 现在只有奇迹能拯救那个孩子。

It is nothing but a joke. 那只是个玩笑罢了。

She could see nothing but fog. 她只能看到浓雾。

Nothing remains but to die. 除了死没有别的办法。

She could do nothing but weep. 除了哭她没别的办法。

11. none but相当于only,只有/除了…之外没有(属于比较正式的用法),后面接人多见。

I’ll accept none but the best. 我只接受最好的。

None but fools have ever believed it.


Nobody heard it but me (或I). 除我以外,没有人听到。

Nobody but John and William was there. 只有约翰和威廉在那儿。

12. no other than/but =none other than/but

nobody/no one/no-one but没有人…除了…(以外)(肯定but之后的内容)

如There’s no one here but me. No one but you would try that.

He was none other than the boss. 他就是老板本人。

This is none other but the house of God. 这正是上帝的殿堂。

13. everything but 除了…以外都

否定but之后的内容,如He enjoyed everything but math.

14. everyone/everybody but 除了…(之外)大家/每个人/所有人都

15. but one (或two,或three, etc.) 第二(或第三,第四等) 【即排除一个或两个】

(the) first but one (two, three) 第二(三,四)(指按顺序数、或是从头开数)

(the) last but one/two 倒数第二(三)

(the) next but one (two, three) 接着第二(三,四);相隔一(二、三)个

They live next door to us but one. 他们住在外面隔壁的隔壁。

Take the next turning but two on your left. 在你左方第三个路口转弯。

16. last but not (the) least 最后但不是最不重要的(不可轻视)

或last but by no means (the) least

I would like to thank my supervisor, fellow students, last but not the least, my parents.


Last but not least, our thanks are due to the technicians, working behind the scenes.


17. but yet=and yet 但/但是,如

She’s a funny girl, but yet/ and yet you can’t help liking her.

18. but for


语义上等同于except for的功用(相当于without)

But for a half hour or so for lunch I am here all day.

For a year the dam remained complete but for the generators.


But for the rain we should have had a pleasant journey.

But for your coming, I should have been very lonely.

19. but that = except that:假如没有…、若非、要不是

如同in that一样是“复合从属连词” ,相当于but for the fact。

I’d have come with you but that I am so busy.

He would have said no but that he was afraid.

He would have helped us but that he was short of money at the time.

But that I saw it, I wouldn’t have believed it. 要不是亲眼目睹,我还不会相信呢。

20. but then 但是,不过话又说回来了;不过/但另一方面.

= then again = but then again,相当于but of course或but on the other hand

I won, but then the others were beginners. 我赢了,不过其他人都是初学者。

The villa is beautiful, but then, I expected nothing less.


The circus was not a very good one, but then, the audience was not demanding.


21. no doubt/question but that【正式】毫无疑问

but接于表示否定的doubt, fear, deny等词之后,通常后接that

Who doubts but (that) our team will win? 有谁会怀疑我们队将取胜?

22. to name but(或just/only)a few略举几例,仅举几个例子,诸如

——其中a few可以根据实际所举的例子换成其他数词如three等。

23. not that…but that 相当于not because…but because…,作“不是…而是…”

24. in all but name 有实无名的;未被认可的

25. there’s nothing for it but/excpet to do

There was nothing for it but /excpet to wait. 除等待之外别无办法。


26. never…but 每逢…必定;每当…总会;不…则已

其中的but相当于if…not引起的从句,也可以是相当于without + V-ing结构,如

It never rains but it pours.


27. but still, but …still,但…仍然/还…

28. not that …but that相当于not because…but because..的用法,“不是…而是…”,如:

Not that I dislike playing computer games, but that I have no time.

Not that he is lazy, but that he can’t find a job.

29. not so/such…but (that) 没有…而不/到…的地步,如:

No man is so cruel but (that) he may take pity on the orphan.


He is not such a fool but (that) he can tell that.


30. (not, no…) but = who/that/which…not引导定从,为“不/没有不…的人(事物/东西)”

There is no child but knows the song. 每个小孩都知道这首歌。

He is not such a fool but he can tell that. 他并不笨到连那件事都分辨不出。

= He is not such a fool who/that he cannot tell that.

No man is so cruel but (that) he may take pity on the orphan.

=No man is too cruel to take pity on the orphan.

=No man is so cruel that he may not take pity on the orphan.


31. but now 刚刚/适才,现在/目前,即刻/此刻(意思近于and,用于转变话题)

But now to our next problem. 现在谈下一个问题吧。

32. but too很遗憾地

It was but too true. 很遗憾,那是真实的。

It was but too unreasonable. 很遗憾,这事儿太没有道理了。

33. but good(美口)彻底地/完全;狠狠地/有力地

They hate us but good. 汤姆恨死我们了。

Jack insulted Tom, and Tom hit him, but good.


34. but = only只不过,仅仅,but作副词使用并不常见。

He is but a child.

A wonder last but nine days.

I saw him but a few months ago.

35. but only(加强语气)但是

36. may/might…but 尽管/或许…但/但是(当然了,所强调的是but之后的内容)

37. not but that…是it is not but that的省略法,but无否定意义,作“尽管/虽然…可是/然而还是…”

= not but what

38. It was impossible but (that)… 不可能不,一定是。

39. I don’t know about you, but…


40. I have no idea but (that)…,表示…“说不定”、“也许”。

41. it’s …, Jim, but not as we know it


42. Who knows but (that)…? 意思是“说不定”、“也许”,从句的内容肯定或否定共同语言形式一致。

Who knows but (that/what) it is true? 谁能说这不是真的?


1. but and if 但是如果,倘若

2. ifs and buts不确定因素;借口/托词;条件与异议

3. ifs and buts(英),ifs, ands, or buts(美)(为故意拖延而给出的)借口,托词

4. no buts (about it) 没有“但是”可言;没有商量的余地

5. no ifs or buts about it(这一点是)无可争议的

6. no ifs, ands, or buts (about it) (这一点是)毫无疑问的;(这一点)没有借口/例外

7. There are no buts. (英口)There’s no ifs or buts)about it. (口)这是毫无疑问的。

8. But me no buts (Not so many buts, please)



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