

 静康安好 2023-05-02 发布于湖北




1. 用作等立连词,使其前后的词、短语、分句相互对照,作但是,然而,可是解,让前后连接的事物凸显出「对比」的感觉。

She is young but very experienced.她虽然年轻但经验丰富。 

He looked but saw nothing.他看了,可是什么也没看见。

He is good at speaking but poor at writing.他善于说而不善于写。

They all went but I didn’t.他们都去了,可是我没去。

My friend Lisa is smart but shy.我的朋友 Lisa 很聪明,但是很害羞。

This snack is good to eat but hard to find.这一款点心很好吃,但是很难找到。

The restaurant is very nice, but the food there is too expensive.


2. 用于表示歉意的话语之后,表示谢绝或不赞成。

I'm sorry, but I disagree with you.对不起,我不同意你的意见。

Sorrybut could you tell me the way to the station?对不起,你能告诉我去车站怎么走吗?

Excuse mebut can you tell me how to do it?很抱歉,能否告诉我怎么做


Nothing, but nothing, can make him to join this plan.


Anybody but anybody will make this decision if they have money.


My neighbor is very stingy, but I mean very stingy.我的邻居非常小气,我是说超级小气!

3.      用于两个并列的分句之间,与前面的否定词形成对比,作……而不……”解。(从不做,但一做就;每当总是) 

It never rains but it pours.不雨则已,一雨倾盆/不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。

I never go past that house but I think of the happy years I spent there.


I never think of summer but I think of swimming.一想到夏天,我就会想起游泳。

4.     相当于if…not若不;要不是;除非,常用but that形式。

Nothing would content him but I must come.只有我来,才能使他满意。

I would go abroad but that I am poor.要不是我穷的话,我就会到国外去。

No man is so old but that he may learn.没有人因为年龄太大而不能学习。

5.相当于that,有时用but that形式,无实际语义,常用于否定词加doubtquestion等词之后;或后常跟主语从句,表示一种可能性。

There is no question but he will succeed.他无疑会成功。

He cannot denybutthat it was his fault.他无法否认那是他的过错。

It is ten to one but we’ll over-fulfil our production.我们十之八九会超额完成生产任务的。


I cannot say butthatyou may be perfect.我不能说你可能不是完人。

Don’t you think but I’d know a rabbit from a big white cat?


看完了这些例句,不知道细心的你有没有发现一个小细节,那就是 but 前面到底需不需要加「逗号」呢?

1. 一般来说,当 but 连接一个完整的句子时,but 的前面就需要加上逗号:

This bike is very old, but I still like it very much.


I asked him to come home early, but he didn’t listen at all.


Jane really hopes to take a month off, but she is too busy.Jane


不过,如果 but 后面接的是单词或是短语时,前面则不需要加逗号:

The living room is small but cozy.这间客厅很小但是很舒适。

Your plan sounds very interesting but not too promising.


Linda is not the oldest but the youngest children in her family.

Linda 在她们家不是排行老大,而是老幺。

有些作者会在写作时做出不同的选择,并以此展现个人的写作风格。比如说:在 but 前面用逗号来表示停顿的语气,或是藉由省略逗号来表现明快又一气呵成的语句节奏。或者,当 but 后面连接的句子很短,无逗号也不影响阅读情绪的情况下,也可以选择省略逗号。

You can come here tomorrow, but not today.你明天可以过来,但不是今天。

We all felt tired after the show, but very happy.我们在表演结束之后都很累,但是非常开心。

The talk ended very soon but we felt sad.这场谈话很快就结束了,但是我们觉得很难过。

They pretend that everything is fine but the truth is not.



2. but 可以放句首吗?

My grandparents are from Russia. But I was born and raised in Japan.


Kevin wanted to buy that beautiful house. But he couldn’t afford it.

Kevin 想买下那间很美的房子,但他实在是负担不起。

It was my parents’ room. But I made them trade me.


不过,如果是像论文或作文这样的正式写作中,以 but 开头的用法可能会被视为是语法错误。

二、用作副词,表示「只是、仅仅」的意思,用法类似于 only

She is but a substitute for her older sister.她只是姐姐的替代品。

This is but one of the challenges that you will face.这只是其中一个你将面临的挑战。

The billionaire owns apartments in Tokyo, Seoul, and Macau, to name but a few.



no, no one, none, nobody, nothing, nowhere等词连用:

Nobody knew her but me. 除我以外,没有人认识她。

No one can do it but him.只有他才能担当此任。

None but him knows this plant.只有他认识这植物。

I heard nothing but the wind.除了风声,我什么也没听到。

all, anything, anywhere, every,everybody, everyone等词连用:

You were all wrong but me.除我外,你们都错了。

Everybody arrived on time but yourself.大家都按时到达,就是你自己没有。

Have you ever been to anywhere else but Beijing?除了北京外你还去过别的地方吗?

who, what, where及形容词最高级等连用:

Who but a fool would do such a thing?除傻瓜外,谁还会干这样的事情?

What is she but my wife?她不是我的妻子还会是什么呢?

He is the thinnest man in our school but Mr He.除何先生外,他是我们学校里最瘦的人。


None but his dog saved him.除了他的狗以外,没有人救了他。

I have written all my letters but one.我只差一封信就写完了。

Jack was the last but one to arrive.杰克是倒数第二个到达的。  

Take the next turning but two on your left.在你左方第三个转弯处拐弯。

He felt all but dead with fatigue.他感到累得要死。

She was anything but mad.她一点也不疯。

I remember I put it nowhere but in desk.我记得我只是把它放在书桌里。

I believe all but what he said.我根本不相信他说的话。


She had no choice but to wait.除了等待,她别无选择。


He did nothing but read a novel yesterday.除了看小说,他昨天什么也没干。

What can you do but take back what you said.除了收回你的话外,你还能做什么?

⑦but前的非谓语动词是to dodoing时,but后的不定式的“to”可省略也可不省略:

I had nothing to do but (to) watch TV.除了看电视,我无事可做。

There was nothing left to do but (to) take a rest.没有剩下什么要做的事情,只好休息。


He thinks of nothing but making money.除了赚钱,他什么也不想。

That official was afraid of nothing but eating pork.那位官员只是怕吃猪肉。

He could bear anything but hearing such bad news.他听到这样的坏消息确实会忍受不了。


No one but we (us) is able to do it.只有我们能当此任。

Nobody but we (us) knows of it.除了我们外,没有人知道这事。

You are all wrong but I (me).除我以外,你们都错了。

I told her that I had never loved anyone but her.我告诉她,除她以外我没爱过任何人。


Everyone but me was tired.除了我以外大家都累了。(:Except for me,everyone was tired.)Mr.       An has no girl-friends but her.除了她外,安先生没有别的女朋友。(:Mr. An has no other girl-friend besides /except her.)


用在有否定词或具有否定意义的否定句中作关系代词, 引导含否定意思的定语从句,相当于“which/that/who...not" ,构成双重否定句。 

There is no one but knows it.= There is no one who doesn't know it.没人不知道/人人皆知。 

There is nothing in the world but inspires me with courage.

: There is nothing in the world that doesn’t inspire me with courage.


There is scarcely a man but has his weak side.

:There is scarcely a man who doesn’t have his weak side.几乎无人没缺点/人人都有缺点。


1)but for (:without)“要不是;如果没有,相当于一个虚拟条件句:

But for the rain (If it hadn't rained), we would have had a pleasant journey. 


But for your help, we couldn't have carried out the plan.


But for your helpI should have failed.如果没有你的帮助,我便失败了。

2)but that = except that ,意为若非;要不是,引导虚拟条件状语从句:

He would have helped me but that he was short of money at that time.


3)but then (:on the other hand)“不过;在另一方面”;“话说回来、仔细一想

London is a noisy place, but then it's also a place where you get the best 



Sasha might be gloomy sometimes, but then she is a good friend.Sasha.


This activity is not fun at all, but then again, I didn’t expect too much.


4)but too意为十分;非常

  They are but too glad to do so.他们非常喜欢这样做。

5)but now “刚刚,适才

I saw him in the office but now.我刚刚看见他在办公室。

I heard the commander talk about you but now.适才听得司令讲到您。

6)all but(:almost;nearly) 意为外全都;几乎;差一点

All but mother in my family can speak English. 除母亲外,我的一家人都会说英语。

His theory is all but correct.他的理论几乎是正确的。

It was all but impossible to read his writing. 他的笔迹几乎没法辨认。

Reiner, 56, has all but conceded the race to his rival. 


We had all but completed the report when the manager arrived.


Everything was all but ready before 10 a.m.


This gas is all but yellow.这种气体是近乎黄色的。

I answered all but the last two questions on the test.


Europe will be represented in all but two of the seven races. 

7场比赛中除了2场之外, 都将有欧洲的代表参加。

7)anything but (:not at all; by no means; never)“不见得;决不;根本不

He is anything but a good headmaster.他不见得是个好校长。

This car is anything but beautiful.这辆小汽车根本不漂亮。

He is anything but a scientist.他决非科学家。

His English is anything but correct.他的英文错误百出。

8)nothing but (:only)“只;不过是除了……以外什么也没有

We could see nothing but water. 我们只能看见水。

Nothing but a miracle can save her now. 现在只有出现奇迹才能救她。

He's nothing but a no-good bum! 他不过是个没用的懒汉。

9)     not…but…“不是而是…”,连接两个并列的名词、形容词、副词、短语或分句等:    My bag is not black but red.我的书包不是黑色的而是红色的。              He failed not because he isn't clever but because he didn't work hard. 


Not that he could do itbut that he had no time.不是他做不了这件事,而是他没有空做。

10)no…but 意为没有…”

No child but likes Old Li in our village.没有孩子不喜欢我们村里的老李。

11)never…but “每当…”

He never sees Miss Wang but he thinks of his friend, Xiao Ya.


And never a year passes but I get some surprise that pushes my limit a little farther.


It never rains but it pours. 不雨则以,一雨倾盆。

First John lost his job, then his wife had to go to the hospital; it never rains but it pours. 


        Never hear the west wind, but tears are in my eyes.


注意,前面的 never也可以替换为其他表示否定的词,比如seldomhardlynonot

You cannot look into the index but you will find the word.

只要查一下索引, 就会找到这个词。 

No man is so old but that he may learn .活到老,学到老。 

Hardly a week passes but I get another good idea. 每周我都有好主意。

12) can/could but“只能,只好

His father can but know a few letters.他的父亲只能认几个字母。    The old lady could but walk slowly with a stick.


13) can/could not but“不得不,忍不住

I could not but tell him about it. 我不得不告诉他这件事。

Seeing her husband's funny face, she could not but laugh.


I could not but accept the invitation.我只好接受了邀请。

14)cannot help but  不得不、忍不住、只好

I can’t help but cry after watching this movie.看完这部电影之后,我忍不住哭了。

He cannot help but give up on this program.他不得不放弃这项计划。

They couldn’t help but wonder who the stranger was.他们忍不住好奇那个陌生人是谁。

15)can't help but do…“不能不;忍不住…”

I can't help but cry. 我忍不住哭了。

16) cannot/could not choose but “不得不,必须

They could not choose but obey.他们除了服从外别无选择。

17) not only…but also…“不但而且;既…”

Not only you but also she has to attend the meeting. 

你和她都得参加这次会议。         He not only teaches us English but also does other things for us.

/Not only does he teach us English but he also does other things.


My aunt is not only rich but also kind.我的阿姨不只很有钱,而且人很好。

Not only you but also my brother has caught a cold.不只是你,连我弟弟也感冒了。

He is not only a smart leader but also a good listener.


18) next but one 意为再下一个。如:

They used to live in the next house but one to me.他们住在我隔壁的隔壁。

19) no one but 意为除了外,谁也不。如:

No one but a madman would say such words.除了疯子,谁也不会说这样的话。


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