
高三英语unit 15 study skills

 宫商角徽羽 2019-08-16

高三英语unit 15 study skills.

On reading.

On the subject of reading, francisco bacon who lived at about the same time as shakespeare wrote this words,”Some books are to be taste, aren't to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.”This good advice shows how it is possible to read different types of books in different ways.For example, you might pick up a travel book and read a few pages before going to sleep.It is enough to dip into it and read  bits here and there.In a word, this is tasting.

Some stories are for swallowing.Imagine that you have found a good story,and ,what is in even more important, the time to enjoy it.You might be on holiday or on a long train journey.If it is a good book, you might say “it's so good, I can't put it down.”But not all stories belong to this class. Reviewers sometimes describe books as “hard to put down”or “hard  to pick up again.”

Other books are for reading slowly and carefully. If it is a book on subject that you are interested in, you will want to chew and digest it.That does not mean reading it too slowly.When you pick up a book for the first time, check that it is not too difficult.Do not start a book unless you can see from the first few pages that it is one you can easily read and understand.

Next if it is not a story, get an idea of the organization of the book.Read the back cover and the introduction.Look at the pictures and the short texts below them.Turn to the front of the book and look at the contents.This way you can decide whether the book is likely to interest you. And if so, then you can decide which part of the book will be most useful and interesting.

Here are some more reading tips. First, read a chapter quickly to get a general idea.Then if you wish you can read it once again more slowly, using a dictionary when necessary.Second, do not stop every time you come to a word or phrase you do not know.Quite often you will find the unknown word appearance again. Perhaps several times and by the end of the chapter you will have guest its meaning.That is how we learn the meaning of words in our own language.Imagine that you come across this sentence in a book”The house was beginning to get cold,So Daisy pulled her red ,woolen  ,cardigan out of her bag and put it on.”If you do not know the world “cardigan “, you can guess from the situation that it may be made of wool , and is put on to keep warm and is therefore likely to be an article of clothing.

The last question is what to read. Start by making a list of all the types of books that you enjoy reading in Chinese.If you hate science stories, you are unlikely to enjoy reading them in English.But if you enjoy reading short stories in Chinese, look for collections of English ones.Are there any hobbies or sports you particularly like?If so, look out for books, articles on magazines, about them.You can enlarge your knowledge and learn some English at the same time.

Finally and above all enjoy your reading.

The art of being a good listener

There are two means of the phrase” listening skills”.One refers to the type of listening practice, which we do when learning a foreign language.The more we practice, the better we get a listening to speech in a foreign language.The other meaning is about the art of being a good listener to other people.In this the key to good listening is in the Chinese chapter  ting.It tells USA lot about how we should listen to each other.These are the part of the Character:”ear  you eyes.undivided attention and heart.”

Being a good listener means much more than just listening with “ears” .”eyes “mean that I should look at you while you are speaking as a sign of respect.In other words, I should not watch tv. All look over your shoulder and other people while we are talking together.

Undivided attention is another sign of respect. You may have noticed that very few people listen with Complete station.Most people have listen and if you ask them to repeat, what you have just said they can not.They may appear to be listening, but in fact lots of things are running around inside their heads, shopping list, things to do, worries, problems and so on.

What about heart?Hard is what makes you love other people. You can love your friend even though you do not agree with everything she or he says.So when you listen to someone you should listen with Complete attention and with Complete respect for other people.

Here are some more tips on becoming a good listener.First take turns to listen.Don't all try to speak at the same time when you are in a group.Lazy without interrupting, and stop others from interrupting.Then it will be someone else's turn.That way everyone gets the chance to speak and to be listened to with respect.

Second. If your friends have problems, do not give advice.Ask questions instead, such as” what do you want? How do you feel about it?What are you afraid might happen? “They will be able to find answers to any problems themselves ,with your support.They just need encouragement and complete trust that they are doing their best.

Third, lesson and be quiet while others are talking.Don't interrupt saying,” oh yes, that reminds me of...”and start to tell your story.If someone has a serious problem ,or illness or sadness, this is not the time to talk about a similar event in your life that happened years ago.

Most of us are able to solve most of our problems. Often, all we need is a good friend who you listen to us while we “talking things through.”If friends can take turns to listen to each other, well, life will be better.

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