
高三英语unit16 Social and personal

 宫商角徽羽 2019-08-17

高三英语unit16  Social and personal.

Part time jobs.

Fred Pearson was walking through the university town of Oxford one morning in 1961.He was on his way to a lecture.,when a tourist stopped him and asked him for directions.And fred was going in the same direction he walked along with the tourist.They got on so well that fred decided not to go to the lecture but to show the tourist around the university instead.They spent a full and very enjoyable morning together, and Fred discovered that he had a gift for making a visit interesting and lively.At lunch time, the tourist thanked him and give him 10 pounds ,which was a lot of money in those days.

Fred realized that he had discovered an interesting and enjoyable way of making money.It means he studied hard for his exams and most mornings he took tourists around oxford.He passed his exams and even better. When he left university he had earned enough money to start his own business, offering guide services to tourists.

This is one example of a part time job, leading to greater things.It's a good idea to start a part time job. So long as it does not affect your studies.For one thing, when you earn money, you will not have to keep on asking your parents for money.You can buy Whatever you need, if you have enough money, it is good preparation for the world outside schools and universities.We should learn the value of money and learn how many hours work has to be done before we can buy something.

That is another good reason for taking a part time job. It is good to learn to work with others in a team. There are many things to be learned when you start working.You have to be able to check  instructions. You have to be able to plan your work so that all your jobs will be finished in time. You have to learn when to ask for help and when to ask for Information, you will find that people will have you if you are ready to have them.

Another good reason for taking a part time job is that employers usually prefer to hire someone who has already had some work  experience.The value someone who leads an active life and is anxious to learn.For example, a newspaper might employ you if you have worked on a student  magazine at university or at school.Generally you will have a greater chance of finding a suitable job if you have done some part time jobs.


.Dear marty.

I've got a problem and as I don't know what to do, I thought i'd write to you and ask for your advice.

I've been working at a meat factory for about two months now.It's a part time job, so I only work evenings. I've always recently noticed that one of my workmates is stealing. From time to time, I noticed that he puts a piece of meat down his  trousers just before he leaves the factory.Now the manager has found that things are missing.He said that all  this happened after I started work.

What should I do??Maybe I should have told that workmate I knew what he was doing.Oh possibly I should have gone to the manager and told him who was stealing meat.

I think I'm in a difficult position. Please tell me how I can solve this problem.I'd like to hear your advice.

Best wishes.


.Dear John

. Thanks for your letter. I agree that it is a difficult situation.I'm afraid it is quite common that people steal things from their workplace.Besides, this man is a clever thief.He waited  until someone new joined the company and then began to steal.

I think there is a possible problem if you tell the manager about the thief.The other people in the workforce may not trust you in future.They will think that you are the eyes and ears of the manager.

There is no need to see anything to the other worker.It's his problem. Not yet.Try not to worry.After all, you have nothing to lose if you are honest and a good worker.

But I advise you to check your bike every evening before going home.It is quite possible that the thief might put some meat in your bag,hoping you will be caught and called a thief.

Best regards.



Thank you for your letter. I'm not sure why you decided to write to me asking for you, advice.Situation is quite clear.Seriously, you must report these other worker to the manager immediately.In fact, I'm rather surprised you haven't done so already.In my personal opinion, you should have done this as soon as you found out he was dealing.

There is no doubt about the correct thing to do. it is the duty of everyone in a work unit to report another worker to the manager if he or she does anything wrong,or tell lies. I hope you will do this in future.



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