

 捷辰0421 2019-08-18

Right portal vein branch右门静脉分支, ligamentum venosum静脉韧带

Gallbladder neck

Junction of neck and body of gallbladder

Body of gallbladder

Gallbladder fundus胆囊底

Gallbladder fundus, inferior border下缘

Vena cava, duodenum十二指肠, bifurcation of portal vein门静脉分叉

Right portal vein branch, duodenum, gallbladder body

Right portal vein branch, body and neck of gallbladder

Body and fundus of gallbladder, kidney

Gallbladder fundus, kidney

Gallbladder fundus, kidney

Regions of gallbladder胆囊区,螺旋襞spiral folds

Layers of gallbladder wall胆囊壁层

  1. Aorta主动脉

  2. Iliac artery髂动脉

  3. Celiac trunk腹腔动脉干

  4. Hepatic artery肝动脉

  5. Splenic artery脾动脉

  6. Left gastric artery胃左动脉

  7. Superior mesenteric artery肠系膜上动脉

  8. Right renal artery右肾动脉

  9. Left renal artery左肾动脉

  10. Vena cava腔静脉

  11. Left hepatic vein肝左静脉

  12. Middle hepatic vein肝中静脉

  13. Right hepatic vein肝右静脉

  14. Right renal vein右肾静脉

  15. Left renal vein左肾静脉

  16. Iliac vein髂静脉

  17. Portal vein门静脉

  18. Splenic vein脾静脉

  19. Superior mesenteric vein肠系膜上静脉

  20. Right lobe of liver肝右叶

  21. Left lobe of liver肝左叶

  22. Quadrate lobe方叶

  23. Caudate lobe尾状叶

  24. Ligamentum teres圆韧带

  25. Ligamentum venosum静脉韧带

  26. Lateral segment外侧段

  27. Medial segment内侧段

  28. Anterior segment前段

  29. Posterior segment后段

  30. Gallbladder胆囊

  31. Fundus of gallbladder胆囊底

  32. Body of gallbladder胆囊体

  33. Neck of gallbladder胆囊颈

  34. Infundibulum漏斗管

  35. Spiral folds螺旋褶皱

  36. Bile duct胆管

  37. Cystic duct胆囊管

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  39. -

  40. Pancreas胰腺

  41. Head of pancreas胰头

  42. Body of pancreas胰腺体

  43. Tail of pancreas胰尾

  44. Uncinate process钩突

  45. Pancreatic duct胰管

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  50. Spleen

  51. Accessory spleen副脾

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  60. Right kidney

  61. Left kidney左肾

  62. Renal cortex肾皮质

  63. Renal columns肾柱

  64. Pyramids肾椎

  65. Renal pelvis肾盂

  66. Ureter输尿管

  67. Adrenal gland肾上腺

  68. Stomach

  69. Fundus of stomach胃底

  70. Body of stomach胃体

  71. Antrum of stomach胃窦

  72. Cardia贲门

  73. Duodenal bulb十二指肠球部

  74. Duodenum十二指肠

  75. Small bowel小肠

  76. Right colic flexure右结肠曲

  77. Left colic flexure左结肠曲

  78. Bladder膀胱

  79. Opening of ureter输尿管开口

  80. Urethra尿道

  81. Prostate前列腺

  82. Seminal vesicle精囊

  83. Uterus子宫

  84. Vagina阴道

  85. Right ovary右卵巢

  86. Left ovary左卵巢

  87. Rectum直肠

  88. Spinal column脊柱

  89. Symphysis pubis耻骨联合

  90. Acoustic shadow声影

  91. Gas气体

  92. Artifact人工制品

  93. Psoas muscle腰肌

  94. Diaphragm横膈膜

  95. Pelvic bone髋骨

  96. Heart心脏

  97. -

  98. Thyroid gland甲状腺

  99. Sternohyoid muscle胸骨舌骨肌

  100. Sternothyroid muscle胸骨甲状肌

  101. Sternocleidomastoid muscle胸锁乳突肌

  102. Omohyoid muscle肩胛舌骨肌

  103. Internal jugular vein颈内静脉

  104. Common carotid artery颈总动脉

  105. Tracheal cartilage气管软骨

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