

 旅居墨尔本 2019-08-29


房东持续观望的态度使得8月24日墨尔本的部分房屋拍卖结果强劲。Port Melbourne区一处老旧的露台,40年前以$3.7万澳元的价格被买下。如今,它的成交价高达$131万澳元,比拍卖预留价高出$10.1万澳元。这处位于桥街80号(80 Bridge St)的拍卖会上有五名竞标者在争夺这处房产。

Port Melbourne区Chisholm & Gamon的经纪人乔恩·凯特(Jon Kett)表示,'除了首套住房买家以外,所有类型的买家都参与了竞拍,包括缩减居住规模买家、家庭买家、投资者和建筑商。最终家庭买家赢得了拍卖。”他补充说,在Port Melbourne区参加房屋开放的人数在大选后增加了两倍。

此外,位于Toorak区堪培拉路21号(21 Canberra Rd)的一处联排别墅以$206万澳元的价格拍出,远高于$165万澳元的预留价。Advantage房产咨询公司负责人弗兰克·瓦瑞森特(Frank Valentic)表示,一名首次购房者在家人的帮助下击败了其他三名竞拍者。他说,自1998年以$72.5万澳元的价格买下这处房产后,它的价值增长了两倍。

位于Brighton区布伦斯街2/12号(2/12 Burrows St)的房产也出现类似的情景,房东们也收获了满意的拍卖结果,比预留价$89.3万澳元高出$15.7万澳元。一位投资者从另外三位竞标者中脱颖而出。瓦瑞森特表示:“投资者在过去几年都消失的无影无踪,现在肯定又返回到市场中来。他们只有在市场强劲时才会进入市场,而这名买家击败了三名首次购房者。”

另外一位房东大约50年前在Lalor区的金斯莱大道31号(31 Kingsway Drive)建造的一座房子也卖得很好。

Ray White South Morang区主管尼克·彼得罗夫斯基(Nick Petrovski)称,该房产售予了一位来自Jacana的首次购房者,$61.5万澳元的成交价超出预留价$4.5万澳元。彼得罗夫斯基表示:“房源仍然有点紧俏,但我们的挂牌出售的表现相对不错。对于那些正在观望的房东而言(现在是卖出的好时机),他们行动得越早越好。”


Melbourne auction market: strong clearance rate as tightly held properties top reserves
Vendors made a windfall at competitive auctions during a weekend when Melbourne’s sales success shot to new heights.
<Jayitri Smiles, Herald Sun, Aug 26 2019>

The city’s early clearance rate hit almost 80 per cent from 538 recorded results, which CoreLogic reports as a two year high.

It’s also the fourth week in a row the figure exceeded 70 per cent.

Homes tightly held by vendors for decades notched some of Melbourne’s best Saturday results on August 24.

A tired Port Melbourne terrace, which was previously bought for $37,000 about 40 years ago, soared $101,000 above reserve under the hammer to $1.301 million.

Five bidders competed for the keys at 80 Bridge St.

Chisholm & Gamon Port Melbourne agent Jon Kett said “every demographic apart from a first-home buyer” entered the bidding battle, including downsizers, a family, investors and builders. The family came out on top.

He added that crowds at inspections of Port Melbourne properties had tripled post-election.

A charming Toorak townhouse at 21 Canberra Rd sold for $2.06 million, shooting well above its $1.65 million reserve.

Advantage Property Consulting director Frank Valentic said a first-home buyer beat three other bidders with the help of their family.

He said the property had tripled in value since it was bought for $725,000 in 1998.

Vendors also had an impressive payday at 2/12 Burrows St in Brighton, which sold $157,000 above reserve for $893,000.

An investor beat three other bidders to the keys.

“Investors are definitely back in the game … they weren’t around the last couple of years,” Mr Valentic said.

“They don’t get into the market until the market is strong, and this buyer beat three first-home buyers to the keys.”

A house built by the vendors about 50 years ago at 31 Kingsway Drive in Lalor also sold well.

It pushed $45,000 above reserve to $615,000, selling to a first-home buyer from Jacana, Ray White South Morang director Nick Petrovski said.

“Stock’s still a little bit tight, but we’ve been listing relatively well,” Mr Petrovski said.

“For those people who are reading between the lines (that now’s a good time to sell), they’re moving sooner rather than later.”

Melbourne’s auction volume is slowly creeping up as spring approaches, with 720 properties going under the hammer this week, according to CoreLogic.

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