

 昵称37581541 2019-09-23


Prof.Xiangke Wang, North China Electric Power University

Title: Synthesis of carbon-based nanomaterials and their applications in pollution management




上图其他为表面改性的Fe3O4 对铀酰的去除,并且利用磁性进行固液分离,表面纳米材料与常规工艺相结合有效去除废液中的放射性核素。下图为改性分子筛对核素的选择性吸附。

释放到环境中的放射性核素,会发生以下环境行为,如氧化-还原反应,在环境介质上的沉淀,吸附-脱附和扩散迁移等行为,上述放射性核素和环境介质的界面相互作用  与其在环境介质上的化学种态(chemical species)与微观结构密切相关。



Prof.Ajit Sarmah, The University of Auckland

Title: Innovative approaches of biochar utilisation: macro to nano-scale

Biochar Starch Polymer Composite

What we have found?

- At max dosage of 5% RHBC, the loss tangent showed a broader peak due to the heterogeneity in the composite.

- At 5% RHBC, the loss tangent increased slightly indicating the viscous nature increment with the addition of RHBC particles.

- The increase in viscous nature of the composite could be attributed to the weak interaction biochar particles with polymer matrix.

- There was a decrease in Young’s modulus of the composite from 1.1 GPa to 0.7 GPa.

- The poor interaction of the RHBC with starch matrix was attributed to the absence of -OH functional group in RHBC.

Prof.Hocheol Song, Sejong University

Title: Multi-functional biochar: Fabrication and Environmental Application

Prof.Sang Soo Lee, Yonsei University

Title: Biochar-based soil amendment for water security


Amount (R2 = 0.846) and intensity (R2 = 0.758) of rainfall had significant correlation with soil erosion and turbidity.

When applied 0.5 g of the synthesized water treatment in the simulator having ~70-L water, the values of turbidity were reduced by 91.1, 82.9, and 87.3% at 100, 200, and 400 NTU, respectively, after 24-h compared to the control.

When applied 10-g (max.) of the synthesized soil amendment in each pot (1200 g; BD 1.21 g/cm3), the water retention was enhanced by 3.5%, after 15 days.

No toxicity was found based on GI and eco-toxicological test.

Prof.Yoshiyuki Shinogi, Kyushu University

Title: Challenge for resilient agriculture with biochar

Prof.Jim J Wang, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center

Title: Functionalized biochar for agricultural and environmental application

Trend and challenge in biochar development for agricultural and environmental application:

- Exponential growth in development of value-added biochar products from different agricultural wastes.

- Specific products with high economic value.

- Fertilizer, environmental remediation, waste management and nutrient recovery.

- Stability and reusability of value-added biochar.

- Ecotoxicity of value-added and functionalized biochar.

- Aquatic environment.

Prof.Fangbai Li, Guangdong Institute of Eco-environment and Soil Sciences

Title: Biochar as an electron shuttle and the design of ZVI@biochar for heavy metal pollution control

The amendment of biochar may raise secondary environmental risks, such as As release into soil solution and increase in its bioavailability to rice grains, particularly with organic matter. Therefore, biochar amendment in paddy soil should be considered very carefully.

ZVI@biochar is a promising metal immobilizer because synergistic effects of biochar and ZVI is much more than themselves. The effective loading for pure biochar has to up to 7.5-15 tons/hectare, while that for Fe@biochar only 2.25-3 tons/hectare.

The accumulation of Cd and As in rice greatly decreased with above 40% because the bioavailable Cd and As were transferred into immobilized speciation.

Prof.Baoliang Chen, Zhejiang University

Title: Multiple and multilevel structures of biochars and their potential environmental applications: from materials to devices

Prof.Bin Gao, University of Florida

Title: Engineered Biochar and Its Environmental Applications

Prof.Xinde Cao, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Title: Distinguishing Electron Donated and Mediated Mechanisms in the Reduction of Cr(VI) by Biochar

Biochar had abundant electron donating/accepting capacity which mainly came from the functional group and carbon defect.

Biochar can serve as both electron donor and electron shuttle during the Cr(VI) reduction.

Soil Fe mineral, organic acids, and bacteria can participate the electron transfer process during the Cr(VI) reduction by biochar and thus affect the Cr(VI) reduction rate.

Fe-biochar can immobilize soil As through the reducing capacity of Fe(0) and sorption capacity of amorphous iron mineral.

Prof.Hongwen Sun, Nankai University

Title: The interaction between biochar and organic pollutants and its application in remediation of polluted farmland

Sorption mechanisms depend on chemical properties, and for polar chemicals, medium-temperature biochar may show the highest sorption capacity.

Sorption capacity of biochar decrease with time after amend-ment in soil due to the interaction with soil constituents 

High-temperature of biochar can enhance chemical degradation of organic pollutants via catalyzed hydrolysis and oxidation.

High-temperature biochar can inhibit biodegradation due to the lowered availability and unfavorable pH.

Low-temperature of biochar can enhance biodegradation via enhancement on abundance of microorganisms.

Prof.Bo Pan, Kunming University of Science and Technology

Title: The reactivity of biochars and the application in organic contaminant removal

Prof.Zhihong Xu, Griffith University

Title: Developing and applying biochar based novel solutions and technologies for food security and environmental futures

Opportunities and challenges ahead in biochar research and application

Development and application of cost effective biochar-based solutions and technologies;

Improving the understanding of key mechanisms of bio-chased products and technologies in controlling key biogeochemical cycles of carbon and nutrients in the soil-plant ecosystems;

Development and application of science-based biochar standards (Version 1.0);

Exploring and utilising the biochar-based solutions and technologies for food security and environmental futures.

Prof.Jianming Xu, Zhejiang University

Title: Effect of manure-based biochar on soil N2O emission and microbial-N cycling genes

Manure-based biochars with easily mineralizable C increased the abundance of denitrification genes, i.e. nirK, nirS and nosZ and consequently increased N2O emission, regardless of moisture level and N form.

With manure-based biochar, the N2O emission and denitrification genes decreased with increasing biochar aromaticity or pyrolysis temperature, and decreased when the easily mineralizable carbon was removed.

Lignocellulose- derived biochar induced changes in AOB/AOA ratio, and constitute a better microbial niche for AOB in the near charosphere, in which pH played the important role in determining AOB/AOA ratio.

There is a diminished capacity to complete denitrifification in the near charosphere, but conversely a greater relative abundance of nosZ in the far charosphere, explaining the contrasting observations related to lignocellulose-derived biochar affected N2O emissions from soils.

Prof.Roland Bol, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany

Title: Optimising fertilisers, start at the beginning

The U concentration in P fertilizers is the primary effect for evaluating the U accumulation in soils.

Uranium accumulates in soil are also affected by the agricultural managements (rates of P fertilizer applications, land use types), soil physical-chemical properties.

These factors should be considered and regulated at political level to limit environmental risks caused by fertilization induced U contamination.

Prof.Baoguo Li, China Agricultural University

Title: Soil degradation, water scarcity and food security in China

China’s future food security lies in:

Greatly improving crop water productivity in case of protecting soil resource bases.

Developing regionalized precision farmland soil-water management technology suite to meet SDGs

Breakthroughs in biotechnology in improving resource use efficiencies to address soil-water-food-environment nexus.

Develop international win-win trade to mobilize global. 

In future, high-resolution remote sensing, high-performance computing, and new generation of management modeling for agriculture, together with the mechanized production chains will closely plugged and coupled into a seamless system. All these systems will combine to create a new generation of agriculture, the so-called intelligent agriculture.

For future potential of yield increase, Chinese academician of Sciences, Zhensheng Li, computed a regional allocation for potential grain output increase, that is, for Northeast and Southeast China twelve and half million tons respectively, North China fifteen million tons, and five million tons for Northwest and Southwest China respectively. We can see that North, Northeast and Southeast China would undertake majority part of grain output increase.

Then come back to this map again and this time the regional focus of soil and water conservation.

For Northeast China is to develop conservation tillage system. For North China, to develop water-adapted rotation system to in crease yield and minimize water stress. In Southeast China, it should struggle to prevent and remediate contaminated rice paddy soils. For Southwest China is soil and water conservation. For Northwest China is anti-salinization and soil and water conservation.

Prof.Markus Flury, Washington State University

Title: Effect of biochar particle size on water retention of sand, silt loam, and clay soil

Prof.Xudong Zhang, Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Title: Security of black soil resources and reformation of tillage practices

Prof.Ivan Vasenev, Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy

Title: Black soils' smart management, monitoring and conservation in Russia


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