
过了“保质期”的食物就不能吃了吗?| 科学60秒

 eimo1961 2019-09-25

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▶ 科学60秒:过了“保质期”的食物就该扔了吗?| 3:02



“保质期”(Best before),“最晚销售日期”(sell by),“最佳食用日期”(for best results, use by)……你家冰箱或者储藏柜中的食物恐怕都贴着不少这样的标签。

“关于扔掉哪些食物、对食物如何加工以供食用的问题,大部分人都选择遵照食品标签上的指示。而我们现在考虑的是改变这种行为方式,让食物标签与食物本身品质保持一致,这样才能避免浪费,防止人们过早扔掉其实仍可以安全食用的食品。”国际自然基金会(World Wildlife Fund)食物损耗及浪费的高级主任皮特·皮尔逊(Pete Pearson)说道。

“地球上超过 70% 的生物多样性损失可归因于食物和农业。”

自然资源保护协会(Natural Resources Defense Council)估计,美国有 40% 的食物还没有入口就被扔掉了,相当于每年 2180 亿美元的浪费。除了让我们钱包空瘪之外,食物浪费还会在垃圾填埋场中产生甲烷,一种比二氧化碳更强劲的温室气体。前面这些还不包括未食用食物的生产、运输、水、肥料、动物蓄养地维护和燃料等所有累积在一起造成的浪费。


Food Expiration Dates May Mislead Consumer

“Best before,” “sell by,” “for best results, use by.” You probably have many of these labels on items in your fridge and pantry right now. 

“A lot of behavior on what you throw away and how you consume food, a lot of people go off what’s on the label. And so what we’re looking at is trying to shift behavior, trying to make consistency in terms of how foods are labeled so that we can avoid waste and avoid people throwing away products that are perfectly good to eat.

Pete Pearson is the senior director for food loss and waste at World Wildlife Fund. 

“Seventy percent or more of the biodiversity loss on the planet is attributed to food and agriculture.”

The Natural Resources Defense Council estimates that 40 percent of all food in the United States goes uneaten. That translates to some $218 billion in wasted money annually. Beyond the hit to the wallet, food waste in landfills creates methane, which is a more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. And these figures don’t include a full accounting of the accumulated waste producing and transporting food that we don’t eat; water and fertilizer; maintenance of animal habitats; and fuel.

“And often, because of labeling and consumer behavior, we throw it away, and it’s still perfectly good to eat[full transcript]

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