

 zzm1008图书馆 2019-10-02


Live a stable life and work happily. Anju (安居) literally means a secure house and by extension living a happy life. Leye (乐业) means enjoying one's work. Together they refer to the general state of good governance, with peace prevailing and everyone in their proper place, satisfied with work and content with life. It is the longing of the common people as well as the goal of good governance. It is a people-oriented political aspiration centering on securing people's livelihood.

引例 Citations:



The highest state of good governance is one in which people feel satisfied with their food, clothes, and housing, and willingly observe social norms. (Laozi)



If I can ensure that all the people under heaven survive and develop, are well-off, live in peace and work in contentment, and raise their children in a secure world, then they will willingly pledge allegiance to me. (Zhong Changtong: On Governance and Turmoil)

(推荐:教育部 国家语委 供稿:北京外国语大学 外语教学与研究出版社)

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