

 追梦文库 2019-10-17

威廉·江恩简介:威廉·江恩(William D.Gann),1878年出生于美国德州,二十世纪最著名的投资家。在股票市场上的骄人成绩至今无人可比。代表作品:《华尔街四十五年》、《股票行情的真谛》、《华尔街股票选择器》 、《江恩投资哲学》瞩目成绩:最为人瞩目的是1909年10月美国“The Ticketr and Investment Digest”杂志编辑Richard .Wyckoff的一次实地访问。在杂志人员的监察下,江恩在十月份的二十五个市场交易日中共进行286次买卖,结果264获利,22次损失,获利率竟达 92.3%。

  • 江恩的经典论述(原著节选)

Angles lines will only tell you the cycle when they hit and you can't know in advance until you see the price as well, but every top and bottom has a mathematical relationship and this is why I researched time cycles。


People who have not studied the facts will tell you that it is impossible to predict the markets so the question is, The answer is because of astronomical time cycles。


Under the instructions for the master timing angles, you will find how far each timing angle had moved from the time Steel was incorporated up to the time it made extreme top. Under the master timing angles we also show you what happens when timing angles (these refer to the planets order in the solar system) 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 cross the other timing angles (conjunct) or cross the place where they first were when Steel was incorporated (natal astrology) or to the same place where when any extreme high or low price is reached。


You will learn when these master timing angles returns to the same place or to the same angle or degree from which they started. Therefore you will know the exact measurements of cycles according to moving energy. The instructions on the master timing angles give you the cause of all market movements。


The figures which we will use are figures made by the United States Government astronomers and are therefore absolutely accurate. A careful study of all these figures and a comparison of the movements of various stocks will convince you of their value。


My main writing to date has been educational but I have begun to realise that a lot of people just don't have the time or the commitment to teach them selves the intricacies of timing. Therefore I have listed all the cycles that will occur next year and anyone can simply match the cycle from last year to a particular stock or commodity and trade the future dates。


Every market is working to a time cycle, that is the law of nature. Your work then becomes trading them, controlling your thoughts and emotions to maximise their benefit。



威廉·江恩(William D.Gann)

  • -END-

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