

 不可逆转的时光 2019-11-02

​native speaker 母语为英语的

Listen to your heart. 要听你的心里的想法。

Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. 年岁有加,并非垂老。In this life we  get nothing save effort.  在人的这一生中,任何的收获都要通过努力去得到。You can’t go to the past to fix the present. 你不能回到过往去修补现在。When you are convinced that your cause is right, have the courage to take a stand.当你相信自己的理由是正当的,就要有勇气守住立场。Look for the beauty around you in nature, in others, in yourself-and believe in the love of friends, family, and humankind.处处留心你身边的美丽:自然中的美,他人的美,自己的美。请相信,美来自朋友、家庭乃至全人类的融融爱意。Humans are the greatest masterpiece of nature.人是大自然最伟大的杰作。It's really hard to hail a cab during rush hour.高峰期很难打到车。It is urgency of life. or growth. that rules. 驾御一切的是生命成长中只争朝夕的紧迫性。The dog is man's best friend. He can do many things for us. He can protect our homes. He is loyal to his master and never asks for a pay raise.狗是人类最好的朋友,他可以为我们做很多事情,他可以保护我们的房屋,他忠于主人而且从不要求加薪。Don't take yourself too seriously.Happiness is largely a choice. Feel gratitude for all of the good in your life. 别让自己太多严肃认真, 快乐在很大程度上,是一种选择。 为你生命中所拥有的美好,心怀感激吧!I've had a wonderful life. I don't regret a thing. 我这一辈子都生活得很好,我没有什么遗憾. Light up your heart,and let the warm soft lightflows into your private world.点亮心中的灯,让温馨柔和的光,曳泻秘密的小天地。Making millions of friends is not an achievement,the achievement is to make a friendwho stands with you when millions are against you! 有很多很多的朋友并不算是什么成就,真正的成就是你有一个朋友,就算千千万万的人与你为敌,他还是站在你这边。Celebrate the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949.庆祝中华人民共和国1949年成立。Happy National Day everyone! 70 year anniversary of the People's Republic of China! 大家国庆节快乐!中华人民共和国成立70周年!A celebrated novel.一本著名小说。After the release of her movie, she became a celebrated actress.自从推出了她的电影,她成为了著名的女演员。He is involed in a celebrated legal case.

他牵连到一宗备受关注的官司。The intro 

(Listening Comprehension)    Hello, this is Mr.Wong speaking. Happy National Day everybody! I know a lot of you are on that 7-day Golden Week vacation. This year is different from the rest, why? Because it's the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, which is a HUGE deal for us. I would travel to Beijing to show my support and see the ceremony live for the first time, but I gotta work..., still got bills to pay, the struggle is real! But don't worry, I'll have a chance to see it in the future. So what are your plans for the holiday? Let me know in the comment section below. Alright, so today's word of the day is "celebrated", let's check it out!

Buddhist,originating from India and Nepal,which was introduced into China from Han Dynasty,has blossomed on China traditional cultral soil and  then produced a new Buddhist sect with Chinese characters:Zen.佛教起源于印度和尼泊尔,自汉代传入中国,在中国传统文化土壤上蓬勃发展,产生了具有中国特色的佛教新教派:禅。If you are too greedy. you may even lose what you have. 贪得无厌,可能让你失去原来所有的。An ideal society is one in which the strong follow the rules,The weak have hope, the  have play, the mediocre have security.理想的社会是强者遵守规则的社会,弱者有希望,有能力,庸者有保障。

Don't blame people for disappointing you. Blame yourself for expecting too much. 不要埋怨别人让你失望,怪你自己期望太多。No matter how much you think you hated school,you’ll always miss it when you leave. 无论你觉得你曾有多讨厌上学,离开后你还是会一直怀念在那里的时光。

Get out of here quickly 快点离开这里,Go to see psychologist 快点去看心理医生。Somebody has to do something, where is the the group owner。总得有人做点什么,谁是组长?You are not only red neck, you are  garbage people, crazy dog。你不仅是红脖子,你们是垃圾人,疯狗。The chains of habit are too light to be felt until they're too heavy to be broken. 习惯形成的桎梏最开始是如此之轻,以至于你毫无察觉。当感觉到它的存在时,你已无法挣脱束缚. I learned a valuable lesson and will act in a  more constructive manner next time. 我从过去收获了宝贵的经验,并将会以更积极的态度去面对人生。🌺 “No matter how hard you try, you can never please everyone. Follow your heart, make the most of every day, and be proud of who you are  “不管你怎么努力,你永远不能使每个人都满意。跟随你的心,充分利用每一天,为你自己感到骄傲This is an interesting picture.       When you reach a certain age, you are only attached to your feelings... Only values and an interesting soul.当你到了一定的年龄,你就只执着于你的感觉——只有价值观和有趣的灵魂。ALways put yourself in others shoes. If you feel that it hurts you. it probably hurts the person too. 经常设身处地为他人着想,己所不欲,勿施于人。I hate hearing something that absolutely kills you inside and having to act like you don't care.我讨厌有时候明明听到了一些让自己心痛到死的话,还得装作若无其事。Liberty is order. liberty is strength.  自由就是秩序,自由就是力量。”'If you understand what I'm doing, I'm grateful to you; if you don't,  it's okay, because we live a different life.'“如果你明白我在做什么,我会感谢你;如果你不理解,没关系,因为我们过着不同的生活。

Natural beauty is an all pervading presence. 大自然之美无处不在。Some songs can make you sad and cry when you hear them. But it’s actually not the song that makes you cry,it’s the people behind the memories. 总有那么一些歌,让我们悲伤,让我们哭泣。但其实让我们哭泣的并不是那些歌本身,而是藏在回忆里的那些人。Fishing does not necessarily eat fish, chasing you does not necessarily like you, like you do not necessarily love you, love you is not necessarily your love.钓鱼不一定吃鱼,追逐你不一定喜欢你,喜欢你不一定爱你,爱你不一定爱你。Sometimes it sucks being strong.Because when people know that you are strong, they think that it is okay to hurt you, over and over again.有时候坚强并不是什么好事情,因为有些人会认为你坚强,所以伤害你问题不大,于是一再的伤害你。Forgiveness of ignorance is a kind of tolerance, 

forgiveness of shame is a kind of indulgence.宽恕无知是一种宽容,

宽恕羞耻是一种放纵。You can make of your life anything you wish. 你可以决定你的生活是什么样子。All the splendor in the world is not worth a good friend.人世间所有的荣华富贵不如一个好朋友。Time doesn't only make you find out more about people,it makes you find out more about who you're. 时间不仅让你看透别人,也让你认清自己。Love. joy. peace. patience and gentleness. to these I commit my day. 爱,欢乐,和平,耐心和温和,我将用它们来充实我的一天。Love. joy. peace. patience and gentleness. to these I commit my day. 爱,欢乐,和平,耐心和温和,我将用它们来充实我的一天。Yesterday is history. tomorrow is a mystery. and today is a gift. 昨天已成历史,明天还是一个迷,而今天则是一份礼物。It's hard to trust someone, especially when the ones you trusted the most were the ones that betrayed you. 当你曾经最信任的人背叛过你以后,就很难再相信其他人了。What is culture?

Often heard people say: No culture is terrible! But what exactly is culture? A degree? Is it experience? Is it experience?

Answer: Neither.

Today I saw a very reliable explanation that culture can be expressed in four sentences:

1. Rooted in inner culture.

2.No need to remind yourself.

3.Freedom of Restraint.

4.Kindness for others.

Four great words! Its a great benefit! Share with you!什么是文化?









Life's hard. It's supposed to be.If we didn't suffer, we'd never learn anything.生活很艰难,本来就应该这样。如果我们没有经受痛苦,我们就不会学到任何东西。A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning.一位好的老师可以引发希望、点燃想像力,并灌输对求知的喜爱。You know why it's hard to be happy?It's because we refuse to let go of the things that make us sad.你知道为什么快乐很难吗?是因为我们拒绝放开那些让我们难过的事。Stress gives us access to our hearts. The compassionate heart that finds joy and meaning in connecting with others压力能让我们敞开心扉。同情的心在与人交往中找到快乐和意义。Nobody can dump you except you have given up yourself. It is because we all belong to ourselves,not others.“没有人能够在世界上“弃”你,除非你自己自暴自弃,因为我们是属于自己的,并不属于他人。Losing temper is instinct, not losing temper is ability发脾气是一种本能,不发脾气是能力。

I am 99% sure that you don't love me, but it's that 1% that keeps me going. 我99%确定你不爱我,但就是那1%让我继续爱着你。People are always looking for more and forget about what they already have. 人们总是想得到更多,却忘了他们已经拥有的。Things aren’t always going to be fair in the real world. That’s just the way it is. 不是每件事都是公平的,这个世界本来就是这个样子。Missing someone is a part of loving them.If you’re never apart, you’ll never really know how strong your love is.想念一个人是爱的一部分。如果你们从未分离,就永远不会真正明白你们的爱有多强大。Boys will be boys!本性难移。Are you kidding me?你跟我开玩笑吗?Back in a moment. 马上回来!Come to the point!马上回来。Do I have to? 非做不可吗?steal/rob窃取,偷盗=take sth.  Without permission(允许)definition定义 / 清晰度 / 确切描述 / 限定smiled微微一笑,cried哭泣的,birthday生日cherish珍爱be kind善待king国王Have patience(熏儿吃)有耐心Dream big(J俊m~呗革)远大的梦想/Don't stop/Let go. 

buy  bought(过去式过去分词)买了Nothing else. 没买别的wake up醒来(微k 啊p)

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