

 网际飞音 2019-10-28

一、下辈子,我希望我们能继续下去,不要像这辈子一样,让我痛苦地想念你,我希望在下辈子,我们能把爱变成真诚的陪伴!生活就是以一种舒适的方式与正确的人生活在一起。Next life, I hope we can continue, not like this life, let me miss you painfully, I hope in the next life, we can turn love into sincere company! Life is living with the right people in a comfortable way.

二、不要试图改变任何人,因为没有人能改变任何人,只有他愿意为你改变。因为我们还有很长的路要走,我们应该毫不犹豫地向前看。对家人耐心是爱的象征,对他人耐心是尊重的象征,对自己耐心是自信的象征。Don't try to change anyone, because no one can change anyone, only he is willing to change for you. Because we still have a long way to go, we should not hesitate to look forward. Patience with family is a symbol of love, patience with others is a symbol of respect, and patience with oneself is a symbol of confidence.

三、友谊是我们每个人不可缺少的。在成长的过程中,我们可以互相走动。当我们遇到一个叉子或一个悬崖时,我们可以抽出一只手在一起度过美好的青春时光。Friendship is indispensable to all of us. In the process of growing up, we can walk with each other. When we meet a fork or a cliff, we can draw out one hand and spend a good youth together.

四、风穿过窗户,带着一丝凉意,拂过一缕头发。在我的眼中,你模糊的影子有时像诗,灵活优雅,优雅温柔;你美丽的笑容有时如画,淡墨,养眼;你洁的问候有时像茶,清爽愉悦;你甜美的声音有时像歌,悠扬,直入心扉。The wind passed through the window, brushing a strand of hair with a sense of coolness. In my eyes, your vague shadow is sometimes like poetry, flexible and elegant, gentle; your beautiful smile is sometimes picturesque, light ink, eye-nourishing; your simple greetings are sometimes like tea, refreshing and pleasant; your sweet voice is sometimes like song, melodious, straight into the heart.

五、如果你不珍惜它,我也不爱它。如果结果不是我想要的,我宁愿不参与这个过程。一个善良的人,总是想着别人,想让别人舒服,能给别人提供方便,当一个人的心充满了别人时,人们会改变别人的心,别人也会关心他。If you don't cherish it, I don't love it either. If the result is not what I want, I would rather not participate in the process. A kind-hearted person always thinks of others, wants others to be comfortable and can provide convenience to others. When one's heart is full of others, people will change others'hearts and others will care about him.


Walking, it's gone, the memory fades; watching, tired, the stars are dim; Listen, wake up, start complaining; looking back, you disappeared, suddenly I screwed up.

七、总有一些时候你觉得自己无法承受。每次你必须集中精神重新开始的时候,只有一次又一次地经历这些时刻,你才能变得越来越强大和更好。There are times when you feel overwhelmed. Every time you have to concentrate on restarting, only by going through these moments over and over again can you become stronger and better.

八、无论你多么喜欢你,你都没有未来。分离后,未来有一万种可能,但在这种可能中,你将不再存在。我一直认为最好的时候是这样:温暖的心,微笑的脸,快乐的眼睛。这个世俗的世界,悲伤,快乐,在时间面前已经成为过去。No matter how much you like you, you have no future. After separation, there are 10,000 possibilities in the future, but in this possibility, you will no longer exist. I always think that the best time is like this: warm heart, smiling face, happy eyes. This secular world, sadness, happiness, has become the past in front of time.

九、时间是世界上最美好的跨度,让痛苦变得苍白,让执著的人选择离开,然后经历人生的沧桑,人们来来去去去,最终你会明白一切都是命运,而不是来自人。无尽悲伤的灵魂。最后,没有人是任何人的。Time is the best span in the world, making pain pale, letting persistent people choose to leave, and then go through the vicissitudes of life, people come and go, and eventually you will understand that everything is destiny, not from people. Soul of endless sorrow. Finally, no one is anybody's.

十、幸福不是别人看到的,它与别人说的无关。重要的是你的心充满了快乐的阳光。也就是说,幸福在你自己的手中,而不是在别人的眼中。幸福是一种感觉,应该是愉快的,让人感到舒适和幸福。Happiness is not what others see, it has nothing to do with what others say. What matters is that your heart is filled with happy sunshine. That is to say, happiness is in your own hands, not in the eyes of others. Happiness is a feeling, it should be happy, make people feel comfortable and happy.

十一、也许你觉得你的努力总是徒劳的,但不要怀疑你每天都会从高层走得更远。今天你离高峰会很远。但是通过今天的努力,你已经积累了明天攀登高峰的力量。Maybe you think your efforts are futile, but don't doubt that you will go further from the top every day. You are far from the summit today. But through today's efforts, you have accumulated the strength to climb the peak tomorrow.

十二、我没想到会见到你。你很单,机智,喜欢嘲笑自己。不知怎么的,你在过去的三年里滋润了我破碎的心。慢慢地,我发现我开始想念你。I didn't expect to see you. You are simple, resourceful and like to laugh at yourself. Somehow, you have nourished my broken heart in the past three years. Slowly, I found that I began to miss you.

十三、有些人不能闭口不言,把东西藏在心里。他们说他们想要的,从不逃避;他们做他们想要的,从不犹豫。其实,容易冲动的人有最真诚、最纯洁的心。事实上,使用情感的人是最关心和最重视的人。我不知道怎样绕,但我总是坦率直率。我不能学着用弹奏,但我总是认真对待它。Some people can't shut up and hide things in their hearts. They say what they want, they never run away; they do what they want, they never hesitate. In fact, people who are easily impulsive have the most sincere and pure heart.

In fact, people who use emotions are the most concerned and valued people. I don't know how to circle, but I'm always frank. I can't learn to play with my ears, but I always take it seriously.

十四、时间不会失望,不要忘记第一颗心,从今天起,努力做一个可爱的人,不要嫉妒任何人,不要责怪任何人,以自己的方式,享受自己的风景,满足自己的幸福。Time will not be disappointed, do not forget the first heart, from today on, strive to be a lovely person, do not envy anyone, do not blame anyone, in their own way, enjoy their own scenery, meet their own happiness.

十五、别太好了。你可以拒绝你不想做的事。你不必强迫你不能做的事。如果你不喜欢,就假装没听到。生活不是为了取悦别人,而是为了善待自己。Don't be too good. You can refuse what you don't want to do. You don't have to force what you can't do. If you don't like it, pretend not to hear it. Life is not to please others, but to be kind to oneself.

十六、做一个难相处的人,真诚地与所恨的人握手,坦诚地与所爱的人交谈。我宁愿少活几年,只想快乐。当你什么都没有的时候,带着泪水奔跑,尽你所能奔跑,然后转身,沿路的汗水会在阳光下闪耀成珠宝,在你逝去的生命中闪耀。Be a difficult person, shake hands with hated people sincerely, and talk to loved ones frankly. I would rather live a few years less than be happy. When you have nothing, run with tears, run as fast as you can, then turn around, sweat along the road will shine into jewelry in the sunshine and shine in your lost life.

十七、只有时时刻刻保持一种幸福感,才能使自己更加热爱生活。只有快乐的心情才是创造生活动力的源泉;只有那些不断创造自己的快乐、与自己幸福相处的人,才能摆脱痛苦和烦恼,过上幸福的生活。Only by maintaining a sense of happiness all the time can we make ourselves love life more. Only a happy mood is the source of the power to create life; only those who constantly create their own happiness and live with their own happiness can get rid of pain and trouble and lead a happy life.

十八、情感它只需要两个人:一个可以信任的人和一个愿意理解的人。世界上没有移情的东西。他们不知道如果针头不刺伤别人会有多痛苦。Emotion needs only two people: a trustworthy person and a willing understanding person. There is no empathy in the world. They don't know how painful it would be if the needle didn't stab someone.

十九、没有人的运气是凭空而来的。只有你努力工作,你才会有足够的幸运,这个世界不会因为每一次努力和毅力而失败。No one's luck comes out of nowhere. Only if you work hard, you will be lucky enough. The world will not fail because of every effort and perseverance.

二十、如果你有办法,大胆地去。如果你有梦想,大胆地飞翔。如果你想成功,你必须勇敢。不敢做,不要着急,梦想会变成幻想。前方的道路并不害怕被数万人阻挡,而是屈服。人生的帆不怕风浪,却怕自己没有勇气。相信你自己,你一定会让你的生活更加精彩!If you have a way, go boldly. If you have a dream, fly boldly. If you want to succeed, you must be brave. Don't dare to do it, don't worry, dreams will become fantasies. The road ahead is not afraid of being blocked by tens of thousands of people, but of yielding.

The sails of life are not afraid of the wind and waves, but afraid that they have no courage. Believe in yourself, you will make your life more wonderful!

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