

 由狭渐广 2019-12-21


《高翻带你学翻译》旅游篇 新加坡,一座熠熠生辉的亚洲城市,一流的街头美食,高效的公共交通,世界闻名的物质精神。在中国移民乘船登陆之地亚逸街品味新加坡的今非昔比,在美食广场品尝丰富包容的泛亚洲美味,在国家美术馆观赏东南亚各地的绘画雕塑,领略本土艺术兴趣与超越国界的多元地区风格。外刊翻译精讲《36小时环游新加坡》
Singapore’s main island is sometimes described asdiamond-shaped —fitting,perhaps, since the sparkling city is known for its materialistic pursuits. Butlook past Singapore’s shiny veneer andyou’llfind a compression of Chinese, Indian, Malay and other heritages reaching back far beyondthecity state’s half-century history as an independent nation. And thanks to thesuperb street food and efficient publictransit, you don’t have to becrazy richto enjoy thiscinematic city, which is now more accessible than ever with SingaporeAirlines’ new nonstop service from Newark.

Begin your visit with a snapshot of Singapore’spast and presenton Telok AyerStreet, where Chinese immigrants once arrived on boats. Though land reclamationprojects have since filled in the waterfront and gleaming skyscrapers havesprouted around this narrow street, shrines and temples of many creeds have persevered in this faithfully preserved neighborhood. Linger for a few quietminutes inside Thian Hock Keng, a carefully restored 19th-century temple builtby Hokkien immigrants to give thanksfor a safe passage across the sea.
Hawker centers, or foodcourts, are a quick introduction to Singapore’s pan-Asian palate, allowing diners to sample dishes likecrab fried in chili sauce, chickenpoached with ginger, and roti served with a fiery curry sauce. Locals debate which hawker center servesthe best renditionof aparticular dish.在摊贩中心或美食广场可以快速了解新加坡的泛亚洲口味,食客可以品尝到辣酱汁炒蟹、姜炖鸡,以及搭配超辣咖喱酱汁的烤肉等简单菜肴。当地人总在争论哪个摊贩中心才有最美味的某种菜肴。
The former City Hall and Supreme Court buildings were reborn as the ambitious, light-filledNational GallerySingapore in 2015, reflecting the country’s growing interest and pride in homegrown art. Here you’ll findpaintings and sculptures from around Southeast Asia that connect the diverseregional styles that transcendnational boundaries. 前市政厅和最高法院大楼在2015年焕发新生,成了宏伟、采光充足的新加坡国家美术馆,反映了该国对本土艺术的兴趣和自豪感不断增长。在这里,您可以找到来自东南亚各地的绘画和雕塑,将超越国界的多元地区风格联系在一起。

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