

 仗梦行天下 2019-12-29

Luisa Spagnoli was one of the most influential and fascinating Italian female figures of the early twentieth century. Creative and enterprising, with a noteworthy business sense, started a long history of female entrepreneurship in Italy. Luisa was born in Perugia in 1877. She married very young with Annibale Spagnoli and with him took over a grocery store in the center of Perugia.

路易莎·斯帕尼奥利(Luisa Spagnoli)是二十世纪初最具影响力和魅力的意大利女性人物之一。富有创造力和进取精神,以及敏锐的商业触觉,她开创了意大利女性创业的悠久历史。路易莎于1877年出生于佩鲁贾。她与安涅巴勒·斯帕尼奥利(Annibale Spagnoli)结婚后,一起在佩鲁贾市中心经营一家杂货店。

From 1909 that laboratory will be part of Perugina®, this is where it all began. It is 1917: the Cacao Perugina® is born. Immediately, the Cacao Perugina® has become the reference of the cocoa taste for Italians, today Perugina offers a complete choice for all tastes.

1909年开始,该杂货铺实验室将成为Perugina®——佩鲁贾的巧克力工厂的一部分,这是故事开始的地方。到了1917年:Cacao Perugina®巧克力问世了。 Cacao Perugina®巧克力迅即成为意大利人推荐的可可口味,今天Perugina®——佩鲁贾的巧克力工厂生产的巧克力有各种口味可供选择。

Bacio Perugina: an Italian symbol


It is from creativity and perseverance that one of Luisa Spagnoli's great successes was born: the Bacio Perugina, which still today is one of the company's flagship products, is an ideal gift for Valentine’s Day. The chocolate paste, which meets cocoa and culminates with a whole hazelnut, continues to conquer everyone today. The name is due to Francesco Buitoni, Luisa's business partner and lover, the brilliant choice to insert a love phrase into the chocolate cartouche is due to the publisher Francesco Seneca. It was an immediate success, which continues today. Luisa Spagnoli enters by right in the Olympus of successful Italian entrepreneurs.

凭籍创造力和坚持不懈,路易莎·斯帕尼奥利缔造了她的巨大成就之一:芭喜巧克力(Bacio Perugina,一种名为“吻”的巧克力),至今仍是该公司的旗舰产品之一,是情人节的理想礼品。香浓的巧克力酱混合可可,包裹着整个美味的榛子,今天继续仍征服着每一个人味蕾。这个成功的品牌名称归功于法兰西斯科·毕托尼(Francesco Buitoni),路易莎的商业伙伴和情人,而在巧克力漫画中加入爱情短语的绝佳策划则归功于出版商法兰西斯科·萨涅卡(Francesco Seneca)。这个品牌一经推出,立即获得巨大的成功,今天仍在继续书写传奇。毫无疑问,路易莎·斯帕尼奥利可在成功的意大利企业家奥林匹克大赛中占据一席之位。

Not just chocolate: the innovation of entrepreneurship and the emancipation of women


First of all, Luisa was a woman, a wife and a mother. Her greatest strength was the ability to understand the female difficulties of reconciling home and work, especially at that time in Italy. Her work in this sense changed Italy and laid the foundations for renewing the entire industry of the country. In her industry, out of 400 total employees, 300 were women, many of whom were mothers. Luisa Spagnoli contributed to their emancipation, as women and as workers, the simple and ingenious idea at the same time allowed her workers to breastfeed babies at the factory introducing the nursery where mothers could leave their children during the shift in the factory.


An Icon of the "Made in Italy"


At the end of the 1920s, Luisa began to select in her garden a species of domestic rabbit never systematically bred in Italy, the Angora rabbit, in order to obtain a yarn to be used in clothing. The result was surprising for its homogeneity and subtlety, thanks to the use of traditional techniques and the choice of combing instead of shearing in the collection of wool.


The creations, for the elegance of the lines and the harmony of the colors, immediately aroused the favor of the buyers, both Italian and foreign. Sofia Loren, Anna Magnani, Esther Williams are some of the great actresses who dressed the original Luisa Spagnoli proposals.

由于优雅的线条和和谐的色彩,服装一经推出,立即获得了意大利和外国买家的青睐。索非亚·罗兰、安娜·玛格纳妮、埃丝特·威廉斯,是穿着Luisa Spagnoli品牌原创服装的其中一些著名女演员。

Luisa Spagnoli today

今天的Luisa Spagnoli 服装品牌

Unfortunately, Luisa Spagnoli will not be able to see the success of her creations: she died in 1935 due to an illness, but Luisa's name and story will not be forgotten. Her name, together with Perugina®, represents the pride of umbrian entrepreneurship in Italy and beyond.


So many things have changed since the death of Luisa to today, Nicoletta Spagnoli, her great-granddaughter, has assumed the leadership of the company. Under her guidance, began a process of restyling, through the creation of collections characterized by a more contemporary image, without forgetting the positive values traditionally present in Luisa Spagnoli company.

自从路易莎去世后,许多事情都发生了变化,她的曾孙女尼可莱塔·斯帕尼奥利(Nicoletta Spagnoli)掌管了集团。在她的指导下,通过创作具有更现代形象的系列,开始了重新设计的过程,同时传承了路易莎·斯帕尼奥利公司传统意义上的积极价值。

The “Luisa Spagnoli company” today represents, in the international scene of women's clothing, a prestigious brand of great visibility and attractiveness, capable of transmitting the image of a company in step with the times and a high quality product, capable to get hold of increasingly broader customer groups.


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