
BBQ Tips | Meat Grilled To Perfection 烧烤小贴士 | 完美烤肉...

 davidyi主厨 2020-01-05

Meat Grilled To Perfection

Want to make sure your meat is grilled to perfection, yourguests have a good time, and you enjoy it too? Our head butcher and grillmaster Stephen Cole loves to share some BBQ tips and advantageous GourmetBBQ platters for a mouthwatering barbeque extravaganza with your friends and family. 


把餐桌搬到大自然,有什么比一场成功的BBQ派对更让人快乐呢?我们的首席肉艺师,烧烤大师Stephen Cole今天将和您分享一些烧烤技巧并向您推荐美味烧烤拼盘,带您一起为亲朋好友准备一席令人垂涎的烧烤盛宴。



 Mise en Place

The chef's term for having everything in place ready to go. Get marinating the day before and prepare everything to as advanced a state as you can. This will leave you with less washing-up and more time to set up drinks and create a party atmosphere.

Mise en Place这是一句厨师的专业术语,意思就是说把一切的准备工作事先一件一件安排妥当。比如制作的前一天开始腌制食物,准备好所有的用具等等 。这一习惯将为你省去的大量的刷洗工作,使烹饪得心应手,并让你拥有更多的时间来给客人制作饮料和营造派对氛围。 

 6 Top Tips For Marinating 腌制的6个秘诀

1. Marinate your meat overnight whenever possible for maximum flavor. 尽量提前一晚腌制肉品,使入味效果更好。

2. Never use salt, or lemon and lime juices in a marinade for longer than two hours. Season your meat last minute with fine salt, as flaked salt will just fall off through the barbeque grill. 使用盐、柠檬和酸橙汁腌制肉类的时间绝对不要超过两小时,通常应用细盐在最后时刻调味。 

3. Never use extra virgin olive oil in marinades as it burns and smokes with BBQ. Use light olive oil or vegetable oil instead and save the extra virgin bottles for your salads and sauces.切勿在腌料中使用特级初榨橄榄油。初榨油在烧烤时会燃烧起烟,使用轻质橄榄油或植物油烧烤更加合理您可以将省下的初榨油来制做沙拉和美味酱汁。

4. Always cover meat tightly with cling film in non-reactive containers such as glass, or stainless steel. 时刻记住覆盖肉品,将它们用保鲜膜包紧存放在玻璃或不锈钢等非活性容器中待用。

5. Before placing on the grill, rub or shake off any excess marinade, particularly if there is any oil in it, to prevent burning or acquiring a smoky bitter flavor. 烤炙之前,宜先抹走或抖掉腌肉上任何多余的腌料,特别是油质腌料,以防止烧烤时起火或因烧焦产生烟熏苦味,影响口感。

6. Never put cooked meat back onto the same dish you used for marinating. Always use a clean serving dish or plate. 切勿重复使用腌肉放过的盘子, 一定要用干净的盘子或餐板盛放烤制完成的烤肉。

 Be Organized Around Your BBQ 

Have enough work surface. Work out how many grill-loads of meat you have to cook. What other equipment will you need? How will you keep raw meat separate from cooked?



 Use Clean Heat

When cooking, use organic material like charcoal, wood or a gas that burns cleanly, without noxious additives that flavor the meat and make the air stink.


烤炙宜使用有机燃料,如木炭、木材或燃气。 这些燃料燃烧干净,无添加有毒成分,烤制时不会使烤物变味,出现黑烟并熏臭污染空气。


 Temperature And Grill Times

Grill times depend on factors like weather conditions, the age, type, and dampness of charcoal, and the core temperature of the meat. Once the charcoal has been burning for 20 minutes or so and is smoke-free and glowing, carefully hold your hand directly over the grill bars to test the temperature. You can rake the coals around a little to make some adjustments if necessary. Just make sure to keep your grill hot.


烤时间需斟酌考虑各种综合因素,如天气状况、木碳的年份、类型和潮湿程度以及肉产品内部核心温度等等。木碳燃烧到20分钟左右时,一般会有无烟发光的状态,这时可以小心地把手直接放在烤架上方 测试温度。如有必要,可以将其翻转一个方向进行调整,目的是让其燃烧充分,注意一定要注意保持烤架的足够的热度。


 Lose Fridge Chill

Let raw meat lose its chill for at least 20 up to maximum 30 minutes to approach room temperature. If the meat, chicken, or fish is too cold in the center, the outside may well burn before the inside is cooked.


冰箱里拿出来的生肉, 至少要在室温中回温20-30分钟。如果回温不到位,肉、鸡、鱼等烤物中心温度太低,就有可能出现外部业已烤焦,里面却仍未见熟的状态。

 Stay With Your BBQ

Stay for as long as you are grilling, for the best results and for safety's sake. You won't get lonely. Chefs never do. There are always a handful of guests who huddle around helping a hand. 



 Temperature Control During Grilling

Control the fire, not having it control you. Create a hot zone at the rear of the grill, a medium-heat zone in the middle and a cooler safety zone, without coals or gas, in the front. Shuffle your meat from the hot zone to sear and mark your meat to the middle zone to finish cooking more slowly and evenly. If the meat starts to cook too fast, or if you just need to step away for a minute, move it to the safety zone.



 Test For 'Doneness'

Meat is cooked if juices are running clear. Just pierce the thickest part with a fork or a small knife.



 Rest The Meat

If you were to eat a steak directly off the barbeque, it would be tough and juices would flow out the moment you cut it. Leaving your meat to rest for a few minutes allows the meat to reabsorb the juices. Rest the meat on a warmed tray on the top rack or away from the direct heat covered with perforated foil.



Swiss Butchery Grill Academy 学究气十足的烹饪学院

Do you want to know more about how to grill meat to perfection? 

From this summer onwards our passionate chefs will organise workshops in our Cooking & Grill Academy. Therefore keep an eye out for our Workshop Calendar with hands-on cooking classes for an interactive experience of cooking, learning and tasting.

想学习制作完美烤肉,来Swiss Butchery烹饪学院就对了,在这里您可以得到我们热情厨师专业指导。从今年夏天开始,Swiss Butchery烹饪学院会陆续开设烹饪课程,关注我们的工作日程,期待您参与我们的互动体验,一起学习,交流、制作、品鉴。

Weber Grills 专业神奇的威焙烧烤架

Did you know that Swiss Butchery also provides Weber Grills and accessories?

您知道在Swiss Butchery 可以购置威焙烧烤架和配件吗?

Visit our recently opened Swiss Butchery Experience Center in Huacao (Minhang) to explore our Weber collection of BBQ grills and accessories– from gas, charcoal, and electric to portable grills. 来华漕参观我们最近新开张的Swiss Butchery体验中心,了解体验威焙烧烤架和相关装备--我们的烤架款式齐全,从煤气、木炭、电动烤架到便携式烤架,选择应有尽有。

Gourmet BBQ Platters 

Fire up your grill and enjoy our advantageous Gourmet BBQ platters that are sure to excite every grill master. Ranging from RMB 249 to RMB 1,799. They allow treating from 6 to 20 people – all crafted with our signature freshly imported quality meat and homemade gourmet sausages.


入手我们优惠的烧烤拼盘套餐,让美味点燃激情。优惠套餐从249元至1,799 元价格不等,大小规格可供6至20人食用。套餐内所有的肉品均带有我们“新鲜进口优质肉类”或“自制美食香肠”的质量标签,您到手的可是货真价实的优惠!

Swiss Butchery wishes you a mouthwatering barbeque extravaganza with your friends and family – meanwhile feel free to visit our Experience Center in Huacao to experience our grilling classes, equipment, and delicacies. Get inspired!

Swiss Butchery祝您的烧烤盛宴得到最美味的回馈;期待您来参观我们位于华漕的体验中心,参与烧烤课程、体验烧烤设备和品鉴美味佳肴;让我们一起激发烹饪的灵感,让美味为我们呼之即来!

Your Swiss Butchery Team 

您的Swiss Butchery 团队

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