

 PaperRSS 2020-01-14

美国国防高级研究计划局(Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)要用基因工程植物来作为生物危险(化学试剂、病原、辐射等)的传感器

Researchers at DARPA, the DoD's arm that focuses on developing new technology for military application, have long been trying to figure out the best way to transmit timely information, focusing on electronic and mechanical sensors to do the job. After all, it's crucial to any military action. But it turns out that the Defense Department might have been barking up the wrong tree. DARPA's new Advanced Plant Technologies (APT) program is aimed at growing plants that can function as spies.


国防高级研究计划署( DARPA)的研究人员,国防部的arm,专注于开发用于军事应用的新技术,长期以来一直试图找出传输及时信息的最佳方式,重点是电子和机械传感器来做这项工作。毕竟,这对于任何军事行动都是至关重要的。但事实证明,国防部可能是在错怪了错误的树。DARPA的新的先进工厂技术计划旨在种植能够作为间谍的植物。

Plants naturally react to stimuli and environmental changes. The goal of APT is to control the stimuli that plants respond to and how they react through genetic manipulation. The main idea is that these plants would be self-sustaining, so they would act as monitors for chemicals, pathogens, radiation and other triggers while thriving in the wild.



This isn't the first experiment to use plants in this way, but previous endeavors achieved their goals by using resources the plants needed to survive. This greatly reduced the hardiness of the plants. Scientists and researchers working on APT want to create a plant that can function as a sensor but also doesn't impact the health or longevity of the plants they create.

The DoD will be taking proposals for APT on December 12th at an event in Arlington, VA. Interested parties can register through December 6th. DARPA's certainly done some interesting stuff in the past, but it will be very interesting to see what comes out of APT.





美国国防高级研究计划局(Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency),简称DARPA,是美国国防部属下的一个行政机构,负责研发用于军事用途的高新科技。成立于1958年,当时的名称是“高等研究计划局”(Advanced Research Projects Agency,简称ARPA),1972年3月改名为DARPA,但在1993年2月改回原名ARPA,至1996年3月再次改名为DARPA。其总部位于佛吉尼亚州阿灵顿县。 该局成立于1958年2月,隶属于国防研究与工程署。目前工作人员不足200人,多由文职人员组成,其中多为各学科一流专家、学者。采用精干的管理方式,管理层精练,分为局长、业务处长和项目主任三层。该局业务机构分为技术部门和保障部门两类,其中技术部门包括国防科学处、电子技术处、信息系统处、信息技术处、传感器技术处、战术技术处、两用技术计划处、先进信息技术服务联合计划处以及高续航力无人机项目处;保障部门包括:审计处、合同管理处、行政管理和小企业管理处、安全与情报处以及法律顾问处。


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