

 园媛peng 2020-02-04

​don't I become a woman just bygetting older?


there's sth u are too yong to understand,but I think u're old enough to learn about the mask,it's the face u wear when u don't want people to know what u are feeling. all well-brought-up women conceal their emotions,it's very useful especially when dealing with men.


well,if a man knows what u're thinking,it gives him power over u.for example, if a man knows how much u love him,he'll take u for granted(of course,理所当然的)he'll hurt u.carelessly,cruelty,constantly.

does daddy know that u love him?

yes, I have told him repeatedly that I cannot live without him.

if u're so upset with him,why are u making his favorate pie?

Because after all of these years,I've forgotten how to wear my mask,so now, I must do things to distact daddy,like this pie,when i bring it out,he'll be so excited, he won't notice the devastation in my eyes. it's an emotion,all u need is the hint of a smile.  perfect,with an expression like that,no one will ever what u're really thinking.

Bree: "Hello." 

Rex: "Why are you up?" 

Bree: "I could ask you the same question."

Rex: "I'm going to bed. I didn't ask you to wait up for me. Remember, I'm here as our children's father, not your husband."

(Bree picks up the jacket he just took off, and sniffs the collar.) 

Rex: "What are you doing?" 

Bree: "Were you with a woman? Did you tell her that you have a wife, or does that hinder your pick-up style?"

Rex: "All right. Even if I was seeing someone, I have every right to.(~make a complain) Exploring options is the whole point of being separated!" 

Bree: "Options! I'm not a mutual fund,Rex!"理财方式 a service where finacial experts invest the money of other people in many different companies   eg:I'm not a choice,I'm a human being.)

Rex: "Oh, that's not...Bree, you should get out there. Try and meet someone." 

Bree: "Meet someone. I'm raising your children." 

Rex: "I am just trying to move on with my life. It is nothing to be ashamed of!" 

Bree: It's nine thirty at night. What is your brother thinking? 

Danielle: You want my advice? Call dad, go tell him to kick Andrew's ass. 

Bree: I am perfectly capable of handling (~the job)this without your father. 

Danielle: Sorry.

Bree: Where's your cell phone? 

(Danielle digs it out of her pocket.) 

Bree: Call Andrew and find out where he is. 

Danielle: Mom, he's going to know who's behind this

Bree: No, he won't. Just act normal.

Danielle (on the phone): Hey, it's me. What's going on? 

(She listens for a bit, then hands the phone to her mother) 

Danielle: He knows. 

(Bree throws down her sponge and takes Danielle's phone.) 

Bree (on the phone): Andrew, this is your mother. I am rapidly reaching the end of my patience with you. where are you? Are you at a bar? Andrew? Andrew?

Danielle: Mom? 

Bree: (can't believe it) He hung up on me. 

Bree: Open the door please. 

Andrew (off screen): Hang on.(wait for a short time)

(Andrew opens his door.)

Andrew: What? 

Bree: Can I come in? 

Andrew: No. 

Bree: Well, I want to talk to you. 

Andrew: Then talk. 

(Bree folds her arms across her chest.)

Bree: Where were you last night? 

Andrew: Brian's. 

Bree: I spoke to Brian's mother. Now tell me again where you were last night and this time don't lie to me. 

Andrew: Where did you say dad was again? In Philadelphia? 

Bree: Andrew, don't change the subject. 

Andrew: I'm sorry. I thought the subject was telling lies. I called dad's cell phone and I know he moved out. 

Bree: Well, it's just temporary and-I thought it would upset you, so I was protecting you.

Andrew: Whatever. You lied, so stop pretending like you have some sort of moral authority. 

Bree: Andrew, just because I chose not to share my marital problems with you does not give you the right to be rude. 

Andrew: How about driving my father away? Do I get to be rude then?(have opportunity to do eg: could we have a dinner sometime? I'd love to ~know u better)

Bree: So what's your strategy? Are you just never going to speak to me again? 

Andrew: Something like that. 

Bree: I suppose I do owe you an apology.(eg:I owe u a drink for helping me more.  u owe a explanation)

Andrew: Careful, I wouldn't want you to strain yourself .(make sb feel pressure)

Bree: I shouldn't have lied to you about your father. You and your sister are old enough to handle the truth and I'm sorry.

Andrew: Keep going. I'm mad at you for about seven thousand other things.

Bree: If you think I'm going to apologise for taking you out of a strip club, you're wrong! I consider it one of my finest (best)moments. 

Bree: Andrew, I know you blame me for what's happening with your father, but it's not entirely my fault and I need you to understand that.

Bree: Did you hear there was a break in 破门而入at Mrs Fome's house the other night?

Rex: Yeah. I heard they didn't take anything.

(Rex pours himself a cup of coffee.) 

Bree: Well,that doesn't make it any less frightening.还是很可怕呀(Ieg: love being a housewife doesn't make it any less of a feminism) I mean, he could have been a sexual predator.

Rex: What?And he ended up 沦落at Mrs Fome's? Boy, that would have been a lose-lose situation.(win to win)

Bree: Oh,Rex! That's not the point. 

(Bree fixes Rex's tie and jacket lapels.) 

Bree: The point is I don't feel safe here, and I was wondering if you would spend the night.

Rex: You're in the NRA,(步枪协会) you own like four guns! If somebody broke in I'd expect you to protect me.

Bree:(sighs) Rex, the truth is, with the kids gone I'll be all by myself in this house for the first time in seventeen years.

Rex: Honey,I know it's hard to hear, but the marriage counselling may not work out. You need to get used to being alone.

Bree: You're right. That was hard to hear.(I love being a housewife doesn't make any less of a feminism)

Zach: I've never had plum pudding before.

Bree: I'm serving it (offer /supply/provide breafast ~ between 7to 11)this year for Christmas. I like to try out new recipes before the actual holiday. That way, if the cook book has gotten it wrong, I can fix it.

Zach: You must really like Christmas. You and Mr Van Der Kamp always have the best decorations on your lawn.

Bree: I adore the holidays. I never get depressed if there's a beautifully decorated tree to look at.

Zach: My mom and I would always decorate our tree together. 

(Bree looks heartbroken for him) 

Zach: This Christmas is going to be weird.

Bree: Oh,Zach. You know, my mother died when I was young. She was hit by a car.

Zach: Oh!

Bree: It was right (exactly)eg: I've got a pimple粉刺 right on my  nose   before Christmas as a matter of fact. We were all singing carols and the dog was howling, because everyone in my family sings off-key (there is no point about getting upset what he said, u just have to laugh it off

except for me. Anyway, it was just a terrible ruckus. So no-one noticed when my mother went a cross the street to give the neighbour their gift. The next thing we heard were brakes screeching.刹车声(unpleasant sound)

Zach: Wow.

Bree: Most of my family went to the hospital, but I stayed home because I was so young. When I looked out the window I saw all my mother's blood on the street and nobody was doing anything about it. So I got a hose and I washed it off. And once it was clean, I felt so much better.

Bree: I've never told anyone that story before.

Zach: Well, those are the most interesting ones-the stories that we never tell anyone.

Bree: Yes, you're probably right.     

Mary Alice Voiceover: "There is a widely read book that tells us everyone is a sinner. 罪人Of course, not everyone who reads this book feels guilt over the bad things that they do. But Bree Van de Kamp did. In fact, Bree had spent most of her life, feeling guilty."

Mary Alice Voiceover:"As a child, she felt guilty about not getting straight "A"s.(~student).. ..As a teenager, she felt guilty about letting her boyfriend go to second base... ...As a newlywed, she felt guilty about taking three weeks to get out her thank-you cards... ..she is a person with the high sense of marality. she knew the transgressions (commit crime)of her past were nothing compared with the sin she was about to commit."
Danielle: "Couldn't we just go to the police and tell them it was an accident?" 
Rex: "This wasn't some simple DUI. Not only was your brother drinking, Andrew left the scene of the crime. That makes it a hit and run."肇事逃逸
Andrew: "Maybe I could go to Canada, you know, until the statute of limitations is up." 有效期
Danielle: "Do you really think mom and dad are going to foot the bill while you go moose hunting 打野鹿for seven years?"
Rex: "If Carlos' mother dies, there is no statute of limitations."
Danielle: "Right. Because then it's murder."
Andrew: "Shut up!"
Danielle: "You shut up!"
Andrew: "How could it be murder, it was an accident!"
Bree: "We have to get rid of the car. But we can't sell it. The police might find it, and there could be DNA. We take the car to a bad part of town. We'll leave the keys in the ignition 点火and the doors unlocked. If the police don't find it, we'll get the insurance money, and if they do, it wasn't in our possession. Anyone could have hit Mrs. Solis."
Andrew: "That sounds good!"
Rex: "Bree, are you sure?"
Bree: "Our son could spent the rest of his life in jail. I won't allow that."

Mary Alice Voiceover:"Bree knew what she was about to do was wrong, but like most sinners, she would worry about her guilt tomorrow.

Bree: "Andrew, um, I know the last few days have been stressful, and, uh, you know, if you ever need to talk to anybody..." 
Andrew: "I know, I know. You and Dad are here for me." 
Bree: "Actually, I was thinking we could arrange for you to talk to a professional."
Andrew: "A shrink(phychologist)? You think I'm crazy?"
Bree: "Of course not. It's just that the accident probably stirred up (arouse emotion)a lot of emotions, and it would be normal for you to be feeling confused or depressed or ashamed..." 
Andrew: "I'm cool, mom. Really."
Bree: "Honey, you put a woman into a coma. (a state wich a sick or an injuried person is unconscious for a long time)Surely that arouses some kind of emotion!"
Andrew: "Yeah, well, it doesn't. Now if you'll excuse me..." 
Bree: "No, I won't, not until you tell me."
Andrew: "Why do you care?"
Bree: "Because I need to know that you're not a monster!"
Andrew: "You want to know how I feel?"
Bree: "Yeah."
Andrew: "Okay, here it goes.你听好了 I feel bad that she got hurt. But I also feel bad that my car got dinged 车擦碰because somebody didn't have enough sense to look both ways before she crossed the street. And I also feel bad that now I'm gonna have to ride my bike to school."
Bree: "Andrew, you almost killed another human being."
Andrew: "She's an old lady. Okay? She's lived her life. I have my whole life ahead of me, and now it might be screwed up! That's what you should be worried about!"
Bree: "What I'm worried about, Andrew, is that you don't seem to have a soul. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't call the police!"
Andrew: "Because I'm your son. That would make you the monster.

Bree: "I was so afraid when I suggested a picnic, that you'd make fun of me, but I just think it's such a lovely, old-fashioned way to spend an afternoon." 
George: "Well, as it happens, I'm an old-fashioned kind of guy." 
Bree: "Oh, and we got so lucky with the weather, it's just absolutely - You know, your lunch hour is almost up. (finish)We should probably be getting you back to the pharmacy."
George: "Wait. I've had such a good time, these last few days, I just want to show my appreciation."(thanks, a good taste or the ability to see a statue's beauties. u are a member of a wine/music ~group
Bree: "Another gift? I hope it's not another orchid, they're so expensive." 
George: "Relax, this didn't cost me a dime."一角
Bree: "George, you shouldn't have."(give u a pleasant that u do not expect it)
Bree: "This is a 9-mm Luger PO8!" 
George: "The moment you said you were in the NRA, I knew I wanted to give it to you." 
Bree: "I can't accept this, George! This is an antique. It's too valuable." 
George: "It's okay. My grandfather gave it to me. It was surrendered  (give up sth often unwillingly. the police demand the robber to~their weapons)to him by a soldier during World War II. Since I don't know how to shoot..."
Bree: "It's so lovely. I mean, look at the handle. Is that mother of pearl?" 母珍珠
George: "I think so. Only the officer's models  (an new/antique/lately~)had that. Do you really like it?" 
Bree: "Oh, absolutely. George, this is just so much better than an orchid."

George: "I love this. It's like a little adventure. I've never fired a gun before." 
Bree: "The memory of this night will stay with you forever." 
George: "Really?" 
Bree: "Oh, yeah. You always remember your first time. God, I hope I brought enough bullets." 
George: "You know, Bree, I can't tell you what these past few days have meant to me, finally getting out of the house and trying new things." 
Bree: "Well, we sure have had some fun." 
George: "No, no, it's, it's more than that. I'm starting to forget what it feels like to be lonely." 
Bree: "Oh, George, that's so sweet. Now come on, let's go shoot something!"
Bree: "Now before I fire a handgun, I like to go over  (review)a few of the basics just to make sure I'm ready. Okay? So, 
1 a strong stance.
2, high hand grasp. (an act, hold sth)
3, hard grip. (hold,she will not lose my hand in her arm. the baby ~s my hand with his tiny hand)
4, front sight.
5, release(~the hand brake) the safety, and
6,then squeeze (~the juice out of the lemon)the trigger slowly."
George: "What's a high hand grasp?" 
Bree: "Here. Take the gun."
Bree: "Okay. Now when you're firing a semi-automatic, you want the web of your hand all the way up against the edge of the back strap."
George: "What is that perfume you're wearing?" 
Bree: "Uh, I'm not wearing perfume." 
George: "Are you sure? Because you smell amazing?" 
Bree: "Oh, I was making macaroons before I left the house." 
Bree: "Okay, now I want you to hold the gun like you're holding a beautiful white dove. Hold it firmly enough that it can't get away, but not so firmly that you can kill it. Got it?" 
George (grinning): "I think so." 
Bree:" Okay, now all you have to do is take a deep breath..."
(George turns his head, looking at Bree, Bree is looking at the gun.) 
Bree: "...and squeeze the trigger."

Bree: "Hi! Wha-What are you doing here?" 
George: "I was walking outside, and I saw you in the window. I was surprised. I never thought of you as a diner person." 
Bree: "I'm not. The coffee is just dreadful. (low quality. the food is bad, the service is ~.he is just kept repeating himself, his speech was ~. she was wearing a ~pink skirt. he woke up with a ~headache)Well, it's late, and I needed to get out of the house, and it was the only place still open." 
George: "I didn't mean to interrupt."
 (He starts to walk away.) 
Bree: "George, would you like to join me for a dreadful cup of coffee?"
(Later, Bree and George are both sitting in the booth, talking.) 
Bree: "It was my first week in college, and I went to a meeting of the young Republicans where Rex gave a speech, and I went up to him afterward and introduced myself, and I told him that I agreed with his stance (opinion. if ur ~is unpopular, u'll need some courage to speak ur mind)on the death penalty. they ask for a maximum ~ on children's molestion.He took me out to a diner, and we, uh, stayed up till two in the morning talking about big government, gun control and illegal immigration. Ah. It was just--it was just such a magical night, and I knew, by the time he got me back to my dorm, that one day I was going to be Mrs. Rex Van de Kamp." 
George: "Wow."
Bree: "And even now, you know, after the betrayal, I, I know that we're supposed to be together. But I don't know how I can be with someone I don't trust." 
George: "So, what are you gonna do?" 
Bree: "That I don't know. What do you think I should do?" 
George: "You're asking me?" 
Bree: "Oh, I should not have done that. I am..." 
George: "No, no. It's okay." 
Bree: "No, George, it's not okay. It was insensitive. (it's a bit ~to talk about fat people when she knows her friend is desperate to lose weight)I know how you feel about me, and I..."
George: "Bree, I want to help." 
Bree: "Thank you." 
George: "So, does he love you?" 
Bree: "Yes." 
George: "Is he a good person?" 
Bree: "Aside from (except for)the adultery, yes."
George: "Then it's easy. If I could get a good person to love me, I would find a way to forgive them." 
Bree: "You are such a special man, George Williams. And you deserve such a special woman." 
George: "I think so."

Bree: "Rex and I are hosting(~a show /program) a dinner party for ten next week. We're using our best china and serving duck."
Dr. Goldfine: "So, you and Rex are a couple again?" 
Bree: "Yes. You know that's one of the things I hated most about our separation. Not being able to throw dinner parties. There's just something so civilized and elegant about them, don't you think?" 
Dr. Goldfine: "I take (guess)it you've resolved (solve riddle/problem.~conflict/crisis)your feelings about his infidelity?"
Bree: "Let's just say that I put them in an imaginary box and don't plan on looking at them for a while." 
Dr. Goldfine: "Do you think that's the healthiest way to achieve a reconciliation?"
Bree: "Well, it won't be easy at first. There'll be a lot of forced smiles and perfunctory (done sth without energy or enthusiasm for habit or it is expected)love making, but after a few decades whiz by  (pass by, the car~so quickly that I couldn't see the numbers on its license plate)I'm sure I'll find a way to forgive him."
Dr. Goldfine: "Well, as long as you have a plan." 
Bree: "I do want to forgive him Doctor Goldfine, but, there's something he's still not telling me." 
Dr. Goldfine: "Really?" 
Bree: "I think it has something to do with why he had the affair." 
Dr. Goldfine: "Have you confronted (sb faces or deals with an unpleasant person or situation. she was~ with severe money problem)him?"
Bree: "Once, and you should've seen the look in his eyes. He was terrified that I'll figure it out. You know what it is, don't you?" 
Dr. Goldfine: "Bree, I can't discuss other patients." 
Bree: "I realize that. This thing that he's hiding, is it bad?"
(Dr. Goldfine looks down.) 
Bree: "Oh, okay, um, maybe it's better that I don't know." 
Dr. Goldfine: "Bree, how does this reconciliation have a chance if the two of you can't be honest about the innermost parts of your lives?"(this is a diary which she recorded her ~thoughts and secrets
Bree: "We're, um, WASPs, Doctor Goldfine. Not acknowledging the elephant in the room (an obvious issue that no one want to discuss. we all sat and drank our tea quiently, no one wants to bring ~ about his divorce. the fact is that a 35 years old brother still lives with parents and have no girlfriend is an~ at every family gathering)is what we do best."
Dr. Goldfine: "You'd settle for that?(accept sth although it is not exactly not the best or not u wanted. she never ~ second best. he wants a full refund,not ~ anything left) A life filled with repression and denial?" 
Bree: "And the dinner parties. Don't forget the dinner parties."

Andrew: "So, get this. Zach Young is throwing a pool party Saturday night and he sent out a bunch of formal invitations complete with all she needed to complete her happiness was a baby. he only needs two more vases to~his collection(great)fancy lettering." (it's a black box with gold ~
Danielle: "I'm surprised he didn't spritz (a quick ~will leave ur skin refreash. lightly ~ur hair with water)them with after shave."
Bree: "What is wrong with nice invitations?" 
Andrew: "Mom, it's a pool party." 
Danielle: "Why couldn't he've just pass out  (the teacher ~the s's textbookfliers in the quad?"
Rex: "So, uh, you going?" 
Andrew: "Maybe. His genetic incapable being cool. I mean, um, Lisa and Justin and some of the guys thought it'd be fun to swim. We can always bail 舀水if it's as lame as we think it's gonna be."(weak and unsatisfactory. ~excuse站不住脚的/joke冷笑话)
Bree: "Is Lisa your friend with the pierced navel?" (I couldn't wear this earringfor my ears aren't ~)
Andrew: "Yeah." 
Bree: "You've been spending a lot of time together lately, haven't you?" 
Andrew: "I guess."
Bree: "Oh, uh, Andrew, I'm gonna want you home by eleven on Saturday." 
Andrew: "Eleven? Mom, it's not even a school night." 
Rex: "Bree, a curfew (impose, a time which children must be home at night. u will not be in trouble if u get home before a~. they go back the dormitory before the ten o'clock ~)isn't gonna do any good." (.u can't work all the time, it does good if u walk outside and enjoy urself. )
Bree: "You may be able to abdicate (stop managing that u are in charge of. she~all the responsibilities for the project )all your parental responsibility but I cannot."
Andrew: "What, what's going on here? Would this have to do with the condom you left in my room?" 
Bree: "As a matter of fact it does, and just so we're clear, if you get Lisa pregnant, you will marry her."
(Andrew lets out an exasperated laugh.) 
Bree: "Andrew, this is not funny." 
Andrew: "Mom, trust me. This is very funny, mostly because the condom wasn't mine."
(Bree stares at Danielle, her mouth hanging open in shock.)

Bree: "So obviously we need to talk." 
Danielle: "I'm still a virgin if that's what you want to know." 
Bree: "Well, good. But(how/what) why on earth extremely surprised,confuse,angry would you need a condom?"
Danielle: "Because I'm planning on having sex and I don't want to get pregnant." 
Bree: "Danielle, you are president of the Abstinence Club." (to teach kids to hold themselves back from having sex
Danielle: "I wasn't planning on running for (join, ~re-elect/reelection. she wanted to ~a second time. he is going to run against Tom for vice president)a second term."((period, spring~))
Bree: "Who were you planning on having sex with?" 
Danielle: "John." 
Bree: "John Rowland? I thought you broke up with him." 
Danielle: "No, he broke up with me. And you want to know why? Because I wouldn't do it." 
Bree: "Well, if that's the type of boy he is, then good riddance."(the act of getting rid of sb. ~for that bad company
Danielle: "Mom, every boy at my school is that type of boy. And besides, it's different with John. I love him." 
Bree: "Oh, sweetheart, just because you give a boy sex doesn't mean you'll get love in return." 
Danielle: "So maybe I'm being stupid. What's the big deal? It's just sex." 
Bree: "Honey, I am looking out for your happiness. Now, I understand what it's like to be young and feel urges, but I waited until I got married, as did your father, and it was so much better."
Danielle: "Daddy ended up cheating on you." 
Bree: "Yes. Well -"
Danielle: "And every since he moved back in, you've been miserable." 
Bree: "Why would you say that?" 
Danielle: "The walls between our bedrooms are paper-thin. I hear more stuff than I probably should." 
Bree: "Oh." 
Danielle: "Look, mom, I love you a lot but you really are the last person (mostly don't want. ~ I wanted is yo make u unhappy. he is ~ I would love to trust to look after my child)to ever give anyone advice about sex and happiness."
Maisy: "So...what brings you here?" 
Bree: "I need a favor." 
Maisy: "I thought as much." (not surprised by sb have said/done.
Bree: "I heard that there is a, um, little black book with the names of your clients in it." 
Maisy: "There is." 
Bree: "I was wondering if, perhaps, you could remove Rex's name from that little book." 
Maisy: "Wow, that's a big favor. Those muffins better be really good." 
Bree: "I have some money that I've been putting aside (save time/money for special purpose eg:she trys to put some time aside every evening to tell story for her kid.  )for emergencies. It can be all yours if you just..." 
Maisy: "Keep my mouth shut?" 
Bree: "Continue to be discreet(cautious)." eg:we followed them, but kept a ~distantion.  she is ~,she wouldn't go talking to the clients.
Maisy: "Gosh. I don't know."
Bree: "I don't think it's asking that much. All you need to do is remove one little name." 
Maisy: "But if I do it for you, then I have to do it for all the other wives. That wouldn't be fair, now, would it?" 
Bree: "Maisy, please. I mean, we used to be good friends." 
Maisy: "Ah. Where were you when Harold lost his job a year ago, huh? Did you stop by to see if there was anything that you could do? Did you bring a big basket of baked goods when you knew we couldn't even pay our bills? If you did, those displays of friendship seem to have slipped (forget)my mind."
Bree: "Maisy, I didn't mention it when you were having financial troubles because I thought it would embarrass you." 
Maisy: "Yes, I would have been embarrassed, but it would have been a whole lot (many this was about to get ~ worse)better than the silence."
Bree: "I have fourteen thousand dollars in that account. It can all be yours." 
Maisy: "I'm not interested. But you do get credit for one thing.(praise/honor  eg:it's good to hear he got ~for his finding)
 You came to visit me, even if it was for an ulterior (secret purpose/motive)motive. None of the other girls from the club even bothered. (~doing sth. try to do)I've been abandoned. Guess that's what happens when you become the town who*e."
Bree: "Oh, sweetie. They didn't abandon you because you're a who*e. They abandoned you because you weren't all that (not very)nice to begin with."

Rex: "What are these?" 
Bree: "They're brochures for youth detention centers." 
Rex: "How long have you had these?" 
Bree: "They've been in the drawer for a few months. I had a feeling we might be needing them." 
Rex: "Bree, I don't know." 
Bree: "We have to admit that we need help. If we can't get through to (=persude)Andrew then we have to find someone who can."
Rex: "You really want to send our son away to some prison camp?" 
Bree: "Oh come on, don't be so dramatic. Some of these places actually look fun. Look. Camp Hennessey." (reading) "Camp Hennessey teaches kids respect for authority and boundaries in a summer camp-like atmosphere."
Rex: "The perimeter is surrounded by an electrified fence." 
Bree: "Well, you have to admit that's an efficient way to teach respect for boundaries. Okay, how about this one. It's perfect for Andrew. It's a ranch in Montana. It has lots of fresh air and plenty of open spaces and daily classes in anger management." 
Rex: "I'm, I'm not comfortable with this."
Bree: "All right, what about this one. It's in the desert and it's very reasonable. Barracks are a little bit bleak, but that recidivism rate is to die for(=desperate, extremly want)!" eg: she has a figure ~

Rex: "Bree, I'm not doing it. I'm not sending my son away." 
Bree: "It's easy for you, isn't it? You're not the one he's openly rude to. You're not the one he challenges every day. You're not the one he hates." 
Rex: "I'll talk to him, all right? I'll sit him down for a little old-fashioned heart to heart." 
Bree: "You talk to him all you want. I'm gonna check out the place with the electrified fence."

Andrew: Well, here's the thing. I lied to my parents. I'm not gay. 
Reverend (shocked): You're not? 
Andrew: Not really. Look, all I knew was that I wanted to get the hell out of that camp. So I told that I was really worried that I was having feelings for other guys. They did exactly what I wanted them to. They are such tools.
Reverend: I'm sorry, just so I'm clear. Are you a heterosexual or aren't you? 
Andrew: Look, I love vanilla ice-cream, but every now and then I'm probably gonna be in the mood for chocolate. You know what I mean? 
Reverend: I do, but God would prefer you stick to insist)the vanilla.
Andrew: I don't believe in god. 
Reverend: You don't? 
Andrew: Nope. Sorry. 
Reverend: (Sighs) Your mother's going to be so devastated. She's been praying so hard that you will be able to change. 
Andrew: But that's the good news. I am going to change. Big time.
Reverend: I'm afraid I don't follow. 
Andrew: You know what my mom said to me last night? She said that she doesn't think I'm going to heaven. Can you believe that? 
Reverend: I'm sure she didn't mean to hurt your feelings, but the only way that you can know paradise is if you repent your sins. 
Andrew: When she said that to me, suddenly it hit me how I'm going to get back at(revenge) her. From now on I'm going to be so good. I'm going to eat my vegetables. I'm going to get good grades. 
Andrew: I'm going to say yes ma'am, no ma'am. I'm going to make her believe that god has delivered her this little miracle. Until one day I'm going to do something so awful it is going to rock her world. I mean it is really going to destroy her. And when that day comes, trust me, I'll know paradise. 

Andrew: "What's this about?" 
Rex: "You both know that your mother and I have been unhappy for quite a while. And after a lot of soul searching, we've decided it would be better if we got divorced." 
Bree: "But whatever problems your father and I have, it doesn't change the fact that we love you very, very much," 
Andrew: "I've got a question." 
Bree: "Go ahead, sweetheart. Ask whatever you want." 
Andrew: "Can I live with dad? I mean, c'mon, mom, let's face it. We drive each other crazy."
(Bree sits still for a minute, then she and Rex look at each other.) 
Bree: "Is, is that what you would prefer, Danielle? To live with your father." 
Danielle: "I don't really care, as long as I have my own bathroom."

Danielle: "What do you mean, you're not taking care of him?" 
Andrew: "Dad's being released today. He's got to have a place to recuperate."(come well again after an illness
Bree: "Well, then he can go to a motel because he's not allowed back in my house." 
Danielle: "I thought you two were getting along. What happened?" 
Bree: "That's - between your father and me." 
Andrew: "You're so selfish. You know, I'm so looking forward to the day I get to put you in a nursing home." 
Bree: "I'm sorry to disappoint you, Andrew, but my plan is to have an embolism and to die young!"
Andrew: "Yeah, well we're all rooting (support)for you, but you might not be so lucky!"
Bree: "Andrew!" 
Andrew: "You want to see how long I can (have/bare,he~against me for refusing not lend money to himhold a grudge/hate? Go ahead and abandon my father, because I promise you, you'll be sorry."
Bree: "You wouldn't be saying that if you knew what -" 
Andrew: "Knew what? Well, come on, tell me! Because I'd love to know what my father did that was so awful!" 
Bree: "Fine. I will see him through this, (my father lend me some money to see me through these weeks)but after that, your father can rot in hell for all I care!"(no care at all)

Scene 2
Andrew: "What are you doing?" 
Bree: "I'm packing up your father's things for when he eventually moves out." 
Andrew: "Here. Let me help you. Look, I, I talked to dad, and it turns out you were telling the truth." 
Bree: "Andrew, I'm so sorry that I said anything." 
Andrew: "I know. I'm glad you did. Now I know." 
Bree: "There comes this point in every boy's life..." 
Andrew: "What? When he finds out his dad is screwing around?"(offensive, have an affair
 Bree: "No. That his father's only human." 
Andrew: "So, why are you taking care of him? Is it because of what Danielle and I said? Because you can forget that. I'll help you take his stuff on the street if you want." 
Bree: "That's sweet, but I'm taking care of him because it's the right thing to do." 
Andrew: "Why are you being such a pushover? I mean, he cheated on you. He's a jerk!" 
Bree: "Andrew, you will not speak that way about your father in front of me." 
Andrew: "Why the hell not? I mean, for once, I'm actually on your side!" 
Bree: "Yes, I'm angry with him. I am going to divorce him. I may even marry someone else, but make no mistake about it, (no doubt about it. ~,these matters are going to cause u lots of problems)your father is, and always will be, the love of my life. He gave me the best eighteen-year marriage that I could have ever hoped for. For that, you will respect him." 
Andrew: "Okay."

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