
英语词汇 | 含有pig和dog的英语词汇

 地道英语在线 2020-02-17


make a pig of oneself  v.大吃大喝
pig out  v.狼吞虎咽地大吃
例句:Would you like to pig out with us tonight? 

pig husbandry  养猪业
pig-jump  n.(马) 四腿跃起。
pig it  v.过困苦的生活
pig in a poke/bag  n.未经过目而购进的货
pig in the middle  n.(口)(在争论的双方之间)处在中间的人
A pig in a poke. 未见实物而瞎买东西。


1.top dog 当权派,头儿
2.big dog 要人,保镖;大亨
3.gay dog 快活的人
4.sad dog 粗野的人
5.yellow dog 卑鄙、可耻的人
6.old dog 老手
7.the dog days 暑天
8.cat-and-dog life 争争吵吵的日子
9.rain cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨
10.dog-eat-dog 竞争激烈的
11.see a man about a dog 有点事(通常用来作为离开或缺席的借口)
12.sleep a dog-sleep 打个盹儿
13.go to the dogs 衰败,堕落
14.sleep like a log 睡得很沉
15.be in the doghouse 处分或冷落;令某人生气 
As he likes to stir things up, he has been in the doghouse. 
16.be out of the doghouse不再冷落 
His wife let him out of the doghouse. 
17.let sleeping dogs lie 不要惹是生非,别惹麻烦
18.help a dog over a still 助人渡过难关
19.Love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌

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