
(2020年)TIM 每周星运3.1 – 3.7 (待)

 昵称华明房产 2020-03-04

蒂姆·斯蒂芬斯(Tim Stephens),加拿大著名占星师,超过40年的占星经验。

所有时间和日期使用的都是太平洋标准时间(PST)(Pacific Standard Time Zone) 。PST是英格兰格林威治时间之前的8小时。例如,如果PST是中午12点,英国是晚上20点,中国是次日清晨4点。

不宜非常规的人事物(Start Nothing)-- PST:【周日】7:52 ~ 11:21,【周二】18:20 ~ 20:25,【周四】23:11 ~【周五】1:27

【女生请同时参考:上升、月亮、太阳】---- 【男生请同时参考:上升、太阳、月亮】



ARIES: March 21-April 19

Remember, don’t start any new projects or relationships before March 10. A love affair or love attraction that occurs before Wednesday will turn out tragically — leave it alone. Until then keep an eye out for mistakes and misunderstandings, and avoid major purchases. Despite your lowered energy, you are growing increasingly ambitious. This can lead to a bountiful opportunity by mid-March. Might come from international sources, or might be linked strongly to your education. (All is not sweetness and light on your status/career scene, though, so be both optimistic and enthusiastic — and keep a cautious eye on developments.) Midweek (to early April) your money luck improves.

Sunday morning’s “okay,” esp. for money. Midday Sun. to Tues. night brings calls, trips, paperwork, errands and casual contacts. Not the easiest interval — double check figures, addresses, needed documents, etc. — but no disasters, either. Steer toward home Tuesday night through Thursday. This interval begins well and carries some success with family and security issues. But you could run into both a great opportunity (early) and stubborn opposition (later) Thursday. Friday and Saturday are for romance, creativity, self-expression, pleasure, sports/games, and beauty. Enjoy these two days without seeking anything permanent from them. TAURUS: April 20-May 20

Remember, don’t start any new projects or relationships before March 10. Keep an the eye out for mistakes and misunderstandings, and avoid major purchases. (Though the “retro” ends March 9, I’d wait until March 13 to launch anything or ask for anyone’s affection.) Continue to avoid lawyers and lawsuits until month’s end. All that said, you’re happy, social, and filled with bright optimism!

Chase money Sunday to late Tuesday — but not so hard that you launch new money making projects, or crash into unfamiliar areas. This interval needs a lot of caution. Major purchases could turn out to be lemons. Midweek eludes difficulties. Tuesday night through Thursday bring success with communications, travel, errands and paperwork. Remember, double check addresses and figures. It’s an excellent time to contact those you love or are intrigued by — could an old flame be in the picture? Head toward home and family Friday. Saturday: you will not get a lot of satisfaction here, because you seem to be puzzled by others actions… Hard to distinguish motives. Best approach: relax and contemplate your progress in life thus far. ☆☆☆ 金牛座 (04.20~05.20)-- 译者:简娜

记住,不要在3月10日之前开始任何新的项目或建立新的关系。请留意错误和误解,并避免重大购买。 (尽管“怀旧”将于3月9日结束,但我要等到3月13日才能发布任何内容或征求任何人的厚爱。)继续避免律师和诉讼,直到月底。总而言之,您很开心,社交,充满了乐观态度! 从周日到周二深夜追逐资金-但不要太费劲,以至于您启动新的赚钱项目或陷入陌生地区。此间隔需要非常小心。重大购买可能是次货。周中避开困难。周二晚上到周四晚上在沟通,旅行,差事和文书工作方面取得了成功。请记住,请仔细检查地址和数字。这是联系您所爱或感兴趣的人的绝佳时机-可能有旧情人吗?星期五去家庭和家庭。星期六:您在这里不会获得很多满足,因为您似乎对其他行为感到困惑……很难区分动机。最佳方法:放松并考虑迄今为止的生活进展。 ☆☆☆ 双子座(05.21~06.20)— 译者:天使爱撒旦


周日起床后可能会感觉很疲惫,但接下来一直到周二都会让你觉得精力充沛,魅力无限。你会当个领导者,但不要带领你的队伍开始新的项目,或者涉足不熟悉的领域。周三/周四会有私人金钱问题。这周缴付账单,日常采购的最佳时机。但是不宜大宗买卖(废物陷阱)。周三晚些时候到周四一早,给事业发展或者成功打开大门(可能是之前的某个岗位,一个好的机会)。周五/周六的重点是杂务、电话、拜访、文书工作、日常联络和简单的杂事。希望你充满好奇和求知欲,因为很多人们说的并不完全有道理。 LEO: July 23-Aug. 22

Hard work all March, Leo. Remember, don’t start any new projects or relationships before March 10. Keep an the eye out for mistakes and misunderstandings, and avoid major purchases. Your sexual desires are strong until March 19, so is your desire for power or financial success. Don’t let this tempt you to start anything before the 10th — actually, best day to launch anything will be (next week) March 13 onward. Higher-ups look on you favourably this Thursday to early April. Take advantage, without launching anything new, career-wise, until the 14th onward. Good month for research. (A career surprise is hiding, will “unveil itself” March 8.

Sunday to Tuesday raises your hopes and friendliness. Popularity, social delights, optimism and flirtatious attractions fill these few days. However, take a cautious stance in general, and strictly avoid chasing an alluring person, as this one harbours a deep disdain for (your) love — or circumstances/health will forever “fight” this bond. Withdraw from the world Wednesday/Thursday. Rest, contemplate, and interface with civil servants, charities and spiritual sources. You can learn the secret to a mystery these couple of days, especially late Wednesday night and Tuesday morning — a good time for finances, intuitive insight, and intimacy with your spouse. But don’t try to impress anyone in the outside world. Your energy and charisma surge Friday/Saturday. You will be noticed, you might be chased. But again, start no new projects nor relationships, especially at these two days are rather clouded and mysterious. ☆☆☆ 处女座 (08.23~09.22)-- 译者:星尘

整个三月浪漫的感觉都很强烈。但请记住,在3月10日前,不要建立新的关系,不要进行大宗采购,也不要启动任何重大项目。爱情、国际事务、文化仪式和智力追求在4月初之前都对你有利,但你最好在3月13日前不要对任何新事物采取行动。 周日到周二,你的抱负和地位将成为焦点。然而,你在这里的运气不高,所以要小心行事。你可能会遇到一个以一种近乎神秘的方式深深吸引着你的人。当失望潜伏的时候,你要转开。你只要埋头苦干就行了。本周三、四你大受欢迎——这两天充满了社交乐趣、机智和笑声、调情和永不磨灭的乐观。你也很幸运,尤其是周三晚些时候和周四早些时候。你和你的伴侣之间过去的任何问题现在都可以用充满爱意的方式解决。周五/周六远离喧嚣的世界。休息,思考,但不要计划,因为计划将在未来几周改变。与公务员、慈善机构、精神团体和总公司打交道。但是要小心行事,因为很多人和情况都处在一种奇怪的变化之中,没有人知道到底发生了什么。 ☆☆☆ 天秤座 (09.23~10.22)-- 译者:小楠

本周重点在于工作和日常健康,由于本周及下周难以安定下来,因此要确保你的补给充足。 记住,三月十日前不要开启新项目及发展新关系。留心防止出错和误会,同时避免大型采购。(虽然“水逆”会在3月9日结束,但最好等到13日后再开启事务或大型采买。)三月间你的家中易发生摩擦,某段关系可能终结。同时(本周四至四月初)你会被一场秘密情事强烈吸引,如果你们两人都单身的话,则无害(3月9日后)。 周日到周二带来国际事务,智能与法律工作以及爱,可好运似乎不在你身边,所以要谨慎行事。周三/周四你的事业雄心,地位与威望在聚光灯下闪耀,现在好运伴你左右,自信地秀出你自己吧!特别是周三晚间和周四早上。周三晚上可能会和某位同事或某个熊孩子发生“领地问题“的争吵。 周五周六美梦会成真!不过这里是指小愿望哦,同时伴随而来的是人气飙升,社交欢乐,乐观心境和调情。无论如何,你会很开心!但是,这两天不要试着建立任何关系,因为万事并无一定,而你身边的人也尚不确定他们对你的感觉。 SCORPIO: Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Remember, Scorpio, don’t start any new projects or relationships before March 10. Keep an eye out for mistakes and misunderstandings, and avoid major purchases. The main accent lies on romance, creativity, risks, beauty, pleasure until March 20. An old flame might return, but even more likely is that a former home or “lost” parent or child re-appears. Others treat you with favour and affection, Thursday to April 3. Press your (love) case next week, March 12/13. Your work involves a lot of hurrying, travel and communications — don’t rush.

Sunday to Tuesday accents sex, mysteries/secrets, financial situations, lifestyle choices, medical procedures — all in a mostly unfortunate way, so advance with caution. Give yourself a day to think before you jump. Chasing love now will give you a handful of emptiness. A mellow, understanding mood steals over you Wed./Thurs., granting you luck and ease in international, legal, cultural, intellectual and love situations, esp. late Wed. and early Thurs. Your sincere words have a good, deep effect on someone you love. Be ambitious Fri./Sat. — show skills, get things done — but don’t be adventurous, as luck is “missing” (rather than bad). Could be difficult choosing what to do — contemplate options rather than embrace one. SAGITTARIUS: Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Remember, Sage, don’t start any new projects or relationships before March 10, especially at home or with the family. (For example, if you start an education fund for a child before March 10, it might never be used.) DO NOT start renovations or construction. Keep an eye out for mistakes and misunderstandings, and avoid major purchases. Money flows to you all month, but you also have an unconscious need to spend it. Bank it instead. (Anything you buy before March 10 will likely be a lemon, or not, later, what you need.) Thursday to early April, co-workers will be affectionate, your work place a happy one.

Sunday to Tuesday brings relationships, but not the best ones. Proceed carefully, try not to spark opposition. A “romantic ideal,” a dream-boat you first meet now, will forever disappoint you, so avoid chasing him/her. The intimate side of relationships goes much better Wed./Thurs. Sex, finances, research, delving deep into someone’s soul (even your own) — all are blessed. Your intuition is strong and reliable; follow hunches. Late Wed., early Thurs. best, esp. on home front. Friday/Saturday are for love — and for far travel, international affairs, cultural, legal and intellectual pursuits. Dabble in these, but don’t force issues, and don’t try to build anything: the ground is uncertain, facts disputable, and everyone is a bit unclear about many things. CAPRICORN: Dec. 22-Jan. 20

The general accent lies on communications, paperwork, travel and casual contacts. Remember, don’t start any new projects or relationships before March 10. Keep an eye out for mistakes and misunderstandings, wrong addresses, etc., and avoid major purchases. You are more determined and courageous than usual all March — and you might toy with the idea of “quitting” (and after, maybe, starting anew). Your romantic luck softly wafts higher, this Thursday to April 3. (But before Thurs., avoid chasing a “cold” person.)

Tackle chores Sunday to Tuesday. Be careful, follow safety rules, do tasks in “short bites.” Read directions carefully, twice. Eat, drink and dress sensibly. Relationships fill Wed./Thurs. — with good results, esp. Wed. night to early Thurs. Reach out, contact someone. Agreements, solutions, co-operation reward both parties. (These go well if the project is older or ongoing; avoid launching anything new.) Life’s mysteries arise Fri./Sat. Your subconscious rises, sharpening your intuition. Ponder lifestyle changes, a medical procedure, financial actions, and sexual desires — without acting significantly on any of these. (Circumstances and people are hard to read, “shifting,” not solid.) ☆☆☆ 水瓶座 (01.20~02.18)-- 译者:Camile

在3月10号之前,避免开始任何全新的项目或进入一段关系。星期三之前出现或者开始的一段恋情以及情感上的吸引,会以悲剧收尾哦——别去在意它。再者就是要留意出错和误解,避免重要的采购事宜。整个三月都要避免与好斗之人来往以及去到有危险的地方。这周星期四至4月3号的这段时间,你的家以及家人都会带着亲切与美丽欢迎你、拥抱你。你有可能在留意某种旧的或很久以前的财源,但是我觉得你发现得还是有点晚了;也有可能会错过。 周天至周二这段时间点亮了你的浪漫按钮。可是在这方面实在有点糟糕,所以我的建议还是追随你的直觉,但不要追求爱情了。你周三以前遇到的某个人不会在任何方面留下很正的印象,更别说是在爱情方面了。把注意力留给孩子、艺术才能和运动吧。周三周四很适合深入忙杂务:周三晚以及周四早些,一种安静但强大的好运有机会将你的付出变成金钱。周四一个有关管理层的机会有可能出现。周五周六被关系充满。慢慢来,要得体、善于合作。还有就是这段时间并不是寻求协议或会见新人的好时间哦,两个原因:第一点,大家站立的这个地面现在很疯狂地挪动着;第二点,没有人是真的知道正在发生什么,以及该朝什么方向前进。 PISCES: Feb. 19-March 20

记住,双鱼座,在3月10日前不要开始任何新的项目或关系。你和一个重他者(可理解为伴侣之类的关系)犹豫不决,不知道去哪里,也不知道做什么。没关系,耐心等待。周三之前开始的一段恋情或爱情吸引会以悲剧收场——别管它。在3月10日之前,密切注意错误和误解,避免购买大宗商品。一个“粗糙”的人可能会和你成为朋友。还不错。这个人可能会引导你在未来的一年里经历一些重大的“深入”或严肃的发展——并可能在2020年的后半年为增加资金打开一扇门。周四开始了为期一个月的愉快的非正式关系。 周日到周二引导你回家和家人团聚。这段时间不适合进行任何大修、装饰或翻新,也不适合进行景观美化。要小心和保护孩子——避免在过马路时乱跑!激情,浪漫,美丽和快乐,运动和游戏,创造性的搜索和迷人的孩子——这些充满了星期三/星期四,甜蜜和仁慈,特别是星期三的晚些时候和星期四的早些时候。周五/周六保护你的健康:合理饮食和着装。处理日常琐事,避免重大的或新的事务。

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