
Personal Healing Power自我疗愈系列-Symptom And Disease p...

 思无思任方圆 2020-03-17

封面/内图:来源于网络       撰文:Zoe


As man is composed of pulsating energies, each cell emits a measurable micro vibration reflected in the energy field around the body. In composition with the reflections of emotions, memories, experiences, thought patterns, conditionings and belief systems these frequencies form an interconnected web of energies around the body. 


In a healthy body the energies pulsate at different speeds, but in total harmony with each other. If an imbalance would occur in any of these frequencies the energies closest to the distorted frequency would also be affected and caused to vibrate in disharmony. This means that the distortion will gradually spread through the aura, from frequency to frequency, finally penetrating the body where a physical symptom would occur. 


This simplified explanation roughly describes the development of various diseases. An illness in the body is merely expressing a symptom of an inner imbalance among the subtle energies. Usually this physical symptom is caused by emotional or mental disharmonies of some kind,i.e., thought patterns, feelings and belief systems that negatively affect the bodily functions.



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