

 八卦掌520 2020-03-22
中央國術館舉行第一次國術考試開幕式時合影When the Central National Museum held its first martial arts exam opening ceremony photo
竇來庚先生參加第一屆武術國考獲最優等 朱國福先生參加第一屆武術國考獲最優等榜首Mr. Geng Dou to participate in the first examination by Mr. Summa 朱国福 participate in the first national Wushu martial arts national test eligible summa top
朱國福王雲鵬、 張長義、 馬裕甫、 竇來庚、 朱國禎、 朱國祿、 馬承智
楊法武、 楊士文、 顧汝章、 張英振、 王成章、 張維通、 胡炯

楊松山、 郭長生、 熊維燕、 劉丕顯、 盧濱、 寇運興、 郭運昌、 汪精武  鮑仁蘭、 馬英圖 張世德、 李學義韓化臣 郭世詮、 諶祖安、 王德元 劉守銘楊宗山、 沃雲興佟忠義、 張文發、 李仙五、 李連仲、 兵奇吾
馬華甫、 姚啟雙、 李匯亭、 胡鳳山、 李連恒、 康得灝、 馬成鑫、 劉占斌
武鎮庫、 向武、 吳桐、 李慶蘭、 包剛

孫玉山、王林祥、王少周、 盧肯為、 馮致光、 王國恩、 梁天桂、 張桐江
馬富雲、 王秉瑞、 郭祥明、 鄭汝平、 楊萬清、 孫信、 徐中傑、 楊恩照
李同著、 郝樹桐、 林寶山、 翟國昌、 李好學、 蔡大猷、 劉玉書、 李廷斌
方文卿、 董恩慶、 蔡鳳起、 丁永榮、 鄭俠、 王執中、 王琴南、 萬賴聲
奚誠甫、 吳仲箎、 劉永祥、 陳富有、 王維翰、 王斌、蕭聘之、張文標
汪景惠、 張長信、 高瑞銓、 趙國起、 楊蘭生、 周金德、 王少華、 陳寶璋
費大根、 李林森、 吳體胖、 張少和、 吳欽霖、 金恆銘、 蓋玉山、 石玉璽
白文英、 陳天和、 吳少懷、 僧煥然、 彭超、 吳保成、 楊光南、 馬慶祥
于金來、 宋標、張白熙、胡桂山、 梁占魁、 曹慶丰、 余國棟、 林志遠
柳印虎、 張東海、 韓永信、 韓清堂、 汪占鱉、 徐仁傑、 馬來光、 劉雙桂
馬掄甫、 孫玉明 

劉宗俊、王毅夫、 馬永勝、 李欽聖、 于振聲、 李林森、 安定邦、 葛性如
甘金泉、 郭廣仁、 馬暢權、 孫衡山、 王忠瑛、 王坤甲、 李凌霄、 楊承圃
劉景春、 周昌言、 孟爾鴻、 鄭宣哲、 馮炳雲、 馬金彪、 吳圖南、 趙鑫洲
王健仙、 陳天民、 孫友亭、 李和、 蔣尚武、 郭昌運、 楊遠、 吳挂馥
米和卿、 李萬悅、 韓占鱉、 吳士光、 孫國屏、 周兆熊、 陳恢生、 陸文榮
許道及、 徐樹樁、 李同興、 董樹棠、 羅雲章、 盧慈球、 艾鳳岐、 宋忠達
胡維昆、 徐保林、 劉鶴亭、 鄭世恆、 張金蓉、 倪鳴鸞、 鄭譽金、 陳桂生
蔡連貴、 周景海、 袁偉、 雷謙、 賈鳳鳴、 陳敬成、 楊士德、 朱貞祥
宋長喜、 趙榮林、 趙連奎、 、趙雄萬、 章殿卿、 饒仁、 潘世晃 、徐文炳
曹晏海、 金昂、 金毅、 劉國光、 陳鐵幹、 羅德傑、 張寶豐、 張俊卿
何國棟、 趙振辰、 張鴻基、 郁文彩、 王化成、 劉鴻慶、 潘嗣清、 沈揚德
蔣矯、 周樹成、 陳亮勳、 于德元、 田長泰、 張子和、 許屏、 何福生
張本源、 劉振遠、 史玉娥、 松華、 潘孝徳、 李振元、 張鵬飛、 金鼎
劉武光、 趙恩華、 馬庭樞、 李烈武、 潘伯銘、 馮振標、 田占奎、 張殿華
盧書魁、 李季冬、 丁德元、 郭成堯、 陳國詮、 王庭釗、 高鳳嶺、 劉英華
謝青、 江寧 、傅振松、 何國樑、 江文玉、 馬芳候、 楊輔臣、 唐選
周海泉、 羅鴻章、 鄭思安、 宋毅然、 吳長庚、 李長清、 史克讓、 李玉
左振英、 李永松、 張金銓、 王亮 、鄭洪基、 李英俠、 嵇家鈺、 陳鵬
耿德海、 朱代理、 曹駿一 ,馬漢章、 胡衡、 何振明、 吳志鴻、 李桐英
孟憲忠 、陳敬丞、 任勝喜、 陸傅瑲、 傅夢生、 傅猛越、 孟慶春、 陳子正
徐寶林、 藍譽、 楊延芳 ,楊林山、 閻九德、 張子臣、 張連魁 、趙永林
張榮根、 張芝臣、 朱點、 尹成章、 趙建辰、 謝醒獅、 趙子羽、 侯俊傑
盧旻孚、 馬元、 龔智聰、 支懋年、 王豐、 林淦、 王及泰、 甘及泰
傅安瀾、 吳紹基 、羅鎮暄、 李明福、 方秉瑞、 王琳、 李玉奎、 閔子標
李靜、 張連舉、 朱忠亮、 陸文德、 潘文源、 傅振嵩、 汪起台   
國考中的散打比賽    国考中棍枪长兵比赛的场面
                             htt p://www.hudong.com/wiki/第一届国术国考1928 年 October 11 to 19 national martial arts exam, national test, the purpose of martial arts in the selection of cutting-edge talent, enrich the Central National Museum, to further promote the cause of martial arts. At that time martial artist martial considerable emphasis is not only superfluous routine. But then the rules, protective gear and other issues were not resolved, often stuffed sparring match to battered, broken ribs fracture scenes. The routine competition scoring is not clear, is not uniform, the referee often by about sectarianism and other factors, resulting in unfair situations arise.1928 date October 11 - 19, the first session of the martial arts national test by the Central National Museum hosted a public stadium was held in Nanjing. Players selected teachers and students from the provinces and the Central National staff a total of more than 400 people. Exam includes two pre-test and a positive test performed. Pre-test routines for personal exhibition, projects boxing, short weapons (knives, swords) and long soldiers (guns, stick), with "summa" "excellent" assessment results. After the pre-test more than 150 people attended the positive test. Positive test project Sanshou, wrestling, length soldiers for bayonet fighting. Competition in accordance with the weight points A, B, C, Third, paired by drawing lots, to take a single knockout system. Which it is a short-soldiers with cotton, leather wrapped with tips. Length soldiers mutual bayonet fighting game, hit any other part of that was that, three two wins, or down the other side to win. The national test, although the lack of clear rules, and there have been some injuries, but the event into the modern sport of wushu competition series made a bold and useful exploration.After the martial arts exam in August 1928 release of "martial arts exam regulations", on October 15 to 20 held in Nanjing public sports. Shandong, Hebei, Peking, Nanjing and other 17 provinces, municipalities and the Central National Museum of the total 333 candidates who took part in the martial arts national test.
     Subject Examination in the country is divided into pre-test and test positive again. Pre-trial is a single-man show. Projects include boxing, knives, swords, sticks, guns. They invited competition test is positive. Projects include unarmed fist door (Sanda), wrestling door; armed stick, gun door (long soldier), knives, Jianmen (short soldiers). Pre-test pass, before taking part in a positive test.
The following is a list of the first national test wins, included in the following:
  Optimal other 15-man squad:
Zhu Guofu, Yun-Peng Wang, Zhang Changyi, Ma Yufu, sinus to Geng, Zhu Guozhen, Zhuguo Lu, Ma Chengzhi,
Wu Yang law, Yang Shiwen, Gu Ru Zhang, Zhangying Zhen, WANG Cheng, Zhang Tong, Hu
JiongExcellence thirty-seven the list:
Young Matsuyama, Guo Changsheng, Xiongwei Yan, Liu Pi was, Lu Bin, Kouyun Xing, Guo Yunchang, Wang Jing Wu Baoren Lan, Ma Ying map, Zhang Shide, Xueyi, Hanwha minister, GUO Shi-Quan, Chen Zuan, Wang Yuan Liu Shouming, Yang Zong Shan, Wo Yun Xing Tong loyalty,
Zhang hair, Lee five cents, Li Lianzhong, Bing Wu Qi
Mahua Fu, Yao Kai double sinks Ting Li, Hu Fengshan, Lilian Heng, Kant Hao, Ma Chengxin, Liu Zhanbin
Wu town library, to Wu, Wu Tong, Liqing Lan, just pack

Medium 82 people list:
Sun Yushan, Wang Linxiang, Wang Shao Zhou, Lucan, for Feng Zhiguang, Wang Guoen, Liang Tiangui, Zhang Tongjiang
Ma Fuyun, Wangbing Rui, Guo Xiangming, Zhengru Ping, Yang Wanqing, Sun letter, Xu Zhongjie, according to Yang En
Lee and with, Haoshu Tong Lin Baoshan, Zhaiguo Chang, Li studious, Caida You, Liu books, Li Tingbin
Fang Wenqing, Dongen Qing, Cai Fengqi, Dingyong Rong Cheng Xia, Wang Zhizhong, Wang Qinnan, Wan Lai sound
Xi Cheng Fu, Wu Zhong Chi, Liu Yongxiang, Chen rich, Wang Weihan, Wang Bin, Xiao hired, the Zhang mark
Wang Jinghui, Zhang Changxin, Gao Rui Quan, Zhao since Yanglan Sheng, Zhou Jinde, Wang Shaohua, Chen BaozhangFees root, LI Lin-sen Wu body fat, Zhang Shao and Wu Chin Lin, Jin Hengming cover Yushan, Yu Shi Xi
Bai Wenying, Chen days, Wu Shaohuai, monk Woon Peng Chao, Wu Baocheng, Yang Guangnan, Ma Qingxiang
To Kim Song label, Zhangbai Xi, Hu Shan, Liang Zhankui, Cao Qingfeng, Yu Guodong, Eddie Lam
Liu Indian tiger, learning institutions, Han Yongxin, Hanqing Tang, Wang accounted turtle, Xu Renjie, maleic light, Liu Shuanggui
Ma Fu-lun, hydroturbine

By passing the preliminaries of the list:
Liuzong Jun, Wang Yifu, Ma Yongsheng, Li Chin-San, in Zhensheng, LI Lin-sen, Anding Bang, such as GE sex
Gan Jinquan, Guoguang Ren, Ma Chang right, Sun Mountain, Wang Zhongying, Kun armor, Liling Xiao, Yang Cheng-po
Liujing Chun, Zhouchang words, Menger Hong, Zheng Xuanzhe, Pingbing Yun, Ma Jinbiao, Wu Tu-Nan, Zhao Xinzhou
Wang Jian cents Chentian Min, Sun Youting, Lee and, Jiangshang Wu, Guo Chang Yun, Yang Yuan, Wu Fu-hung
Rice and Qing, Li Wanyue, Korea accounted turtle, Wu Shiguang, Sun Guoping, Zhou Zhaoxiong, Chen Hui students, Lu Wenrong
Xu Tao and Xu stumps, Li Tong Xing, Dongshu Tang, Rowan chapter, Lu Chi ball, Yifeng Qi, SONG up
Huwei Kun, Xu Baolin, Liuhe Ting, Zhengshi Heng, Zhang Jinrong, Ni Luan Ming, Zheng Yu Jin, EDUCATION JOURNAL
Cai Liangui, Zhou Jinghai, Yuan Wei, Lei Qian, Jia Fengming, Chen Jingcheng, Yang Shide, Zhu Zhen XiangSongzhang Xi, Zhao Ronglin, Zhaolian Kui, Zhao Xiong Wan, Zhang Qing temple, Rao Ren, Pan Shi Huang, Xu Wenbing
Cao Yan Hai, Ang Kim, Jin Yi, Liu Guoguang, Tie dry, Luode Jie, Zhang Baofeng, Zhang Junqing
He Guodong, Zhaozhen Chen, Zhang Hongji, Yu Wen Cai, Wang Hua, Liu Hongqing, Si Pan Qing, Shen Yang Germany
Jiao Jiang, Zhou Shucheng, Chen Liang Xun, in Germany yuan, Tianchang Tai, Zhang Zi and Xu screen, He Fusheng
Zhang origin, Liu away, Shi Yue, Songhua, Pan Xiao DS, Li Yuan, Zhang Pengfei, King
Liuwu Guang, Zhaoen Hua, Mating Shu, Lilie Wu, Pan Boming, FENG Zhen standard, Tianzhan Kui, Zhang Dianhua
Lushu Kui, Li Ji Dong, Ding De Yuan, Guocheng Yao, Chen Quan, Wang Ting Zhao, high Fengling, Liu Yinghua
Xie Qing, Jiangning, Fuzhen Song, He Guoliang, Jiang Wenyu, Ma Fang Hou, Yang Fu-chen, Tang election
Zhouhai Quan, Luo Hongzhang, Zheng Sian, Song decided, Wu Changgeng, Li Changqing, SmithKline make, Li
Left Chun-ying, Li Yongsong, Zhang Quan, Wang Liang, Zheng Hongji, Liying Xia, Ji Jiayu, Chen Peng
Gengde Hai Zhu agent, Cao Jun and Ma Han-chang, Wu Heng, Hezhen Ming, Wu Zhihong, Li Tongying
Meng Xianzhong, Chen Jingcheng, Rensheng Xi Lu Fu tinkling of gems, Fumeng Sheng, Fu Meng Yue, GRAPHIC, Chen child is
Xu Baolin, Blue reputation, Yangyan Fang, Yang Lin Shan, Yan Jiude, Zhangzai Chen, Zhanglian Kui, Zhao YonglinZhang Rong root, Zhangzhi Chen Zhu point, Yincheng Zhang, Zhaojian Chen, Xie lion, Zhaozi Yu, Hou Junjie
Fu Lu Min, Ma Yuan, Gong Zhicong, branch Mao, Wang Feng, Lin Gan, Wang and Thailand, and Thai Gan
Fuan Lan, Wushao Ji, Luozhen Xuan, Li Mingfu, Fangbing Rui, Wang Lin, Li Yukui, Min subheader
Li Jing, Zhang Lian move, Zhu Zhongliang, Lu Wende, Pan Wenyuan, Fuzhen Song, Wang from Taiwan

State exams and national exams and stick game Sanda long gun soldiers game scenes
According to "The Central Museum of the History of Martial Arts' records, the final exam summa original seventeen finalists, but because Feng
Cheung General prepare only 15 prizes, seventeen people can not be allocated, so Zhang 江馆长 finalists will be out for most
Matsuyama classy 郭长生 and Yang two central pavilion coordinated by the representative, Mr. curator to explain the two exams to choose
Drawing talent to enrich the central main hall, two instructors is the central hall, the hope relegated excellent, Guo Yang two in listening to Hall
After long description are readily agreed, so that future generations of martial arts such mind worthy of emulation.
And the examination is due to start,
The establishment of the rule for which it has become a reference and modify each game off the back of the years basis.

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