
英国作家眼中的张国荣:香港精神的底色 | Weekend Movies

 温雅小筑 2020-03-29


Seventeen years ago, Leslie Cheung Kwok-wing leapt to his death from the 24th floor of the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Hong Kong, a heartbreaking moment for many fans.


It will be the 17th anniversary of his passing on Wednesday. 


From starring Ning Caichen in A Chinese Ghost Story to potraying Cheng Dieyi in Farewell My Concubine, Cheung — whose nickname was Gor Gor (Cantonese for elder brother) — established himself as a legend on the silver screen with his good looks and one-of-kind personality.


Eleven years after his death, a British author has exhaustively researched a biography Firelight of a different colour: the life and times of Leslie Cheung Kwok-wing.


Nigel Collett, the writer, studied history at St Peter's College, Oxford and biography at the University of Buckingham. He is a former lieutenant-colonel in the British army and also a contributor to China Daily.


Collett's detailed biographical work traces Leslie's story from his birth in 1950s Hong Kong to his death during the city's crippling SARS epidemic.


During an early interview with American news website HuffPost, Collett shared his recollections of Cheung. Collett said he first saw Cheung onscreen in Farewell My Concubine, the first Chinese film that has won Palme d'Or, the top honor of Cannes Film Festival.


In some dark way, their lives were interwoven. Collett was in Hong Kong the day Cheung committed suicide. While he never actually met or saw him in the flesh, Collett did drive by the Mandarin Oriental Hotel that day. He recalls seeing the "mountains of flowers gathering by the road where he fell".


Believing Cheung to be "probably the biggest Hong Kong star worldwide, ever" considering his influence in China and abroad, Collett said Cheung "was at the forefront of all the major entertainment waves that turned Hong Kong into an independent cultural entity in the 1980s and '90s, and for many, came to encapsulate the city itself."


Although the reasons for Cheung's death is somewhat of a mystery to many people, Collett has tried to understand it in his own way. 


Collett said Cheung "was always conflicted about his fame. Stardom and success was what he sought, but he did not like the shallow lifestyle and perpetual hounding by the media which it brought". The author speculated that one of such conflicts which "came together with the clinical depression which eventually killed him".


Whatever made Cheung end his life, we appreciate that he has left behind a rich cultural legacy with so many classic productions. May he continue to rest in peace.



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