

 蓝天知己的收藏 2020-04-12















  Why Read the Classics?

Italo Calvino

Calvino explained his understanding of classics through 14 definitions of classics. In Calvino's view, classics are books that need to be read continuously. Classics can have an impact on us and constitute our valuable experience. Each reading of classics will bring us discovery just like the first reading, and the first reading will arouse our inner recognition just like the review. Classics have broad space to be interpreted and have deep cultural imprints. Classics always bring us unexpected harvest, and the really valuable books can be found in the reading of 'non compulsory'; classics enable us to constantly establish ourselves in the identification or opposition, and classic works have their own position in the cultural continuity of many works, which can arouse people's resonance; classics cannot be separated from society and life, even if classics can't be mainstream in real life, classics also have an impact on society. Whether it is a national classic or a foreign classic, it is very important for the growth of a nation, because we can measure ourselves in comparison.


When it comes to the rereading of classics, Calvino said, 'no matter how extensive a person's reading range is in the period of character formation, there are still many important works to be read.' The classic works read in the period of character formation have a profound impact on people's growth, just as the memory of a person's childhood often makes him have the initial impression and the initial view on the surrounding world, which is hard to change once formed. If a person can read a lot of classic works before he or she reaches adulthood, it is undoubtedly very beneficial for his growth. The social scope that everyone contacts is limited, and the experience is always bound by the environment. However, people can understand the society, understand life and accumulate experience through a lot of reading. These accumulations, when they reach adulthood, will become a kind of experience, which is unconscious and commands people's actions invisibly. This is also why we often find that people who read widely are often full of wisdom, while people who have no idea are dull and stupid. Literary classics always have a huge space for interpretation. On the one hand, it is due to the complexity of the classics, on the other hand, it is due to the change of personal or social concepts. When a child reads Swift's Gulliver's travels, he must appreciate the wonderful experience of 'the country of adults' and 'the country of villains'. When he contacts more classics and understands more backgrounds, he will understand the irony. On the other hand, Gulliver's travels, which was originally a satirical novel, has been widely spread, but its satirical meaning of society has gradually diminished, and people regard it as the enlightenment reading material for children. What we often encounter is that a classic work is always 'interpreted' by people. Take the dream of the red chamber in China and Shakespeare's plays in England as an example. In a library, we always find that all kinds of relevant comments and research books far exceed the original works in all versions. As a result, Calvino suggests reading first-hand texts rather than second-hand comments. Literary classics may not have been recognized and regarded as classics at the beginning of its birth, but may not be compatible with the society at that time. But 'classic' takes time. Only after many years have passed, can people get rid of the fog of time, despise all kinds of factors that affect people's fair attitude, and truly understand and value classics. Classics help us to understand who we are and where we are. Italian classics are indispensable to Italians, otherwise we will not be able to compare foreign classics. Similarly, foreign classics are also indispensable, otherwise we will not be able to measure Italian classics. ' In fact, 'Italy' here should be replaced by 'China' to attract our attention to Chinese and foreign classics. In contrast, classics make us know ourselves, make us find the commonness of human beings, and at the same time see our own uniqueness. What we should do is to constantly discover and read classics.


Most of the thirty-five reviews in Calvino's why to read classics were written in the 1970s and 1980s, four in the 1950s and two in the 1960s. These articles discuss writers and works that the author likes, admires, or has had a significant impact on himself from different angles and aspects. These are the most significant writers, poets and scientific writers in different stages of his life. These articles are not arranged according to the time of writing, but are basically arranged according to the time of the author's works. From Homer's Odyssey to parvesa's moon and campfire, each one is full of the author's wisdom and literary insight. Some of these articles comment on the characters in the works, such as multiple odyssey in Odyssey; some analyze the structure of the works, such as the structure of crazy Orlando; some comment on the writers themselves, such as jerrolamo caldano, Hemingway and us; some analyze the works, such as the works of Dickens, Flaubert, Tolstoy, etc. In addition, there are many other unique and novel angles. Calvino often starts from the work itself to analyze the work, or studies the writer through the work, rather than through the study of the writer to read the work. For example, for crazy Orlando, he focuses on the structure of the work, while for honest man, he focuses on the narrative speed. Without looking at these comments, we only look at the classics he read, and we can feel Calvino's love and reverence for these authentic classics. These classic works often involve many fields, including pure literature, nature and science. We can see that Calvino has a wide range of reading interests, and he has never let go of any classic works. What Calvino appreciates is the 'utilitarian' reading. Only those things that you choose after or outside school are valuable. Only in the course of non compulsory reading will you come across the book that will become your book. These thirty-five articles are related to the author's works that he has read many times. Only with real understanding, appreciation and respect, can we have real original opinions.


   伊塔洛·卡尔维诺(Italo Calvino ,1923年10月15日—1985年9月19日),意大利二十世纪最重要的小说家之一,其作品以独到的精美构思、深刻隽永的思维方式,对现代小说艺术产生巨大的影响。他一生都在小说创作方面不断地超越自我,直到生命的终结。

卡尔维诺1923年10月15日生于古巴哈瓦那,后随父母移居意大利。二次世界大战时他参加了意大利抵抗组织,战后定居于都灵,并于 1947年毕业于都灵大学文学系,获得文学学士学位,毕业以后在都灵的艾依那乌迪出版社任文学顾问,在此期间,发表第一部长篇小说《通向蜘蛛巢的小路》。









所谓 ‘自由’,是思想与学术、甚至生活观念,能在无边的时空中恣意游走;




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