

 英语时代 2020-04-12

What might a doctor listen to during surgery?


In“HARRY & PAUL , a British sketch-comedy show, two surgeons, Charles and Sheridan, aretrying to decide what to listen to while they operate.


Such a scene is not that unusual in an operating theatre. Surgery requires attention to detail, team collaboration, physical stamina and fine motor skills and a soundtrack can help with the endeavour.


The use of music in surgery was first introduced in 1914,with a view to soothing patients in an era before anesthesia. Music masked the background noise and distracted patients from the experience of being cut open and sewn back together. Though many patients are now put under general anesthesia for intrusive procedures, the music lingers on, usually for the benefit of doctors.


What might your surgeon be listening to while you're on the table? The surgeons consulted for this article said the nature of the operationis a big factor in determining their playlists.


Music is most crucial when patients have not been put to sleep.“More relaxing music for a local-anaesthetic vasectomy with an awake patient is useful to allow him to tolerate the procedure,”says Rajesh Nair, a consultant urological surgeon at London Bridge Hospital. Though it is not painful,the sensation and experience of the operation can be quite alarming. In these cases, music is intended to be a balm. Heavy metal wouldn't cut it (unless the patient specifically requested it).


If patients are asleep, however, it is up to the surgeons. Individual preferences obviously come into it - what the head surgeon or the team see as relaxing or uplifting. Many have go-to tunes. For Alastair Fry, a consultant oral and maxillofacial surgeon at LBH, it's Groove Armada's “ Chicago” which he says “always helps get us in the zone'

然而,如果患者睡着了,选什么音乐就取决于外科医生了。显然,个人偏好才是最重要的,只要主刀医生或医护团队觉得舒缓或振奋人心的音乐就行了。很多医生都有自己的必点曲目。对伦敦桥医院口腔颚面外科的会诊医师阿拉斯泰尔.弗莱来说,必点曲目是Groove Armada乐队的《芝加哥》,他说“这首歌总能帮我们进入最佳状态”。

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