

 英语时代 2020-05-11

Grueling work for lil pay,that's the daily reality for millions of cildren across Africa.


The International Labour Organization estimates about 73 million children in Atrica are sent out to work,because of widespread poverty,insufficient access to education and conflict,some as young as five years old.

国际劳工组织估计,由于普遍存在的贫困、 受教育机会不足以及冲突,非洲约有7300万儿童被送去工作,有些年仅5岁 。

"What we're talking about is work that puts their future in jeopardy whether because their health is on the line.


They're working in mines, for example,where the imminent danger of a mine cllapse or death."

例如,儿童在矿山工作, 而矿山有坍塌或导致死亡的危险。”

Murtada Ai-Haj left school in Sudan when he was 12.


For him, it was a choice between study or feeding his family.


"My mother kept tlling me in the future,and when our life gets better and not get worse,I'll study and become a doctor.


But all of a sudden,the whole situation occurred in Sudan."


According to the ILO,85 percent of Africa's child labourers work in agriculture.

根据国际劳工组织的数据, 85%的非洲童工从事农业工作。

Across all sectors,many are subject to back-breaking labor,long hours and exposure to dangerous environments.


Rights advocates say injuries are not the only problem.


"There are other negative aspects because thechildren's self-esteem is low.


Because all the time he faces insults,her has a low self-esteem.


Because all the time the factory's owner insults him makes him feel that he is less than anyone.


So you are already brlnglng u , a generation that has no self confidence."


Experts sayI putting kids to work is no solution to extreme poverty.


"They don't have the opportunity to get an education and learn those skills that would enable them to get a decent job and become productive workers when tthey're older."


Several African governments including Ivory Coast,Mali,Rwanda and Nigeria have taken steps to address the worst form of child labor ,but it's not enough.


"Poverty, iliteray and cultural belief, religious prejudices.


These are some of the reasons that I was actually, affected, you know, the eficacy."


Major U.S. companies including Apple,Google, Hershey's and Nestle USA have come under fire for allegedly failing to combaat child labor in their supply chains.

因被指未能在供应链中打击童工,苹果、谷歌、 好时和雀巢在内的主要美国公司受到批评。

The companies say they're committed to resoonsible sourcing that prohibits the use of child labor.


The UN's goal is to end child labour by 2025,an ambitious goal for our continent with the highest rates of child labor in the world.



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