

  平凡的人 2020-05-21

         在马来西亚流行一句顺口溜:“客家人开阜、广府人旺阜、福建人占阜。” 根据马来西亚笨珍客家公会的资料记载,早在18世纪中后期的时候就有大批客家人漂洋过海去到南洋的马来西亚谋生。他们多从事开矿采矿、中药材业、裁缝业、开学办私塾以及餐饮业等。

Hakka immigrants were the earliest Chinese to arrive in Malaysia, followed by the Cantonese and then it was the immigrants from Fujian. According to the records of Benzhen Hakka Association in Malaysia, as early as the middle and late 18th century, a large number of Hakka families went abroad to Malaysia looking for a better life. They are mainly engaged in mining, traditional Chinese medicine business, tailoring, private school tutoring and catering.


Hakka people have a deep imprint on the Chinese community in Malaysia.


Among them, the famous Hakka braised pork belly with yam is one of the most common ones. Sin Chew Daily, Malaysia's most influential Chinese newspaper once hailed Hakka braised pork belly with yam as a must-have food on Chinese New Year’s Eve. In fact, this dish has become an important part of Malaysian Chinese culture. Apart from serving it on wedding banquets and festive occasions, Malaysian Hakka people also find it indispensable for dinner with relatives and friends during the Chinese New Year holiday.


The seasoning used for Hakka braised pork belly with yam is similar to that used in traditional Hakka braised pork belly with dried Meicai in Guangdong, which includes Hakka rice wine, soy sauce, peanut oil and white sugar, as well as five-spice powder, grained pepper, fermented bean curd and star anise. However, it is said that because Meicai vegetable is very difficult to plant in Malaysia and it is even more time-consuming to make dried Meicai, therefore Malaysian Hakka people replaced Meicai with yam. Yam is originally from the hot and humid areas such as India, Malaysia and southern China, so is the best replacement for Meicai. Nowadays, many Malaysian Chinese grow yam in the open space behind their houses to make this dish.

        马来西亚客家文化协会(Persatuan Kebudayaan Hakka Malaysia)提供了一份传统客家芋头扣肉菜谱:

According to the Persatuan kebudayaan Hakka Malaysia, below is the Malaysian version of the recipe.



Ingredients: 500g of the “three-layer” pork belly meat with skin, 500g of yam and cut into thick slices.


Seasonings: 5g salt, 15g sugar, 10g soy sauce, 10g Hakka rice wine, 10g oyster sauce, 30g fermented soya bean curd, 30g five-spice powder, 5g pepper, 5g garlic, 5g shallot, 3g green onion, 10g aniseed, 3g cornstarch, 10g sesame oil, 30g peanut oil and 400ml water.



Boil the belly meat for 20 minutes, drain the water, cool it and spread soy sauce over it and marinate for 30 minutes.


Fry the streaky pork (with the skin facing down) in the oil pan until it is crisp and scorched. Turn it over, continue to fry and drain excess oil.


Fry yam slices in an oil pan until golden.


Heat up the wok, stir-fry the garlic, shallot and sesame oil until fragrant, then add all the remaining materials in the seasonings, stir well and put aside.


Put the pork belly and yam in the bowl, with the skin side facing down, pour on the sauce, put them into the steamer and steam for 2 hours with boiling water. 


Malaysian Chinese like to have more savory food, so they put pepper powder and five fragrant powder three times more than those in Guangdong. In addition, local Malaysian Hakka people don't like to eat greasy food, so they use less oil to keep the original taste of yam and meat.


This braised pork belly with yam is very popular in Malaysia, but it is not quite the 'national cuisine' as being called by some media. Because Malaysia is a mostly Muslim nation, with Chinese immigrants accounting for only 20% of the population, so this delicious food is just a star dish in the Chinese circle of Malaysia.

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