
25天和我学口语 | DAY 13《American College Slang》口语地道表达

 wenxuefeng360 2020-06-14


agenda items:points to discuss at a meeting(会议事项,会议要点,比如你去参加一次会议,领导开头就说:It's emergency. We have several agenda items for today's meeting.

bite off more than one can chew:to accept too many responsibilities; to try to do too much(没有那金刚钻,还揽那瓷器活儿,想一口吃成个胖子,逞强,比如你朋友知道有个家教的活儿,问你想不想去挣钱,你就说:I’m swamped. I have an awful lot of work to do. I don’t want to bite off more than I can chew anymore. 前面的短语还记得吗?

first off:the first thing to discuss, as a first point(可以代替平常说的first of all

freebie:something given away for free(白给的东西,免费送的东西,比如你邀请好友去商场逛街,就说:I've heard of a store giving out scarves as freebie, would you like to check it out?

no worries:you're welcome(不用谢,没啥好谢的,很地道的表达了

slacker:one who does not work hard, a lazy person(懒虫,不用功的人,比如快要考试了,你说:I haven’t start going over my lessons, maybe I will cram for the exams. 你的朋友就说:Go for it! Don't be a slacker! 另外,你还记得以前学过的slack off吗?

spread oneself too thin:to take on too many tasks or too much responsibilities(同时干太多事情,贪多嚼不烂,和前面讲的那个短语意思差不多,比如你每天工作很忙,还要去当家教,兼职,你朋友就说:Don’t you think you're spread yourself too thin?

step up to the plate:to take responsibility, to be ready to do a task(扛大旗,扛把子,接受“重任”,比如你的领导有一项重要的任务,然后说:Someone needs to step up to the plate. Anybody volunteers?

swag:promotional items, given away for free(为了促销的商品,白给的东西,和前面讲的freebie差不多

take the initiative:to start a process of getting something done, without being told to do so(主动干,主动做,不用人催着干,比如你的老师布置下了毕业设计的任务,就对大家说:Take the initiative and do not wait until I'm calling you!

take someone up on an offer:to accept someone's offer(接受某人的提议,意见,比如快期末考试了,你的好友问你借不借他的笔记,你考虑了一下,说:Thanks, I might take you up on an offer.

up to speed:fully informed, aware of what's going on(时刻准备好干活儿,整装待发,比如你曾经因为错过领导的消息而丧失了一个做项目的机会,这次你就可以说:I'm up to speed this time and I'd appreciate it if you give me a chance.

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