
经济学人最新巨无霸指数:人民币低估!中国的经济规模有多大? 让巨无霸决定!

 zzhclcq 2020-07-19








2019年,中国工人生产了价值超过99万亿元人民币的商品和服务。美国的产值为21.4 trn。由于去年购买一美元大约需要6.9元人民币,按市场汇率换算成美元时,中国的GDP值仅为14trn。距离美国还差得远。

But 6.9 yuan stretches further in China than a dollar goes in America. One example is the McDonald’s Big Mac. It costs about 21.70 yuan in China and $5.71 in America, according to prices collected by The Economist. By that measure, it takes only 3.8 yuan to buy as much as a dollar. But if that is the case, then 99trn yuan can buy as much as $26trn, and China’s economy is already considerably bigger than America’s.

但是中国的6.9元人民币比美国的1美元要强。麦当劳的巨无霸就是一个例子。根据《经济学人》(The Economist)收集的价格,在中国的售价约为21.70元人民币,在美国为5.71美元。这样一来,购买一美元只需要3.8元。但是,如果是这样的话,99trn人民币可以购买到多达26trn美元,这样中国的经济已经大大超过了美国。

Motivated by this logic, The Economist has compared the price of Big Macs around the world since 1986. The result is a rough gauge of the purchasing power of currencies. It suggests that many currencies are undervalued, relative to the dollar, on the foreign-exchange markets (see chart). The Swiss franc and the Lebanese pound are overvalued. Lebanon’s currency was undervalued until inflation took off late last year, raising local prices even as the pound remained pegged to the dollar. The Big Mac alone jumped 38% in price.



Many observers, however, greeted these estimates with scepticism. In 2010 an informal survey by a reporter at Caixin, a financial magazine, noted that a number of items were dearer in Hangzhou than in its sister city Boston. (It compared apples to apples, and found that the Golden Delicious variety was 37% pricier in the Chinese city.)



But are these new estimates any more robust than earlier efforts? Comparing prices across the world is fraught with difficulties. An item may be a staple in one place and a delicacy in another. The World Bank must also decide how much weight to give each item. That depends on shopping habits, which differ—partly because prices differ. It is easy to go around in circles.


So it might help to check the World Bank’s results against a cruder yardstick—like the price of a Big Mac. Our index suggests that the bank now, if anything, underestimates the buying power of China’s currency, and therefore its economic size. McDonald’s was once a symbol of America’s economic might. Now the Big Mac shows how its might is being surpassed.


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