
Patrick Henry (1736-1799)(May 29:美国历史上的今天)

 昵称70926123 2020-07-21

内容提要:帕特里克·亨利(Patrick Henry)的一生。

Patrick Henry is best remembered for a famous speech he made. He was also a great lawyer and an important leader during the time of the American revolution.

Henry was born on May 26, 1736, in Virginia. As a young man, he was a storekeeper. He was not a very good businessman, though, and his store failed. Henry then studied law.

Henry was a very good lawyer. He fought for the rights of the colonies and against some of the laws forced on them by England. One of those laws was the Stamp Act 印花税法案. It required the colonists to put stamps on all documents and newspapers and pay England for the stamps. Henry argued that since the colonists did not have a chance to vote on the law, it was not fair. A year later, England backed down 让步 and repealed 废除 the law.

Henry gave many speeches in which he warned the colonists that if they did not stand up for their rights, they would be no more than slaves to the English government. He made his most famous speech on March 23, 1775. In it, he urged 呼吁 the people to form an army and fight for independence. He ended thespeech by declaring, “I know not what course others take, but as for me, giveme liberty or give me death!”

After the Revolutionary War ended in 1783, Henry served as governor of Virginia. He also helped to write the Bill of Rights 人权法案. The Bill of Rights is a document with amendments 修正案 to the United States Constitution 美国宪法. They guarantee certain rights to U.S. Citizens, such as freedom of speech, assembly 集会, and worship 信仰.

In 1794, Henry retired to his plantation 种植园 in Virginia. He died there on June 6, 1799. He was 63 years old.









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