
The Purple Heart (August 7:美国历史上的今天)

 昵称70926123 2020-07-21

内容提要The Purple Heart,紫心勋章介绍。它是世界上颁发历史最悠久的军事荣耀,并且是向普通士兵颁发的勋章。

The Purple Heart is the oldest American military decoration勋章 and the first to be given to a common soldier. It was ordered and designed by General George Washington during the Revolutionary War. 

Washington wanted to honor several brave soldiers with a special award奖品. On August 7, 1782, he wrote an order to have the decoration made. It was a purple, cloth heart with a silver, braided有饰带镶缀的 edge. The soldier would wear it on his uniform over his heart. It was called the Badge奖章 of Military Merit. The soldier's name would be written in the Book of Merit as a permanent永久的 record of the award. 

After that war, the badge was no longer used. Then, in 1932, a celebration was planned to honor the 200th anniversary of Washington's birth. Looking through Washington's papers filed in the War Departments records in Washington, D.C., his order for the Badge of Military Merit was found. Also found were records of three soldiers who received the award. The Book of Merit was not found so it is not known how many more soldiers received it. 

It was decided then to again give this special award to deserving有功的 soldiers. The badge was redesigned and renamed. The medal is made of bronze铜. The heart is purple enamel搪瓷. It has a gold border. A profile侧面像 of Washington is in the center. It is attached to a purple and white ribbon. It is called the Order勋章 of the Purple Heart. 

The Purple Heart is now awarded to all members of the United States armed forces who have been wounded in battle. If they die, it is given to their closest family member.


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