
文字的四种意义 Four Kinds of Meaning - 英语教学法原著选读0128

 昵称70926123 2020-07-21

下文选自上海外语教育出版社出版的《英语阅读技巧教学》(Teaching Reading Skills in a Foreign Language,作者Christine Nuttall)第二章“Text and discourse 文本和话语”。


Four kinds of meaning


In order to investigate how sentences combine to produce discourse, we will look at the kinds of meaning a single sentence may have. There are at least four, which sometimes we must distinguish. Let us use a very short text to clarify this.


You should not expel my son just because he has failed. Examination results can be misleading.

We will examine how this text embodies each kind of meaning: conceptual, propositional, contextual and pragmatic.

Conceptual meaning: the meaning a word can have on its own

Concepts can be found at any level, from a whole text down to a single morpheme. Every lexical item embodies a concept, sometimes simple (eg son), sometimes complex (eg should). Whole books are written on complex concepts such as probability or truth. Others can be expressed by the smallest meaning units, such as the concept of plurality, commonly expressed in English by the suffix -s (eg results).
概念存在于各个层次,从整篇文章到单个词素都有。每一个词汇项目都代表着一个概念,有时简单(如son 儿子),有时复杂(如should)。对于“概率”、“真理”这样的复杂概念,已有整本整本的著作来谈论。其他的概念可以用最小的意义单元来表达,比如复数的概念,英语中通常以后缀-s的形式来表达(比如results)。

All other kinds of linguistic meaning rest on conceptual meaning. Making a text normally involves putting concepts together to form propositions, which are then put together into larger units which in turn combine to constitute the whole text.

Propositional meaning: the meaning a sentence can have on its own

This is also known as signification or plain sense. It is the meaning a clause or sentence can have even if it is not being used in a context. A word on its own, eg misleading, carries no propositional meaning; we cannot affirm it, deny it, question it. But as soon as the word is put into a proposition, these operations become possible:

Examination results are misleading.

We can now deny the proposition (Examination results are not misleading), doubt it, question it and so on.
现在我们可以否定这个命题(Examination results are not misleading),对其加以质疑,如此等等。

This is the meaning that is common to every occurrence of a sentence, irrespective of context, and (with rare exceptions) the only kind of meaning a sentence can have when it is cited without a context (as we have just cited the sentence about examination results). (But, as we shall see, even to understand the plain sense, we usually need to understand the context.)

Contextual meaning: the meaning a sentence can have only when in context

This is also known as force, or functional value. As soon as a sentence is used in a context, it takes on a value derived from the writer's reason for using it, and from the relationship between it and the other sentences in the same text. For instance, in our example text (p20), the proposition Examination results can be misleading has the force of an explanation or justification of the claim that expulsion would be wrong.
这也称为“效力”,或曰“功能价值”。句子一旦被用于上下文中,它就有了价值,这种价值来自于作者使用这个句子的原因,也来自该句和同一文本中其他句之间的关系。例如,在我们的例文中,“Examination results are not misleading”这个命题就有着对“开除是错误的”这一观点加以解释和辩护的效力。

Explaining, justifying and so on are often called rhetorical acts (or speech acts). In a text, they are sequenced and organized into patterns conveying the writer's thoughts. We shall return to this rhetorical organization later.

Interpreting contextual meaning is crucial to effective reading; it is no use understanding the plain sense of a sentence if we cannot work out why the writer said it and how it connects with the rest of the text. I shall say more about this later in the chapter, and especially in Chapter 7.

Pragmatic meaning: the meaning a sentence has only as part of the interaction between writer and reader

This last kind of meaning is not always easily distinguished from contextual meaning. It is the meaning that reflects the writer's feelings, attitudes and so on, and her intention in setting these down to be read. It therefore includes the intended effect of the utterance on the reader.

Let us return to the sample text on p20. Suppose a mother utters this to the headteacher who is proposing to expel her son. If the head responded only to the propositional meaning of the second sentence (Examination results can be misleading), he might reply How true! But the mother clearly intends the remark as a plea or protest, to which the head has not replied at all. In any normal conversation, his reply would be construed as a sarcastic way of refusing to discuss the matter. If the head did not mean to be offensive, he has got the pragmatics badly wrong.
我们回到例文。假定是一位母亲对提出要开除她儿子的校长说这段话。如果校长进队第二句话(Examination results can be misleading)的命题意义作出回应,他可能会回答说“真对呀!”但是这位母亲明显是把这句话当成一种请求,或者一种抗议,对此校长完全没有回应。在任何正常的对话中,他的回复都会被解读为是一种带有讽刺的方式,来拒绝探讨这个话题。如果校长不想冒犯对方,那他对语用意义的理解就错得离谱了。

Pragmatic meaning involves interaction and can be seen most clearly in conversation. But it can also be found in texts, in the writer's interaction with the reader. We shall look at some examples later on.




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