

 外语行天下 2020-07-22

Trust is the easiest thing in the world to lose, and the hardest thing in the word to get back.


Please don't rashly and blindly trust others before eliminating all doubts against them, because it will become harder to trust them again once they betray your trust.


Trust is not anything talked big but some faiths man abides by morally, neither supervised by any law nor regulated by any authorization, which fully illuminates the reason why it is the easiest thing to lose.


Trust is not like a tyre that can be inflated again and again when flat, and reused as it never leaks. Once trust is breached, it's of tiny possibility to be reestablished, which also reasonably illumintes the reason why it's the hardest thing to get back.


Breaking our promises or failling to keep our words is the direct factor to destroy or collapse our trusts, the more we fail, the harder we will live in the soceity; We should never ever have such ideology to randomly promise others to do things of which we're not capable, due to the repetition of which gradually destroys our trusts.


To inhabit the society, losing trust for everyone is the last thing to do; Don't hesitate to try your best to maintain your trust when you've made a promise, no matter how much it costs.


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