
从京都安缦到Kerry Hill昔日锡兰故居

 siongsiongking 2020-07-29

为了缅怀项目总设计师Kerry Hill先生(1943 – 2018.08.26),养云安缦将从8月24日起举办其经典作品回顾展 – 历经数十年精心制作的30件建筑模型即将展出,其中包括Kerry Hill先生在斯里兰卡的故居Armitage Hill建筑体的一部分。

As a tribute to the legendary architect Kerry Hill, who passed away on 26 August last year, Amanyangyun will host an exhibition from 24 August showcasing 30 architecture models built over several decades. These include a model of the "The Black Pavilion", a building built in the grounds of Kerry's own home in Sri Lanka, Armitage Hill.

Kerry Hill Architects与安缦集团的不解之缘始于1989年印尼巴厘岛的Amanusa(现为Aman Villas at Nusa Dua),该酒店于1992年揭幕;之后,建筑事务所为安缦集团设计了一系列度假村及酒店,其中包括:

Kerry Hill Architects have designed some of Aman's most iconic properties which now stand in celebration of all that Kerry and his team have achieved through the years. This commenced in 1989 with the design of Amanusa (now Aman Villas at Nusa Dua), which was completed in 1992. In all, Kerry Hill Architects have designed nine Amans including:

- 1992年巴厘岛Amanusa

- 2004年柬埔寨Amansara

- 2004年不丹Amankora

- 2005年斯里兰卡Amangalla

- 2005年斯里兰卡Amanwella

- 2014年日本Aman Tokyo

- 2016年日本Amanemu

- 2018年中国Amanyangyun

- 2019年日本Aman Kyoto (将于11月揭幕)

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Amanusa, Amansara, Amankora, Amangalla, Amanwella, Aman Tokyo, Amanemu, Amanyangyun

屡获殊荣的Kerry Hill Architects是本次养云安缦展览的幕后策划者,主题为:“精心诠释现代主义 — Kerry Hill Architects 40年历程”。从一系列展出的建筑模型可一窥Kerry Hill Architects对于设计细节的精益求精,致力于打造令人难忘的建筑空间。

The award-winning firm Kerry Hill Architects is the curator of this exhibition –Crafting Modernism: 40 Years of Kerry Hill Architects. It places the craft of model-making and architecture front and centre, highlighting an exceptional attention to detail and commitment to crafting memorable spaces.

30件悉心挑选的建筑模型将在养云安缦展出,其中包括Kerry Hill在斯里兰卡加勒古城附近的故居Armitage Hill — 展厅届时将以这部分建筑的模型作为开场白。Armitage Hill著名的“Black Pavilion”是最后被加入的一部分建筑体,目前还在建。

The exhibition, hosted in one of Amanyangyun's sunken pavilions, showcases 30 carefully selected architectural models, including, at the entrance of the exhibition, a corner devoted to the development of Armitage Hill over many years, which is Kerry Hill's family property near Galle in Sri Lanka. The 'Black Pavilion' was one of the last pavilions to be built on the property.

此次展出的Kerry Hill经典作品还有安缦集团位于京都的项目 – 酒店在长达数十年的“精雕细琢”后将于今年11月揭幕。Kerry Hill于上世纪90年代中期初识京都安缦所在的这处庭院;庭院昔日主人是日本最受尊崇的和服腰带收藏家之一,其未竟理想是在庭院中建造一座纺织品博物馆,将个人藏品在馆中展出。

Another keystone project spanning decades in the practice is Aman Kyoto, which is soon to be completed. Kerry Hill was first introduced to the hidden garden site in the mid-1990s. The previous owner of the site, who was one of Japan's most respected collectors of the obi (the ornamental sash for a traditional Japanese kimono) originally planned to house his collection in a textile museum to be built within the garden.


作为Kerry Hill生前最后的项目之一,京都安缦的建筑细节不仅向传统日式设计致敬,也充分保护、再利用这座庭院的自身魅力,并让其以安缦的形式焕发新生。

The late Kerry Hill and his team created an architectural language that not only respects traditional Japanese design, but also celebrates, protects and brings back to life the unique gardens in which Aman Kyoto is housed.

除了建筑模型,本次展览还将以百图“相册廊”的形式为观者呈现Kerry Hill Architects 40年来的经典建筑作品以及若干还在发展中的项目。

Completing the exhibition is a photographic timeline of nearly a hundred images, tracking the evolution of the firm's unique approach to architecture over the last 40 years.

Kerry Hill为安缦献上的最后作品 — 京都安缦即将揭幕!

古今融合、宜居之地– 作为Kerry Hill先生为安缦集团呈现的最后作品之一,上海的养云安缦始于2002年一场树宅的千里之行。为了避免被淹没于水库修建区的水底,数十幢可追溯至明清时期的江西古宅随同10000棵香樟大树被迁至上海,后经Kerry Hill及其团队的缜思巧手,古宅原有韵味被最大限度保留,并终以养云安缦的形式重获新生。

Ancient craft and a modern vision

As one of Kerry Hill's last projects with Aman, Amanyangyun started as a preservation project in 2002 whereby an entire camphor forest and dozens of Ming and Qing Dynasty antique dwellings were painstakingly relocated to Shanghai from Fuzhou City in Jiangxi Province where the construciton of a reservoir threatened their existence. Throughout Kerry Hill and his team's careful master-planning and then complex reconstruction process, these Ming and Qing Dynasty historic structures were reborn in the form of Amanyangyun.


Since its opening in April 2018, Amanyangyun's sensitive incorporation of contemporary design with ancient architecture continues to win international awards and recognition:

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2019新加坡年度建筑大奖 – 最佳室内建筑设计

Best Interior Architecture

Singapore Institute of Architects Design Awards 2019


Best Commercial Architecture

Australian Institute of Architects

2019 International Chapter Awards




Winner of 'AHEAD Asia Awards' 2019

Best Guestrooms, Best Visual Identity

Best Conversion Project and Hotel of the Year


Design Anthology Award 2019



The 'Prix Versailles' 2018

Best Commercial Architecture

自8月24日起至10月底,下榻于养云安缦的客人将被邀请参与一场“建筑之旅”,专人讲解导览养云安缦的古宅,了解它们曾经被复建的过程,最后前往阳光多功能地下空间细赏Kerry Hill作品的建筑模型。

From 24 August to the end of October, guests staying with Amanyangyun will be invited to embark on a journey of discovery of Kerry Hill's works with a guided architectural tour in Amanyangyun's heritage buildings as well as the exhibition space.

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Kerry Hill作品回顾展 — 开幕活动


地点:养云安缦 · 韩枫艺术空间




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is the place to nurture your soul and mind.



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