
从丹纳赫接手GE看 部署精益的最佳方式是什么?

 唐道述 2020-08-05

The General Electric company has had a rough year. They were removed from the Dow Jones list after more than 100 years. Their stock price has dropped to half. This week they abruptly fired their CEO. On the bright side, Larry Culp, a GE board members and former CEO of the Danaher Corporation, was named his replacement. Followers of lean news took note.

过去一年,通用电气公司过得很艰难。在被纳入道琼斯指数原始成分股100多年后,他们被道指除名了,股票价格也跌至原先的一半。10月初,他们突然宣布解雇了CEO。但令人欣喜的一面是,通用电气董事会成员、Danaher丹纳赫公司前首席执行官拉里·卡尔普(Larry Culp)被任命为他的继任者。精益新闻的追随者们注意到了这一点。

Danaher is well-known within continuous improvement circles for its success with the Danaher Business System. They were one of the first American companies to recognize the value of kaizen and the Toyota Production System. They quietly built their business model around it. Danaher applies lean thinking to business expansion via acquisition and conversion to lean. They buy businesses that have good products and markets but operate traditionally. While the rest of us debate how to deploy lean, they do it again and again. Their nearly 30-years continual growth and profitability is testament to the effectiveness of DBS.


Almost every week I have a conversation with a customer or just a person on the theme of the “best way” for their organization to start or accelerate continuous improvement. Often someone has been given a mandate to get lean moving. They are looking for a playbook to guide them. Should they follow the Toyota way? The FastCap method? The Danaher model? The Honeywell system? The Virginia Mason experience? The answer is always, “Yes, but it depends.” No successful model deserves to be rejected outright or accepted without question.

几乎每个星期,我都会与客户或某个人就“部署精益的最佳方法”的主题进行交谈,让他们的组织开始或加速持续改进。通常都会有人被授权推动精益工作,他们一般都会寻找指导他们推进精益的指南。他们应该效仿丰田吗?学习Fastcap的方式?参考丹纳赫的模型?霍尼韦尔的系统?维吉尼亚·梅森的经历呢?(上述企业的案例在《Kaizen Culture》一书中有详细记载)答案通常是:“是的,但要视情况而定。”任何成功的模式都不应该被完全拒绝或毫无疑问地接受。

Any proven method is a good place to start, IF one is willing to treat it as an experiment, expect failure and plan to learn and adapt. Business owners and Continuous Improvement Managers alike are often on a shorter leash to experiment at length needed for this. Expectations must be met, of their customer and shareholders. There is also the question of perception and credibility with employees, if a lean model is adopted then abandoned or significantly altered. Even with a high degree of communication and change management, rumors spread that “Leadership doesn’t know what it is doing,” or “It’s just another flavor of the month.” There are risk to launching and failing. It is understandable that people want a degree of certainty in which model they should pursue, and which to avoid.


These models and approaches are rooted in common principles and practices. But they differ greatly in their application. The slow-and-steady Toyota approach is based on organic growth and long-term reinvestment in the company, not right for companies needing a quick turnaround. Danaher’s conquer-and-convert approach is contingent on a buy-and-hold model of growth that is both more nimble and ruthless. FastCap’s approach works well in organizations of a certain size, business complexity and energy exchange between CEO and every person in the company. Not to mention that these models grew up in specific historical and economic contexts. The legal, regulatory, market and technological assumptions that shaped their success 20, 30 or 50 years ago may not apply today.


There are three ways to select an approach to deploying lean. The first is to “do it our way”. The positive is that if an organization is great at executing through projects, they will have some success in progressing lean via projects. The negative is that the scope of lean may be wider and deeper a project mentality (or whatever “our way” strength) can effectively manage. The second approach is to pick a model and go with it. The positive is the roadmap, available external benchmarks and external support. The negative is the aforementioned risk associated with poorly managing the fit, experimentation and failure. The third approach is to understand the specific actions, tactics and approaches that make up each of these approaches, to abstract them to general principles and guidelines, and reconstitute them to one’s specific circumstances. This requires work. The negative is that it is slow at first. The positive is that it is unstoppable once it gets going.





Back to Mr. Culp and GE, it will be fascinating to see which way he goes. Will he take what’s working at GE, diagnose what is not, and do the necessary? Will he attempt to bring in DBS to GE? Will he start from basic principles and build an approach that fits GE’s current context and available runway? For GE’s sake hopefully the new CEO is humble and pragmatic enough to  begin with the thinking and behaviors, thoroughly grasp the situation, set and align goals and  coach and mentor people towards achieving them.

回到卡尔普和通用电气,看看他会走哪条路会很有意思。他会接受在通用电气工作的东西,诊断哪些是不好的,并采取必要措施吗?亦或是他会尝试将DBS引入通用电气吗?再者是他会从基本原则出发,建立一种适合通用电气当前环境和现有跑道的方法吗? 为了通用电气的利益,希望这位新任CEO足够谦逊和务实,能够从思考和行为开始,彻底把握形势,设定和调整目标,并指导和指导员工实现目标。



日期/地点:  2018年11月23,24日/无锡某美资世界500强标杆工厂

课程对象:  推行或准备系统推行精益管理的企业总经理、董事长、高级管层、精益领导、精益推进办成员和精益顾问

课程介绍: 通过本次培训学员将理解到实施精益转型路线图设计和实施的原理和方法,包括:







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