

 钱途不可估量 2020-09-15

​拉板子难,收板子难,难沉,集成电路不难,发酵工程不难,引物合成不难,机器视觉不难,服务器软件系统不难,物理化学生物天文地理数学学术不难,心理咨询师,汉语言文学,历史,军事,经济,政治,对外汉语,语文,英语学术不难,追根溯源,概念创造,教研协同,看听说,读,写,想,做等基本技能不难,既要干体力活,又要技术活,学术活,做项目建设,又要开发客户,农民工人技术员,工程师,教师,教授,个体工商户,企业家,公务员,军人,警察,潜在需求,教心,人不为己,天诛地灭,教道,不自生而长生,估计,建议,假设,证明证伪,教术,攻其不备,出其不意,攻坚者则暇者坚,乘暇者则坚者暇行,反客为主,围魏救赵,调动对方,为我所用 。   管理团队,要权利,要融资,要钱,要好多好多钱。

​Difficult to pull the board, difficult to receive the board, difficult to sink, easy to integrate, easy to ferment engineering, easy to synthesize primers, easy to machine vision, easy to use server software systems, easy to learn in physical chemistry, biology, astronomy, geography and mathematics, psychological consultation Teachers, Chinese language and literature, history, military, economics, politics, Chinese as a foreign language, Chinese, English academics are not difficult, tracing the roots, concept creation, teaching and research collaboration, listening, speaking, reading, writing, thinking, doing and other basic skills are not difficult. It requires both manual work, technical work, academic work, and project construction, as well as market development, potential customer needs, management team, rights, financing, money, and a lot of money.

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