

 新用户02986T3F 2020-09-17

Michael Phelps talks fatherhood, teaching son watersafety


As the most decorated Olympic swimmer in history, Michael Phelpsis used to spending time in the pool. And now that he’s a dad, he’s passing onsafe pool practices and the importance of water conservation to his son,Boomer.

作为历史上奖牌最多的奥林匹克游泳运动员,迈克尔 菲尔普斯花在泳池里的时间很多。现在他当爸爸了,他在把水上安全须知和节水的重要性传递给儿子, Boomer。

“I think the biggest thing is just to get him to be watersafe,” Phelps told ABC News. “Trying to get more kids water safe -- we lose waytoo many kids in the water every year.”

“我觉得最大的一件事就是让他学会水上安全,” 菲尔普斯告诉ABC News。 “努力让更多的孩子学会水上安全 - 我们每年因溺水失去太多的孩子。”

Whether the nearly 1-year-old Boomer will follow in hisfather’s competitive footsteps, Phelps said it’s far too early to say, but hesaid he and wife Nicole Johnson will support whatever he chooses.

不到一岁的Boomer是否会追随爸爸的脚步称为一名游泳运动员,菲尔普斯认为现在还为时过早,但他说他和妻子Nicole Johnson,无论Boomer如何选择,他们都会支持。

“For right now, if he is able to be water safe and he’sable to fall in love with the sport, that’s great,” Phelps, whose foundation works to promotewater safety, said. “If not, I won’t be too disappointed. Growing up, my motherwas always very supportive of things I did and wanted to do. I was able to justfall in love with the sport, so it turned into this.”

菲尔普斯的基金会积极的提倡水上安全。 “目前,如果他能够学会在水里玩得很安全,还能爱上这个运动,那就太好了,” 菲尔普斯说, “如果不喜欢,我也不会太失望。 我长大的时候,我母亲自始至终的支持我做的和想做的事情。我能爱上这个运动,一切就从那时开始的。”

He said his family is also concerned with conserving waterand he’s recently partnered with Colgate’s #EveryDropCounts campaign.


“For me, growing up, obviously I spent a lot of time inthe pool and around water,” Phelps, 31, said. “If you begin to think about whatyou’re doing on a daily basis and how much water we’re actually wasting, it’smind-blowing. Think about if you brush your teeth for two minutes twice a day,you’re wasting 4 to 5 gallons of water if you leave the water running. Andthat’s just one person.”

“对我来说,长大时,很明显我的很多时间是在水里水边,” 今年31岁的菲尔普斯说。 “如果你开始想一想你每天的生活,我们实际上浪费多少水,这真是难以想象的。想想你每天刷牙两次,每次2分钟, 如果你刷的时候让水一直流,那得浪费4-5 加仑 (14-19升)水。 再想想,那只是一个人浪费的。”

The 28-time Olympic medalist -- who's said that the 2016Rio Olympics wouldbe his last -- is using downtime to enjoy fatherhood.

这个28枚奥林匹克奖牌得主,曾经说过2016年里约是他最后一次出征奥运会, 现在利用他的休闲时间享受做父亲的感受。

“The last year has gone by so fast. It’s hard to imaginethat he’s 1 year old coming up,” he said. “So many parents have said things tome like, ‘Watch how fast the time goes, and before you know it they’regraduating from high school.’ As weird as that sounds, I now see how true itis. We’re taking it moment by moment and step by step and enjoying every singlelittle detail of him.”

“去年这一年过去的太快了,真难以想象他已经快一岁了,“ 他说。 ”那么多的父母对我说,“看着点时间会过的多快, 在你还不意识到之前,他们已经高中毕业了。’  尽管这些听起来有些奇怪,我想我现在能理解这话有多真实,所以我们时刻提醒自己,珍惜他成长中的每一个微小的细节。”


fatherhood :父亲的身份,父性,父权

water safety :  水上安全

decorated : 装饰的

pass on to : 传递给

medalist : 奖牌获得者

footstep : 脚印


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