

 新用户02986T3F 2020-09-17

Steven Spielberg relied on weekly phone calls from Robin Williams to get through Schindler's List


The film's cast members reflected upon the 1993 WWII drama at a retrospective Tribeca event  


Steven Spielberg has revealed the brilliant way Robin Williams helped him through the strenuous shoot of his war drama Schindler's List.


strenuous:美 [ˈstrɛnjuəs]  adj. 紧张的;奋发的;费力的,用力的;热烈的

Speaking at a retrospective event taking place at Tribeca Film Festival, Spielberg - who was accompanied by stars Ben Kingsley, Embeth Davidtz, Liam Neeson and Caroline Goodall - recounted how the late actor would call him weekly for the sole purpose of performing comedy over the phone to cheer him up.


retrospective:美 [ˌrɛtrəˈspɛktɪv] 回顾展

“He would call and do 15 minutes of stand-up on the phone,” Deadline reports the filmmaker as remembering with a smile. “He would never say goodbye; he would always just hang up on the biggest laugh he got from me. Mic drop.”


The event marked the first time Spielberg had watched the drama - which won seven Oscars - with a full crowd since it was released in 1993, an experience he said filled him with a greater sense of “meaningful accomplishment” than he's felt on any film he's made since.

值得一提的是,在这次回顾展上,斯皮尔伯格是自从1993年影片发行后第一次与观众一起观看了这部 - 赢得了七项奥斯卡大奖的影片 - 使他感受到了自拍电影以来前所未有的“意义重大的成就感”。

Spielberg also used the opportunity to debunk and confirm some long-standing rumours surrounding the film. He stated that Mel Gibson was never considered for Neeson's role of Oskar Schindler, the businessman who saved the lives of thousands of refugees from the Holocaust, but revealed that Martin Scorsese was in the running to direct.


debunk:美 [diˈbʌŋk] vt. 揭穿真相,暴露;

Holocaust:美 [ˈhɑ:ləkɔ:st] n. 大屠杀; 浩劫; 毁灭;

The film's gathered cast members recalled with shudders how anti-Semitism seeped onto the film's set recounting how Swastikas would regularly appear on walls around them. “It was just for us,” Kingsley added, as Spielberg remembered a woman communicating to Ralph Fiennes, who was wearing his character's S.S. uniform, that she wished the S.S. were still there to protect him.

影片中的一些演员们聚在一起,心有余悸地回忆起反犹主义是如何渗入电影的片场里,他们说墙壁上经常莫名其妙的出现纳粹党党徽的涂鸦。“这是为了让我们看的,”金斯利补充说,斯皮尔伯格想起有一个女人与Ralph Fiennes交流,当时他穿着党卫军的制服,她说希望党卫军还能在那里保护他。


shudder:美 [ˈʃʌdɚ] n.战栗; 颤动,打颤;

Swastika :美[s’wɒstɪkə] n. 纳粹党所用的十字纳粹党党徽

S.S. uniform:纳粹党卫军制服

Deadline also reports a moving anecdote from Neeson who recalled an encounter with one of the film's producers, Branko Lustig, outside the gates of Auschwitz where they were shooting a scene one freezing morning. 

Deadline还报道了一个来自Neeson的动人轶事,他回忆起在奥斯威辛大门外遇到一个电影制片人Branko Lustig,那天是一个寒冷的早晨,他们在拍摄一个场景。

anecdote:美 [ˈænɪkdoʊt]   n. 趣闻,轶事;

Neeson added: “He pointed over to the huts at Auschwitz and he said, 'You see that hut? I was in that hut.’ It hit me, big f***ing time. Big time. I kept screwing up all the lines."



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