

 新用户02986T3F 2020-09-17

Those Vitamin And Mineral Supplements You’re Taking Make No Difference To Your Health


We get it, vitamins look so pretty on Instagram, but your money is better spent on attractive fruit and veg behind  them 。


The most popular vitamin and mineral supplements that people take make no difference to a person’s health, a five-year study has revealed, surprising even the researchers, who expected to find at least some positives.


According to the research that ran from 2012 to 2017, the most consumed supplements – vitamin C, vitamin D, calcium, and multivitamins – did nothing to prevent heart attacks, strokes, cardiovascular disease, or death.  

根据这项从2012年到2017的研究,最普遍的补充品—维生素 C、维生素 D、钙和综合维生素 — 对阻止心脏病发作、中风、心血管疾病或死亡没有任何作用。

"We were surprised to find so few positive effects of the most common supplements that people consume," said Dr David Jenkins, the study's lead author, in a statement. "Our review found that if you want to use multivitamins, vitamin D, calcium or vitamin C, it does no harm – but there is no apparent advantage either.”

这项研究的第一作者David Jenkins博士在一份声明中说,“我们很惊讶地发现人们消费的最常见的补充品的积极效果很少,我们的研究发现,如果你想使用多种维生素,维生素 D、钙或维生素 C、它虽然没有害处 - 但同时也没有什么明显的好处。“

The study, published in the Journal of the Amercian College of Cardiology, did, however, demonstrate a relatively small benefit in taking folic acid and B-vitamins (reducing risk of cardiovascular disease and death), and even a slight increased risk in antioxidant mixtures and niacin (which lowers cholesterol but can raise blood sugar levels).

但这项发表在《北美心脏病学院学报》上的研究表明,服用叶酸和 B 族维生素 (在降低心血管疾病及死亡的风险方面)相对而言,有些许的益处,它甚至在抗氧化混合物及烟酸(降低胆固醇,当可以增加血糖水平)方面的风险也略有增加。

folic acid:美 [ˌfoʊlɪk ˈæsɪd] n. 叶酸,维生素B; 福怀特; 维生素BC;

niacin:美 [ˈnaɪəsɪn] n. 尼克酸; [生化] 烟酸;

There was no evidence that vitamins C and D, calcium, and beta-carotene made any difference at all to reducing risk of heart disease, stroke, or influenced longevity.

没有证据可以表明维生素 C 和 D、钙和β-胡萝卜素对降低心脏病、中风或影响长寿的风险起到任何作用。

So what does that mean?


The authors were keen to stress in the study that the treatment of micronutrient deficiencies in the last 200 years is one of medicine’s greatest achievements. However, the emphasis has shifted to using them as preventative measures, with no evidence to support that, and increasingly as some kind of promise of overall health and long life – again, of which there is no evidence for.

作者们在研究中精心地强调,近200年来治疗微量营养素缺乏是医学上最大的成就之一。然而,现在将服用这些维生素的用途作为预防性措施的转移,却是没有证据的,而将维生素作为某种承诺为守护整体健康和长寿的保证- 也同样是没有依据的。

Past studies have shown that an excess of minerals and antioxidant supplements actually cause deficiencies in other important minerals such as zinc and iron by preventing the body from naturally absorbing them through food.


And, of course, this isn't the first time researchers have demonstrated there are no real advantages to taking multivitamins and minerals unless you specifically need to: you can read past studies here, here, and here showing that.

当然,这并非第一次研究人员证明,除非特别需要,否则吃维生素和矿物质并没有什么真正的好处。 你可以在以下几处查阅到之前研究的文献。

The bottom line is there is no shortcut to a healthy diet, other than actually having a healthy diet. Take supplements for any micronutrient deficiencies you have on your doctor's recommendation, but if anyone is selling you on the all-encompassing benefits of already easily accessible vitamins, it’s more likely they have a bigger interest in your wallet than your health.


all-encompassing:adj. 包罗万象的; 包括一切的;

"So far, no research on supplements has shown us anything better than healthy servings of less processed plant foods including vegetables, fruits, and nuts," Dr Jenkins said.



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