
(Metro English - 099 - Education -Adolescent Issues & Solutions

 新用户02986T3F 2020-09-17

Education - Adolescent Issues & Solutions(青春期)

雷拉博士著有一本名为“Uncommon Sense for Parents with Teenagers", 我给它的中文译名叫做”家有青少年的父母的非常识“。之所以说是我给它的名称,是因为这本书还没有中文版,我很希望能够有机会翻译这本书,因为我也是家有青春期孩子的父母,我也深深的为我能否成为他们这一时期的良好的伙伴感到担心,所以在不停的学习。当我看到很多父母都在跟自己的孩子发生着问题的时候,就特别感到应该把这本书里的内容分享给他们,非常希望孩子能够在最需要父母的这个时间里,不要发出错误的信号,而作为家长来说,也就是在青春期里,能够为孩子提供更多指导、更多理解的人,如何在这一关键时期,说对的话,做对的事呢?

雷拉博士著有一本名为“Uncommon Sense for Parents with Teenagers", 我给它的中文译名叫做”家有青少年的父母的非常识“。之所以说是我给它的名称,是因为这本书还没有中文版,我很希望能够有机会翻译这本书,因为我也是家有青春期孩子的父母,我也深深的为我能否成为他们这一时期的良好的伙伴感到担心,所以在不停的学习。当我看到很多父母都在跟自己的孩子发生着问题的时候,就特别感到应该把这本书里的内容分享给他们,非常希望孩子能够在最需要父母的这个时间里,不要发出错误的信号,而作为家长来说,也就是在青春期里,能够为孩子提供更多指导、更多理解的人,如何在这一关键时期,说对的话,做对的事呢?

How To Deal With Common Problems Of Adolescence


Adolescence is not an easy time for kids or parents. The only way to deal with needs and problems at this age is to know about them and be ready to face them. Here is our list of the most common problems, and their solutions that adolescents have to deal with.


1. Physical changes 身体上的变化

Physical changes happen due to change in the teenager’s hormone levels.  由于青少年激素水平的变化,身体会发生变化。

  • Development of full breasts in girls can be awkward in the beginning. Girls may start to feel conscious about their figure.  女孩乳房发育一开始可能会很尴尬。女孩们可能开始意识到自己的身材。

  • Change of voice and appearance of facial hair in boys is perhaps the most prominent change that takes place during adolescence.  男孩的声音和面部毛发的变化可能是青春期发生的最显著的变化。

  • Acne is one of the major problems.  痤疮是主要问题之一。

  • Muscle gain sometimes leads to excessive body weight in teens.  增加肌肉的同时,也会导致青少年体重过重。

  • The growth of pubic hair in girls and boys. 男女阴毛的生长。

  • Body odor becomes evident.  体味变得越来越明显。

  • Girls start their periods. 女孩子开始月经期。

Solution 对应方法:

The best way you can do to help your teenager get through the stage is to make them aware of these changes.  帮助你的孩子度过这个阶段最好的方法,就是让他们意识到这些变化。

  • Explain that it is normal for the body to change as every teenager goes through it!  解释一下,每个人都会经历青少年这一时期,身体的变化是正常的!

  • Help them adapt to these changes – acknowledge the change and help them accept it.  帮助他们适应这些变化 — 承认、并接受自己身上的这些变化。

  • Enable them to stay healthy and fit through a nutritious diet and exercise.  通过营养饮食和锻炼,使他们保持身心健康。

2. Emotional changes and problems  情绪变化和问题

Hormones affect your teenager not only physically but also emotionally.  荷尔蒙不仅影响青春期孩子们的身体,还会影响他们的情绪。

  • Adolescence is the age between adulthood and childhood. Teenagers are often confused about their role and are torn between their responsibilities as growing adults and their desires as children.  青春期是介于成人和儿童之间的时期。青少年常常对自己的角色感到困惑,在成年人的责任和希望永远是个孩子的奢望之间,他们摇摆不定。

  • They tend to feel overly emotional (blame it on the hormones). Just about anything and everything can make them happy, excited, mad or angry.  他们往往过度情绪化(都是荷尔蒙惹的祸)。任何事情都能可能让他们高兴、兴奋、愤怒,或生气。

  • Adolescent girls are vulnerable to crying.  少女们很容易哭泣。

  • Mood swings are common among teenage boys and girls.  情绪阴晴不定,在十几岁的男孩和女孩中都很常见。

  • Bodily changes result in self-consciousness.  身体的变化加剧了自我意识。

  • Feelings of inferiority or superiority may arise at this time.  此时可能会产生自卑或优越感。

  • Adolescence is the age when sexual feelings arise in youngsters. Feelings and thoughts about sex can trigger a sense of guilt.  青春期是青少年产生性情感的年龄。关于性的感觉和想法会引发一种内疚感。

Solution 对应方法:

Puberty can be an emotional roller-coaster ride. And it is normal. Here is how you can help your kid deal with these emotional problems of adolescence.  青春期的情绪就好像是过山车,但是这都是正常的。以下是你如何帮助你的孩子处理这些青春期的情绪问题。

  • Assist them to take care of themselves. Tell your teenagers that it is okay to feel the way they are feeling.  帮助他们照顾好自己。告诉你的孩子,他们的感受是正常的。

  • Encourage them to exercise as physical activity helps keep the serotonin (creates good feelings and happiness) levels up.  鼓励他们运动,因为体育活动有助于保持血清素(创造良好的感觉和幸福)水平上升。

  • Let them talk. Listen to them without judging and avoid giving them advice when they are not ready for it.  让他们说,听他们说,不要评判,不要在他们还没有准备好之前,给他们提什么建议。

  • Share your experiences of puberty or let them talk to an older sibling who has gone through the same. It will emphasize that it is okay to feel the way they do.  分享你的青春期经历,或者让他们和有过相同经历的哥哥姐姐们交流一下,这会让他们感觉到他们的感受是正常的。

  • Indulging in a creative activity can help them channelize their emotions.  沉溺于创造性活动,可以帮助他们引导情绪。

hormone 荷尔蒙,激素

awkward  令人尴尬的

acne 痤疮

pubic hair 阴毛

periods  月经

inferiority 自卑

guilt 内疚悔恨

serotonin 血清素

go through 经历,经受

以上就是今天的内容。欢迎继续关注Metro English。

六月份,Metro English的主题是Art-Famous Paintings,我们将跟大家分享20幅世界名画,通过六月份的学习,你会了解世界上最负盛名的这些画作的英文名称,画家的名字,画作的年代,背景故事,以及相关的趣闻等等。希望通过六月份,你不仅可以和英语继续保持亲密接触,还可以穿越时空,在作品中,与大师们进行更多的交流。最重要的是,这些你都可以大声用英语说出来。

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