

 新用户02986T3F 2020-09-17

32 Things Introverts Wish You Knew


By Sophia Dembling︱June 5, 2019


Never too proud to let others do my work for me, I asked introverts on my Facebook page what one thing they wish the world understood about their introversion. They had plenty to say, sometimes with multiple exclamation points, which is the introvert version of a primal scream. Which of these ring a bell for you? What would you add?


introverts: 内向的人,不喜欢与人交往的人

·  I need time to think (and sometimes overthink) things we just talked about before I can give an answer. I don’t do well off the top of my head.  在我给出答案之前,我需要时间思考(有时是过度思考)我们刚刚谈论的事情。不假思索的话,我是做不好的 

·   That every moment does not have to be filled with chatter.  不必每时每刻都说个不停。 

·  Not wishing to talk on the phone is not rude, a character flaw or a psychological problem.  不想在电话里聊并非出于无理、或性格缺陷,或有心理问题。


·    Introverts are not lonely.   内向的人并非孤独的人。 

·    I don't need to be fixed. 我不需要让人帮助。

·    Silence doesn’t equate to being antisocial.  沉默并不等于不合群。

·    That we NEED alone time to recharge. It’s nothing personal if I go off to be by myself.  我们需要用独处的时间来充电。如果我想一个人呆着,并不是针对谁。 

·    Too many people in one room is draining.  I can do it, but I need a nap after!! 一个房间里人太多让人身心疲惫。我能做到,但之后我需要休息一下!! 


·     Introversion is not the same as shyness. 内向和害羞是不同的。 

·    I HATE the phone, please don't call, it's very intrusive. Send a f#$%ing text instead (or, even better, an email!).  If you really need to talk on the phone, we need a ''date''. 我最讨厌电话,请不要打电话,这很烦人。改发短信吧(或者,更好的是,发送电子邮件!)如果你真的需要打电话,我们得“提前说好时间”。 

·     If I'm talking or telling a story, my pauses are not an invitation for you to talk. 如果我在说话或讲故事,我的停顿并不代表是在邀请你说话。

·     Don’t take it personally when I don’t want to talk.  当我不想说话的时候,并不是因为你。 

·     I hate networking and play-acting scenarios at workshops. Extroverts invented them and revel in them.  我讨厌在工作单位和人搞关系并装腔作势。是那些外向的人发明了它们,并陶醉于其中。 


·   “No, I’m not mad. This IS my happy face.” “不,我没有生气。这就是我的笑脸。” 

·     I don’t need to be more social to be a better part of the team.  我不需要更多的社交才能成为团队中更好的一员。 

·     I haven't been waiting to "come out of my shell".  我可没有等待着“从我的壳里走出去”呢。 

·    Surprises and cliff hangers are the worst. Tell me what's going on, tell me the most important parts, and give me time to absorb and process.  惊喜和悬念我都不喜欢。告诉我发生了什么,告诉我最关键的部分,给我时间去消化和处理。 

cliff hanger:悬念

·   Just because I value my time alone does not mean that I don’t also value my time with you.  我珍惜自己独处的时间,但这并不意味着我不珍惜和你在一起的时间。 

·     That we aren't always mad. 我们并不总是生气。 

·     To ask before inviting others to join the two of you. 在邀请其他人加入你俩之前,应该先问一下。 

·     Not to take it personally.  别总以为这是在说你。

·     Even though my child may not be charismatic & involved in all types of school activities/sports like your child....that does not mean my child is not just as special as yours.  尽管我的孩子可能不像你的孩子那样有魅力、去参与各种学校活动/体育活动……但这并不意味着我的孩子不像你的孩子那么特别。 

·     That I like people, just in small groups or one on one.  我喜欢和别人在一起,只不过是一小组人,或一对一。

·     That we don’t need to be changed into extroverts!  我们不需要变得外向! 

·      Being quiet doesn't mean we don't know what's going on!  沉默,并不意味着我们不知道发生了什么! 

·     That we know what’s best for ourselves.  我们知道,什么对自己是最好的。 

·      That sometimes (many times?) I’m my own best company. 有时候(很多时候)我才是我自己最好的伙伴。

·      We are happier than we appear. 我们比看上去更快乐。 

·      Written communication is so much easier for us than talking! And it's not us being too detailed or too formal or too technical or too polite or too intense: it's us finally being able to express ourselves fully! 书面交流对我们来说比谈话容易得多!不是我们太讲细节、太正式、太技术、太客气、太紧张,而是我们最终,能够用这样的方式充分的表达自己! 

·    Don’t talk to me at breakfast!! I have a whole night of thoughts to process! 早餐时,别跟我说话!!经过一夜,我有太多的思绪要理清! 

·  That roughly 50% of the population is made up of introverts. Introversion is very common. 大约有50%的人是内向的。内向者是很常见的。 

·    That we just get tired and need to recover, we’re not all lame and antisocial!  我们只是累了,需要恢复,我们并不都是很差劲,或不合群的! 

翻译:Ray ︱校对:Sally





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