
The differences of the plastic surgery in China & South Korea(2)

 竞石频道 2020-09-24

The Third Story

When I was inKorea, I talked to a very famous and respected surgeon who has over20-year-experience in breast implants and his own hospital.

I said, “Ifwe can join hands, I hope you can send your nephew to China.”

His nephew isa young plastic surgeon who has gone on a field trip to the respected surgeon’sclinics for several years.

He wasconfused, “Why him? Not me? I am much better and my skill levels are muchhigher than my nephew! He is my apprentice.” 

I didn’t sayanything phony, instead, I told him the reason directly, “We are runningbusiness, we car about the cost, you worth much more than your nephew. We haveto pay much more for you than him.” 

Apparently,he was very proud, “True! I am that kind of person who wants everything to beperfect so believe me, my technique and skill worth my salary.”

I nodded,“Off course I believe that but you may not know that in China, customers who dobraes-enlarging operation care pretty less, they just want a pair of voluptuousand upright breasts. Instead of focusing on details, they care more about thesafety and privacy. Although your nephew is not as good as you, he is able tomeet the needs of 80% of our customers, which is enough for us.”

He thoughtthis was unbelievable and shake his heads, “How can a plastic surgeon youngerthan 40 years old do perfect operations without tons of practices andtraining?”

The oldKorean surgeons may never understand that in China, for the customers pursuingbreast augmentation surgery, the first demand is “safety”, then technique.

Incomparison, they don’t give the surgeons too much pressure on the details ofthe operations and technique.

Therefore,when most of the customers don’t require high technique, Chinese investorsalways choose to save some cost — to hire younger and “cheaper” surgeons fromKorea. That doesn’t mean that Chinese plastic surgery hospitals don’t want tointroduce new and high quality technique. That just means the market’s choice.

In China,most customers just ask for a better body or a more beautiful face when they doplastic surgery operations, they don't usually ask for a specific level of theoperation or a perfect body and face. Take a step back, as nonprofessional people,the customers don’t really understand the differences between different levelsof operations so they are not able to require or compare. 

As for thefact that Chinese customers trust Korean surgeons more than Chinese ones, theyjust believe that “Korean plastic surgeons are better!”. If you ask them whythey think the Korean ones are better, they have no idea. Most of them haveabsolutely no idea the little differences in techniques but they see the hugedifferences between different levels of operations.   


Recently, theyoung generation of Chinese has been affected by Korean culture a lot, at thesame time, Chinese culture is influencing Korea greatly.

The youngergeneration of Korean plastic surgeons are not that stubborn and persistent asthe elder generation. They learnt how to be more flexible, learnt how to reacha compromise, learnt how to fit in Chinese market. That is why more and moreKorean surgeons coming to China to work. 

However,these flexibilities cause the fact that many Korean plastic surgery hospitalsdon’t care about the accuracy and level of technique as before, which leads toa result — the overall level of the technique of the Korean plastic surgeonsare dropping. There are more and more Korean plastic surgeons who haven’tpracticed enough. That is why there are more and more Chinese customers failingin getting a more beautiful body in Korea, too.

Take a stepback, in China, “high quality and reasonable price” is what most thecustomers’s only pursue and this idea has been here millions of years.

Therefore, inorder to satisfy the customers, the market has to come up with all kinds ofplans. Some of the plans are good, but others may be harmful for the market inlong term, especially for industry that require high accuracy of technique suchas plastic surgery industry.

In the firststory, if Chinese plastic surgeons want to be like Korean ones who can combinethe two subjects perfectly, they need be taught, inspected and tested byMinistry of Health, Ministry of Education and specific medical universities andmedical colleges. However, we don't have that kind of system here now and itwould be really hard for the government and the society to make a whole neweducation system for plastic surgery industry. Although it is very necessary,it is really difficult to make it come true.

In the secondstory, if Chinese customers are really willing to understand that “high qualityand reasonable price” don’t exit in very industry, to respect the particularityof plastic surgery industry, to pay “high price” to join “high quality”service, Chinese plastic surgeons can do as well as Korean in the future.

The thirdstory tells the same thing. The quality of the service depends on the market.If customers always want the cheap ones, then the high quality would losebecause their value can’t be respected. 

As for theexpectation for the healthy future of Chinese plastic surgery industry, Ibelieve that the improvement in the related policy, the innovation on educationsystem and the development of supervision are all the necessary keys because weneed the customers, the surgeons and the managers of the companies in thisindustry to make effort together to bring this industry a better future,instead of only caring about their own profit selfishly. 

Only when thecustomers are willing to pay higher for better service, would the surgeonsimprove their skills and technique to provide better service, would themanagers give high salary to the excellent surgeons to keep the profitincreasing, would the sutlers be more satisfied … Therefore, this good circlecan make the goal — the omnibearing improvement achieved so that Chines plasticsurgery market would develop better and better in a healthy way.


(Please not the original while shring -- New Medical Channeland the author Rock Huang)

“新医频道”:为新兴医疗发声。 什么是“新兴医疗”?“新兴医疗”包括民营医疗、上市公司医疗、社会资金医疗,以及转制后的非公办医疗等。我们相信,在中国未来的医疗体系和社会保健方面,“新兴医疗”将承担着越来越重要的角色。 


主编:黄石头  副主编:十雨

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