

 Braveheart360 2020-09-24


1 feel

Surveys suggest that firms plan to trim recruitment further. Most of the pain will be felt by part-time and casual workers, who make up 38% of the workforce and are easier to sack.


讲解be felt by的字面意思是“被...感受到”,实际上表示的是影响到,相当于affect。其中feel表示to be affected by something,包含被动的意思。feel的动作主语一般为人或与人相关的其他主体,宾语为表示影响的词,如impact/effect/benefit/repercussionfeel一词用于主动被动均可以
如People/Companies should feel the benefits of the tax cuts by next month.人们/企业下个月就会受到减税对他们带来的好处 | The impact of an economic depression will be felt keenly by workers at the bottom of the social ladder.经济萧条会对社会底层的工作者产生强烈的影响
  • trimcut属于同义词,在写作中可以用来替代reduce。

  • recruitment招聘。动词用hire/recruit

  • part-time worker兼职工。也可以说是part-timer。同理,全职工就是full-time worker/full-timercasual worker临时工。

  • the workforce劳动力市场。相当于the labour force/the labour market

  • sack辞退。主要用于口语等非正式语境中,写作中勿用。写作中可以用dismiss/fire

2 a reminder that

But the recent collapse in oil prices is a reminder that it is risky to depend on a single source of revenue. And in the long run the global trend is towards cleaner energy sources.


讲解reminder来源于动词remind。(be)a reminder that就相当于双宾结构remind people that,好处在于省略了不必要的人称people。另一个区别在于,a reminder that和remind people that中的that引导的分别是同位语从句和宾语从句,不过本质上均为名词从句


1)Frequent occurrences/reports of domestic abuse/violence are a reminder that stricter laws should be enacted to deter potential offenders.

如果后面接的是名词成分,而非句子的话,则变成a reminder of sth。上面一句话可以改为:

2)Frequent occurrences/reports of domestic abuse/violence are a reminder of the necessity of enacting stricter laws to deter potential offenders.


clean(er) energy sources (更)清洁的能源。可以用在环保话题中,与renewable energy sources/renewables(可再生能源)进行同义替换。也可以将sources去掉,此时就变成了不可数名词clean(er) energy/renewable energy
The (social/global...) trend is towards...有着向...发展的趋势。其中,towards是与trend搭配,将这句话变成名词成分:trend towards...发展的趋势。如Lately there has been a trend towards hiring younger, cheaper employees.
3 A is one thing/B is another.
Physical distance from colleagues is one thing. The potential for germs to be spread via communal items and surfaces is another.
讲解:这个句型的意思基本上就是字面意思:A是一回事,而B是另一回事。这是意思,接下来我们来分析一下逻辑。与on the one hand/on the other hand不同的是,这个句型引导的是两个同向的论点,而非相反的论点。就上面这句话而言,我们可以发现,“与同事保持距离”和“细菌传播”都是疫情对工作造成的负面影响,属于同向论点。区别在于,B的严重性或者说程度要高于A
这句话当中有一个细节:第二句中表示细菌的传播,用了被动:for germs to be spread,而不是for germs to spread。两者在语法上都是正确的,这里使用了被动,是为了突出“人为传播”这层意思,符号这句话的语境。


It is one thing to.../It is another thing to...
即:It is one thing to practice physical distancing in the workplace/keep a physical distance from colleagues.(But)It is another thing to spread germs via communal items and surfaces.
这个句型的英文释义为used to say that doing one thing is very different from doing another thing, especially where the second thing is more difficult, important, or serious.后者通常比前者更困难、更重要或更严重,也就是程度更大。上面这个例子对应的就是more serious。


It is one thing to bear rules in mind, yet it is another (thing) to actually obey them.


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