

 英语语法学习 2020-10-09

The winner of this year’s Nobel prize ineconomics, Richard Thaler of the University of Chicago, is a controversial choice. Thaler is known for his lifelong pursuit of behavioural economics (and its subfield, behavioural finance), which is the study of economics (and finance) from a psychological perspective. For some in the profession, the idea that psychological research should even be part of economics has generated hostility for years. 

今年的诺贝尔经济学奖获得者是芝加哥大学的理查德·塞勒(Richard Thaler),这是一个有争议的选择。查德·塞勒(RichardThaler)因为终生追求行为经济学(是经济学的分支,行为金融学)而出名,这是一门研究心理学角度下的经济学(金融学)。对一些专业人士来说,这种心理学研究甚至会成为经济学的一部分的想法,多年来产生敌意。


例句:But not from a top-downi nstitutional perspective, rather from the perspective of a refugee. 【TED 演讲】


Not from me. I find it wonderful that the Nobel Foundation chose Thaler. The economics Nobel has already been awarded to a number of people who can be classified as behavioural economists, including George Akerlof, Robert Fogel, Daniel Kahneman, Elinor Ostrom, and me. With the addition of Thaler, we now account for approximately 6% of all Nobel economics prizes ever awarded. 


But many in economics and finance still believe that the best way to describe human behaviour is to eschew psychology and instead model human behaviour as mathematical optimisation by separate and relentlessly selfish individuals, subject to budget constraints.



例句:Zoher Kapu is vice president of global optimization and data for eBay,the online market place. 【VOA Special】

Zoher Kapu是著名的网上平台eBay网的全局优化和数据副总裁。

Of course, not all economists, or even amajority, are wedded to this view, as evidenced by the fact that both Thalerand I have been elected president, in successive years, of the American Economic Association, the main professional body for economists in the United States. But many of our colleagues unquestionably are.

当然,不是所有的经济学家,或者甚至于大多数经济学家,赞同这一观点,事实证明,泰勒和我连续几年当选美国经济学会(the American Economic Association)的主席,该学会是美国经济学家的主要专业机构。但我们的许多同事并没有当选为美国经济学会的主席。

unquestionably [ʌn'kwestʃənəblɪ] 毫无疑问地,确凿地

例句:The way the DSM classifies those who unquestionably are illis also under attack. 【经济学人】



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